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一. 写出下列单词的相应形式。

1.shine(现在分词) 6. fly(过去式)

2.study(第三人称单数形式) 7. drew(动词原形)

3. send(过去式) __________ 8. buy( 过去式)

4. swim(现在分词) __________ 9.child(复数形式)

5.spend(过去式) 10. gave(动词原形)


1.fly into space _____________ 2. 打棒球______________

3. 整个世界_________________ 4、吹小号_______________

5. 犯错_________________ 6、发送照片_____________

7、中学______________ 8、study French_____________

9. practise English __________ 10、飘走、飞走_____________


( )1、She _________ to see a butterfly.

A、wanting B、want C、wants

( ) 2、Louis Braille was a _________ man.

A、 blind B、deaf C、English

( ) 3、Yang Liwei ______21hours in space ______he made a video.

A、spend, and B、spent, and C、spent, but

( ) 4. ---How much is it?


A. Its two dollar and fifty-five cent.

B. Its two dollar and fifty-five cents,

C. Its two dollars and fifty-five cents.

( ) 5. Lets_________ to school together.

A. walks B. walking C. walk

( ) 6. I will give this book __________you.

A. to B. of C. for

( ) 7. Confucius________ born in 551 BC (公元前551年).

A. were C. is C. was

( ) 8、Lots of children _________ English now.

A learn B are learning C learning

( ) 9、They are playing football, _________its raining.

A but B and C or

( ) 10、_________ was he born? He was born in China

A Where B When C What

( ) 11、This cap _________ good.

A look B looks C looking

( ) 12、Why are you _________ ?

A laugh B laughing C to laugh

( ) 13、_________ are you wearing a coat? Because it

s going to rain.

A Why B What C How

( ) 14、We are going to _________ Geography.

A studied B study C to study

( ) 15、Hellen Keller was deaf. She couldnt _________.

A see B hear C speak

( ) 16、I want _________some tea,please.

A to drink B drink C drinking

( )17、Its going to be _________ in Beijing.

A snow B hot C rain

( )18、Its too _________. I cant do my homework.

A soon B sunny C noisy

( ) 19、She bought a book _________her dad.

A in B for C to

( )20、----Who gave you a new book?

---- _________

A By bus B Yesterday C My friend


1. Look! The duck_______________(eat) our picnic.

2. I ________ (have) a very funny day last Saturday.

3. In October 2003, Shenzhou V__________ (fly) into space with Yang Liwei.

4. Its going to _________ (rain) in Haibin.

5. The ducks are very _________ (noise).

6. I cant _________ (carry) them all.

7. Is it ________ (real) a dog?

8. He _________ (spend) there days in Beijing last holiday.

9. I________ (have) a birthday party next week.

10. Listen, Jim and Mary ___________ (sing) in the music room.

五、 从右栏中找出左栏的答语。

( )1、What do you want to drink? A Thank you.

( )2、What is the weather like today? B A cola, please.

( )3、When were you born ? C Yes, he can.

( )4、What is the matter? D I had a cold.

( )5、Why are you wearing a raincoat? E I was born in 1997.

( )6、What are you going to study? F Sorry, I cant

( )7、Who can help me? G Its three yuan.

( )8、How much is it? H Im going to study English

( )9、Enjoy your meal. I Its windy.

( )10、Can he speak English? J Because its going to rain.


1、zoo spent he hours three the in .


2、 falling the cola stairs is the down .


3、am how going I to practise English my now ?


4、wrote she about a book herself .


5、make Chinese mistakes of lots I .




American School

American schools begin in September. There are two terms(学期) in a school year. The first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are 17 or 18 years old when they finish middle school.

Middle school students have 4 or 5 subjects each term .After class they do many interesting things.


1、There are two terms in a school year. ( )

2、The first term is from January to June. ( )

3、March is in the second term. ( )

4、Most children begin to go to school at the age of 5. ( )

5、They have 9 subjects in middle school each term. ( )


Daming is having a birthday. Simon is making a birthday card for him. Simons mother is buying things for Daming. Daming is playing the trumpet. Amy is playing the flute, and Sam is playing the drum. He is having a great birthday.

( )1、 Who is having a birthday party?

