我的退休生活 The Joy of Retirement

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我的退休生活 The Joy of Retirement

Most people say retirement is wonderful, the best thing I ever did in my life. Im busier now than when I was working. Well, guess what? It isnt so! 大多数人都说,退休生活好极了,是他们一生中做过的最棒的事情。退休了比工作时更忙。猜猜怎么着?其实并不然!

Granted my retirement didnt begin as a clearly defined plan. Mine was more spontaneous. I left work on Friday and on the next Tuesday I started using my sick leave to the end of my work year. This was an opportunity to find out if retirement was what I wanted to do and also to exit a difficult situation gracefully. 我承认自己的退休生活并不是按着明确计划开始的,而是更随性而行。我周五离开工作岗位,接着的周二我就开始请病假,直至正式退休的日子到来。这段时间是个好机会,让我好好琢磨自己到底是否想退休,同时也能从一个困境中优雅地全身而退。

Initially there was euphoria of WOW! This isnt bad! That lasted about two weeks. Then I decided, Well, I should be doing something productive. So, I cleaned house, sorted through drawers, gave away unwanted furniture, knickknacks and clothing. Another two weeks. Reality began to set in. 起初,一切都很愉快哇啊!这还不错呀!但这只持续了大约两个星期。然后我决定:嗯,我应该做一些有建设性的事情。于是我开始打扫房屋,整理抽屉,丢掉不需要的家具、杂物和衣物。又这样过了两个星期。现实开始浮现。

Here I am, a middle aged, single woman, in a 2,000 square foot house. My job is gone, my life is changing at the speed of light and the retirement plan hasnt shown up. Everyone told me, articles described, I envisioned a planned retirement. Wait, Im supposed to plan it? I think I missed that part or maybe it was just the financial part that was supposed to be plannedIm not sure. 我是一个中年的单身女人,住在一间两千平方英尺大的屋子里。我的工作没了,生活正以光速改变着,而退休计划还没有踪影。每个人都对我说,文章里也曾经描述过,我会迎来一个有计划的退休生活。等等,我应该有所计划?我想我大概是忘了这一点,也许只是财政这方面需要好好计划而已我也不太确定。

Alone, lonely, and no plan. This is awful! I hate it! By the third month, I was sinking into a depression that threatened my health and sanity. I began to cry buckets of tears as my friends and acquaintances told me how lucky I was. I wasnt feeling lucky. I was feeling desperate. My sick leave was draining away so I started making the hard decisions. 孤单,寂寞,又没有计划。这太糟了!我讨厌这种状态!到了第三个月,我逐渐陷入抑郁,健康和精神状态面临严重挑战。当朋友和熟人说我多么幸运时,我总会大哭起来。我并不认为自己有多幸运。我感到绝望至极。我的病假快要休完了,于是我开始做出艰难的决定。

First, I filed retirement papers and made it official. In one case, I was retired in 15 minutes thanks to my paperwork organizational skills. I hyperventilated for 30 minutes with shock. The other situation took 45 minutes; thank goodness, I had time to breathe. Second, I took stock of a guaranteed income for life finding I could at least pay bills and buy groceries. 首先,我提交了报告,正式申请退休。有一次,我只花了15分钟就真正退休了多亏了我的文书组织能力。接下来的30分钟我因为震惊不已而不断喘着粗气。还有一次花了我45分钟;谢天谢地,我终于可以喘一口气了。接下来,我估量了自己固定的生活保障收入,发现我至少能支付各种账单和购买日用品。

By month four I knew that I was bored, didnt have enough hobbies, and so far hated retirement. And I was even more alone, lonely, and isolated. Id taken a few trips, some alone, others with family, even tried a casual relationship. Nothing was working so far. 到第四个月,我知道自己开始感到厌烦了,我没有足够的兴趣爱好,到当时为止依然讨厌退休。我觉得更加孤单、寂寞和离群索居。我外出旅行过几次,有时独身一人前往,有时跟家人一起去,甚至还尝试随便拍拍拖。然而,一切都没啥效果。

So, I sat down and listed the positives and negatives of my life and found I had far more positives than negatives. An old friend told me years ago during a time of decline in my life to hitch up my girdle and stop feeling sorry for myself. Good idea! 于是,我坐下来,列出生活中的积极面和消极面,发现积极面远超过消极面。多年前当我处于一次人生低潮期时,一位老朋友曾劝诫我抬头挺胸,别再怨天尤人。好主意!

