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  特别的日子为很在意的人准备了一份礼物,可是那个日子越临近,你就越担心选的礼物不够好、怕对方不喜欢,然后又开始搜寻购买其他你认为对方可能会喜欢的礼物。这种状态就叫gift creep。


  It doesn’t matter how much we plan ahead and shop early when it comes to Christmas, we can't resist picking up presents right up until the last minute.


  According to the latest survey, we undo all our good work as Christmas draws closer, worrying that our original, carefully planned, gift choices might not cut the mustard.


  The behavior has been termed ‘gift creep’, and if find yourself doing any of the following, you’re probably a sufferer:

  上述这种行为被称为gift creep(礼物累加),如果你发现自己有以下症状,说明你就是“礼物累加”心理的受害者之一:

   You’ve finished your Christmas shopping but still buy little ‘extras’ every time you go out. You worry someone won’t like what you’ve bought them, so you add another gift (like some luxury chocolates) on top to soften the effect.

   你的圣诞采购已经结束,但你每次出去还是会买一些额外的小东西。你担心某人会不喜欢你已经买好的礼物,所以你又加了一个礼物(比如高档巧克力)来增加礼物的吸引力。

   Before someone visits at Christmas you look around the house to see if there’s anything else you could give them.

   圣诞节有朋友来访之前,你会环顾一下家里,看还有没有什么别的礼物可以送他们。

   After wrapping all your gifts you feel anxious that the size and number of parcels looks a bit on the small side.

   把所有礼物都包装好以后,你担心礼物的大小和数量都不够大。

   You tot up how much you’ve spent on people and try to even up the numbers so as not to appear stingy.

   你会计算购买礼物花钱的总数,然后尽量按金额平均分配礼物,以免让自己显得小气。

   You buy a gift for someone, forgetting you've already bought them something, and end up giving them both anyway.

   你之前已经给某人买了礼物,后来又忘记你已经买了,最后送了人家两件礼物。

  The solution? Stay focused and ignore the last-minute hype. Chances are you chose the original presents in good faith and the recipient will appreciate them. (Source: bt.com)


  特别的日子为很在意的人准备了一份礼物,可是那个日子越临近,你就越担心选的礼物不够好、怕对方不喜欢,然后又开始搜寻购买其他你认为对方可能会喜欢的礼物。这种状态就叫gift creep。


  It doesn’t matter how much we plan ahead and shop early when it comes to Christmas, we can't resist picking up presents right up until the last minute.


  According to the latest survey, we undo all our good work as Christmas draws closer, worrying that our original, carefully planned, gift choices might not cut the mustard.


  The behavior has been termed ‘gift creep’, and if find yourself doing any of the following, you’re probably a sufferer:

  上述这种行为被称为gift creep(礼物累加),如果你发现自己有以下症状,说明你就是“礼物累加”心理的受害者之一:

   You’ve finished your Christmas shopping but still buy little ‘extras’ every time you go out. You worry someone won’t like what you’ve bought them, so you add another gift (like some luxury chocolates) on top to soften the effect.

   你的圣诞采购已经结束,但你每次出去还是会买一些额外的小东西。你担心某人会不喜欢你已经买好的礼物,所以你又加了一个礼物(比如高档巧克力)来增加礼物的吸引力。

   Before someone visits at Christmas you look around the house to see if there’s anything else you could give them.

   圣诞节有朋友来访之前,你会环顾一下家里,看还有没有什么别的礼物可以送他们。

   After wrapping all your gifts you feel anxious that the size and number of parcels looks a bit on the small side.

   把所有礼物都包装好以后,你担心礼物的大小和数量都不够大。

   You tot up how much you’ve spent on people and try to even up the numbers so as not to appear stingy.

   你会计算购买礼物花钱的总数,然后尽量按金额平均分配礼物,以免让自己显得小气。

   You buy a gift for someone, forgetting you've already bought them something, and end up giving them both anyway.

   你之前已经给某人买了礼物,后来又忘记你已经买了,最后送了人家两件礼物。

  The solution? Stay focused and ignore the last-minute hype. Chances are you chose the original presents in good faith and the recipient will appreciate them. (Source: bt.com)


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