体坛英语资讯:Hosts hopes up in the air at World Cup

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体坛英语资讯:Hosts hopes up in the air at World Cup

WUHAN: China's head coach is crossing her fingers Brazil dishes out the same treatment to Denmark during the last group match of the Women's World Cup after the formiddable South Americans thumpd the home side 4-0 on Friday.

China's Swedish coach Marika Domanski-Lyfors and the players show disappointment after a 4-0 drubbing by mighty Brazil on Saturday, September 15, 2007. [Xinhua]The Brazilians are three competition points clear of both Denmark and their latest victim China and possess a far superior for-and-against goal scoring record - nine compared to the Danes' one and China's minus three - meaning they are all but assured of progressing to the quarters.

China's coach, Marika Domanski-Lyfors, is hopeful her charges can now beat New Zealand by a large margin and the South Americans do the same to the Danes.

"Brazil has very good position in the group with six points while China and Denmark have three points each," the Swedish mentor said.

"I hope Brazil will be professional and play the best game and field the best team against Denmark."

China might fall short of qualification even if it wins its final pool match against New Zealand.

"If Brazil lost the match to Denmark, it would be very, very difficult for us as we have to score many, many goals against New Zealand."

Local media have speculated that Brazil would not field its best players for the side's third match.

But Brazil has dismissed suggestions it would treat Denmark lightly.

"Brazilians have always been playing the best games," said Jorge Barcelos.

"Yes, we have six points but we will still try to do the best in our third match against Denmark.

"Wining every match is very important for us to gain confidence, because we are coming here to win the World Cup. We have to be 100 percent ready at any time."

Even if the fancied Brazilians lose to Denmark by one or two goals, they will most likely still finish top of the group.

China, on the other hand, will have to overpower the Kiwis by at least five goals if Brazil loses by just one.

Domanksi-Lyfors expressed her disappointment at China's failure to score one or more goals against Brazil.

"We tried to go for a win in this game and I think we did a very good first half," she said. "We should have scored two goals but we did not. We made a mistake and lost a goal in the last minute of the first half and that was crucial.

"Now firstly we have to beat New Zealand and score as many goals as possible and then we have to hope Brazil will beat Denmark."

International star Marta was instrumental in Brazil's win against China scoring two superb goals and setting up another two for teammates.

But Domanski-Lyfors refused to accept her players should have doubled up on Marta in defense.

"Brazil is a better team," she said.

"They are ranked higher than China and they have better individuals than China. They not only have Marta, they have many small "Martas".

After another goalless performance from China's attacking combination Ma Xiaoxu and Han Duan, the Swedish coach said she longed for her own Marta.

"I am sure Ma will improve a lot, but Marta is exceptional and the best player in the world.

"Marta not only has good technique, she also has the ability to change speed. I hope China will have someone like Marta."

Despite China's fate now lying in the lap of the gods, Domanski-Lyfors remains upbeat.

"To lose the match to the best team is not the end of the world," she said.

"We will try to win the third match and two wins in a group competition will give a bigger chance to advance.

"It is a tough way to make it into semis but we still have the confidence."

Despite an even taller order in front of him, New Zealand's coach says his side will advance along with the Brazilians.

"Brazil and New Zealand will be the two teams to qualify into the next round," John Herdman declared.

"We still have a chance.

"If we defeat China and Brazil defeat Denmark in the last round of the group match, we have a chance.

"China has the quality and they showed the quality during the match against Denmark. But we will cause problems for China in the next match.

"We will have more research of what the Chinese are doing and how they do it.

"It's gonna be a tough game."

Moller sanctioned

Danish head coach Kenneth Heiner-Moller was suspended on Saturday by FIFA's Disciplinary Committee for unsporting behavior towards a match official at the end of the China-Denmark fixture on September 12.

He was initially banned for four matches but under article 33 of FIFA's Disciplinary Code, Heiner-Moller must serve just two matches, Saturday's 2-0 win against New Zealand and the final group match against Brazil.

"I think I cannot recall the situation that FIFA referred to," Moller said after his side's victory on Saturday.

"I am sad, but right now I will not think too much of the sanction. I am just happy we win the match.

Moller and his team have been in the spotlight for poor behavior toward the Chinese coach and match official, as well as allegations they made that a "spy" had secretly recorded one of the Danes' closed-door training sessions.

Team officials told police that one of their "tactical" meetings in Wuhan Hotel was secretly taped and an investigation began on Thursday.

"We have reached the Danish FA," spokeswoman Pia Schou Nielson said.

"Because the tournament is still running, but after that we will go to FIFA."

"We have already spoken with the administration at home and we will try to get in touch because we are very stressed.