I got a part-time job, one that uses my skills and allows me to travel. Im visiting places I havent seen for many years and ones Ive never been to before. Im learning to turn the loneliest days of the week into busy ones of housekeeping and laundry; to shop in the middle of the week, and visit my not yet retired friends during their lunch hours. Im also taking a deep look at what I want for the rest of my life and starting to branch out and discover new opportunities. 我找了一份兼职,既可以运用我的技能又能让我到处旅游。我现在可以去那些很多年来没能再去的地方,以及一些从未去过的地方。我学会将一星期中最孤独的几天转变成打扫和洗衣服的忙碌日子;每周中间的日子去购物,在午饭时间探望我那些还未退休的朋友。我更深远的去思索自己余下的人生最想要的是什么,也开始向外拓展,发掘新的机遇。

Nine months into retirement, I know I have to continue creating the plan. Im getting to understand that I need a strong spiritual life to guide my thoughts and lead me. I know I need friendship and companionship to maintain my emotional and physical health and a means of helping my community. Retirement is getting better and ultimately I do believe that I will find it wonderful, the best thing Ive ever done, and busy in a satisfying way. 退休九个月了,我知道我必须继续谱写我的退休计划。我逐渐明白到,我需要一种强大的精神生活来指导我的思想,带领我向前。我知道我需要友谊和陪伴来保持身心健康,也需要借助某种途径回报社区。退休生活渐渐好转起来,最终我确信,我会发现退休生活好极了,是我一生中做过的最棒的事情,忙并快乐着。

Most people say retirement is wonderful, the best thing I ever did in my life. Im busier now than when I was working. Well, guess what? It isnt so! 大多数人都说,退休生活好极了,是他们一生中做过的最棒的事情。退休了比工作时更忙。猜猜怎么着?其实并不然!

Granted my retirement didnt begin as a clearly defined plan. Mine was more spontaneous. I left work on Friday and on the next Tuesday I started using my sick leave to the end of my work year. This was an opportunity to find out if retirement was what I wanted to do and also to exit a difficult situation gracefully. 我承认自己的退休生活并不是按着明确计划开始的,而是更随性而行。我周五离开工作岗位,接着的周二我就开始请病假,直至正式退休的日子到来。这段时间是个好机会,让我好好琢磨自己到底是否想退休,同时也能从一个困境中优雅地全身而退。

Initially there was euphoria of WOW! This isnt bad! That lasted about two weeks. Then I decided, Well, I should be doing something productive. So, I cleaned house, sorted through drawers, gave away unwanted furniture, knickknacks and clothing. Another two weeks. Reality began to set in. 起初,一切都很愉快哇啊!这还不错呀!但这只持续了大约两个星期。然后我决定:嗯,我应该做一些有建设性的事情。于是我开始打扫房屋,整理抽屉,丢掉不需要的家具、杂物和衣物。又这样过了两个星期。现实开始浮现。

Here I am, a middle aged, single woman, in a 2,000 square foot house. My job is gone, my life is changing at the speed of light and the retirement plan hasnt shown up. Everyone told me, articles described, I envisioned a planned retirement. Wait, Im supposed to plan it? I think I missed that part or maybe it was just the financial part that was supposed to be plannedIm not sure. 我是一个中年的单身女人,住在一间两千平方英尺大的屋子里。我的工作没了,生活正以光速改变着,而退休计划还没有踪影。每个人都对我说,文章里也曾经描述过,我会迎来一个有计划的退休生活。等等,我应该有所计划?我想我大概是忘了这一点,也许只是财政这方面需要好好计划而已我也不太确定。