"We will also try to talk to the police and hopefully we will get answers."

WUHAN: China's head coach is crossing her fingers Brazil dishes out the same treatment to Denmark during the last group match of the Women's World Cup after the formiddable South Americans thumpd the home side 4-0 on Friday.

China's Swedish coach Marika Domanski-Lyfors and the players show disappointment after a 4-0 drubbing by mighty Brazil on Saturday, September 15, 2007. [Xinhua]The Brazilians are three competition points clear of both Denmark and their latest victim China and possess a far superior for-and-against goal scoring record - nine compared to the Danes' one and China's minus three - meaning they are all but assured of progressing to the quarters.

China's coach, Marika Domanski-Lyfors, is hopeful her charges can now beat New Zealand by a large margin and the South Americans do the same to the Danes.

"Brazil has very good position in the group with six points while China and Denmark have three points each," the Swedish mentor said.

"I hope Brazil will be professional and play the best game and field the best team against Denmark."

China might fall short of qualification even if it wins its final pool match against New Zealand.

"If Brazil lost the match to Denmark, it would be very, very difficult for us as we have to score many, many goals against New Zealand."

Local media have speculated that Brazil would not field its best players for the side's third match.

But Brazil has dismissed suggestions it would treat Denmark lightly.

"Brazilians have always been playing the best games," said Jorge Barcelos.

"Yes, we have six points but we will still try to do the best in our third match against Denmark.

"Wining every match is very important for us to gain confidence, because we are coming here to win the World Cup. We have to be 100 percent ready at any time."

Even if the fancied Brazilians lose to Denmark by one or two goals, they will most likely still finish top of the group.

China, on the other hand, will have to overpower the Kiwis by at least five goals if Brazil loses by just one.

Domanksi-Lyfors expressed her disappointment at China's failure to score one or more goals against Brazil.

"We tried to go for a win in this game and I think we did a very good first half," she said. "We should have scored two goals but we did not. We made a mistake and lost a goal in the last minute of the first half and that was crucial.

"Now firstly we have to beat New Zealand and score as many goals as possible and then we have to hope Brazil will beat Denmark."

International star Marta was instrumental in Brazil's win against China scoring two superb goals and setting up another two for teammates.

But Domanski-Lyfors refused to accept her players should have doubled up on Marta in defense.

"Brazil is a better team," she said.

"They are ranked higher than China and they have better individuals than China. They not only have Marta, they have many small "Martas".

After another goalless performance from China's attacking combination Ma Xiaoxu and Han Duan, the Swedish coach said she longed for her own Marta.

"I am sure Ma will improve a lot, but Marta is exceptional and the best player in the world.

"Marta not only has good technique, she also has the ability to change speed. I hope China will have someone like Marta."

Despite China's fate now lying in the lap of the gods, Domanski-Lyfors remains upbeat.

"To lose the match to the best team is not the end of the world," she said.

"We will try to win the third match and two wins in a group competition will give a bigger chance to advance.

"It is a tough way to make it into semis but we still have the confidence."

Despite an even taller order in front of him, New Zealand's coach says his side will advance along with the Brazilians.

"Brazil and New Zealand will be the two teams to qualify into the next round," John Herdman declared.

"We still have a chance.

"If we defeat China and Brazil defeat Denmark in the last round of the group match, we have a chance.

"China has the quality and they showed the quality during the match against Denmark. But we will cause problems for China in the next match.

"We will have more research of what the Chinese are doing and how they do it.

"It's gonna be a tough game."

Moller sanctioned

Danish head coach Kenneth Heiner-Moller was suspended on Saturday by FIFA's Disciplinary Committee for unsporting behavior towards a match official at the end of the China-Denmark fixture on September 12.

He was initially banned for four matches but under article 33 of FIFA's Disciplinary Code, Heiner-Moller must serve just two matches, Saturday's 2-0 win against New Zealand and the final group match against Brazil.

"I think I cannot recall the situation that FIFA referred to," Moller said after his side's victory on Saturday.

"I am sad, but right now I will not think too much of the sanction. I am just happy we win the match.

Moller and his team have been in the spotlight for poor behavior toward the Chinese coach and match official, as well as allegations they made that a "spy" had secretly recorded one of the Danes' closed-door training sessions.

Team officials told police that one of their "tactical" meetings in Wuhan Hotel was secretly taped and an investigation began on Thursday.

"We have reached the Danish FA," spokeswoman Pia Schou Nielson said.

"Because the tournament is still running, but after that we will go to FIFA."

"We have already spoken with the administration at home and we will try to get in touch because we are very stressed.

"We will also try to talk to the police and hopefully we will get answers."

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