Alone, lonely, and no plan. This is awful! I hate it! By the third month, I was sinking into a depression that threatened my health and sanity. I began to cry buckets of tears as my friends and acquaintances told me how lucky I was. I wasnt feeling lucky. I was feeling desperate. My sick leave was draining away so I started making the hard decisions. 孤单,寂寞,又没有计划。这太糟了!我讨厌这种状态!到了第三个月,我逐渐陷入抑郁,健康和精神状态面临严重挑战。当朋友和熟人说我多么幸运时,我总会大哭起来。我并不认为自己有多幸运。我感到绝望至极。我的病假快要休完了,于是我开始做出艰难的决定。

First, I filed retirement papers and made it official. In one case, I was retired in 15 minutes thanks to my paperwork organizational skills. I hyperventilated for 30 minutes with shock. The other situation took 45 minutes; thank goodness, I had time to breathe. Second, I took stock of a guaranteed income for life finding I could at least pay bills and buy groceries. 首先,我提交了报告,正式申请退休。有一次,我只花了15分钟就真正退休了多亏了我的文书组织能力。接下来的30分钟我因为震惊不已而不断喘着粗气。还有一次花了我45分钟;谢天谢地,我终于可以喘一口气了。接下来,我估量了自己固定的生活保障收入,发现我至少能支付各种账单和购买日用品。

By month four I knew that I was bored, didnt have enough hobbies, and so far hated retirement. And I was even more alone, lonely, and isolated. Id taken a few trips, some alone, others with family, even tried a casual relationship. Nothing was working so far. 到第四个月,我知道自己开始感到厌烦了,我没有足够的兴趣爱好,到当时为止依然讨厌退休。我觉得更加孤单、寂寞和离群索居。我外出旅行过几次,有时独身一人前往,有时跟家人一起去,甚至还尝试随便拍拍拖。然而,一切都没啥效果。

So, I sat down and listed the positives and negatives of my life and found I had far more positives than negatives. An old friend told me years ago during a time of decline in my life to hitch up my girdle and stop feeling sorry for myself. Good idea! 于是,我坐下来,列出生活中的积极面和消极面,发现积极面远超过消极面。多年前当我处于一次人生低潮期时,一位老朋友曾劝诫我抬头挺胸,别再怨天尤人。好主意!

I got a part-time job, one that uses my skills and allows me to travel. Im visiting places I havent seen for many years and ones Ive never been to before. Im learning to turn the loneliest days of the week into busy ones of housekeeping and laundry; to shop in the middle of the week, and visit my not yet retired friends during their lunch hours. Im also taking a deep look at what I want for the rest of my life and starting to branch out and discover new opportunities. 我找了一份兼职,既可以运用我的技能又能让我到处旅游。我现在可以去那些很多年来没能再去的地方,以及一些从未去过的地方。我学会将一星期中最孤独的几天转变成打扫和洗衣服的忙碌日子;每周中间的日子去购物,在午饭时间探望我那些还未退休的朋友。我更深远的去思索自己余下的人生最想要的是什么,也开始向外拓展,发掘新的机遇。

Nine months into retirement, I know I have to continue creating the plan. Im getting to understand that I need a strong spiritual life to guide my thoughts and lead me. I know I need friendship and companionship to maintain my emotional and physical health and a means of helping my community. Retirement is getting better and ultimately I do believe that I will find it wonderful, the best thing Ive ever done, and busy in a satisfying way. 退休九个月了,我知道我必须继续谱写我的退休计划。我逐渐明白到,我需要一种强大的精神生活来指导我的思想,带领我向前。我知道我需要友谊和陪伴来保持身心健康,也需要借助某种途径回报社区。退休生活渐渐好转起来,最终我确信,我会发现退休生活好极了,是我一生中做过的最棒的事情,忙并快乐着。

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