A Simon B Daming C Amy

( ) 2、What is Simon doing?

A making a card B playing the trumpet C playing the flute

( )3、 Who is Simons mother buying things for?

A Simon B Daming C Amy

( )4、 How many people are there at the party?

A four B six C five

( )5、 Is Sam playing the drum?

A Yes, he isnt. B Yes, he is. C No, he is

一. 写出下列单词的相应形式。

1.shine(现在分词) 6. fly(过去式)

2.study(第三人称单数形式) 7. drew(动词原形)

3. send(过去式) __________ 8. buy( 过去式)

4. swim(现在分词) __________ 9.child(复数形式)

5.spend(过去式) 10. gave(动词原形)


1.fly into space _____________ 2. 打棒球______________

3. 整个世界_________________ 4、吹小号_______________

5. 犯错_________________ 6、发送照片_____________

7、中学______________ 8、study French_____________

9. practise English __________ 10、飘走、飞走_____________


( )1、She _________ to see a butterfly.

A、wanting B、want C、wants

( ) 2、Louis Braille was a _________ man.

A、 blind B、deaf C、English

( ) 3、Yang Liwei ______21hours in space ______he made a video.

A、spend, and B、spent, and C、spent, but

( ) 4. ---How much is it?


A. Its two dollar and fifty-five cent.

B. Its two dollar and fifty-five cents,

C. Its two dollars and fifty-five cents.

( ) 5. Lets_________ to school together.

A. walks B. walking C. walk

( ) 6. I will give this book __________you.

A. to B. of C. for

( ) 7. Confucius________ born in 551 BC (公元前551年).

A. were C. is C. was

( ) 8、Lots of children _________ English now.

A learn B are learning C learning

( ) 9、They are playing football, _________its raining.

A but B and C or

( ) 10、_________ was he born? He was born in China

A Where B When C What

( ) 11、This cap _________ good.

A look B looks C looking

( ) 12、Why are you _________ ?

A laugh B laughing C to laugh

( ) 13、_________ are you wearing a coat? Because it

s going to rain.

A Why B What C How

( ) 14、We are going to _________ Geography.

A studied B study C to study

( ) 15、Hellen Keller was deaf. She couldnt _________.

A see B hear C speak

( ) 16、I want _________some tea,please.

A to drink B drink C drinking

( )17、Its going to be _________ in Beijing.

A snow B hot C rain

( )18、Its too _________. I cant do my homework.

A soon B sunny C noisy

( ) 19、She bought a book _________her dad.

A in B for C to

( )20、----Who gave you a new book?

---- _________

A By bus B Yesterday C My friend


1. Look! The duck_______________(eat) our picnic.

2. I ________ (have) a very funny day last Saturday.

3. In October 2003, Shenzhou V__________ (fly) into space with Yang Liwei.

4. Its going to _________ (rain) in Haibin.

5. The ducks are very _________ (noise).

6. I cant _________ (carry) them all.

7. Is it ________ (real) a dog?

8. He _________ (spend) there days in Beijing last holiday.

9. I________ (have) a birthday party next week.

10. Listen, Jim and Mary ___________ (sing) in the music room.

五、 从右栏中找出左栏的答语。

( )1、What do you want to drink? A Thank you.

( )2、What is the weather like today? B A cola, please.

( )3、When were you born ? C Yes, he can.

( )4、What is the matter? D I had a cold.

( )5、Why are you wearing a raincoat? E I was born in 1997.

( )6、What are you going to study? F Sorry, I cant

( )7、Who can help me? G Its three yuan.

( )8、How much is it? H Im going to study English

( )9、Enjoy your meal. I Its windy.

( )10、Can he speak English? J Because its going to rain.


1、zoo spent he hours three the in .


2、 falling the cola stairs is the down .


3、am how going I to practise English my now ?


4、wrote she about a book herself .


5、make Chinese mistakes of lots I .




American School

American schools begin in September. There are two terms(学期) in a school year. The first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are 17 or 18 years old when they finish middle school.

Middle school students have 4 or 5 subjects each term .After class they do many interesting things.


1、There are two terms in a school year. ( )

2、The first term is from January to June. ( )

3、March is in the second term. ( )

4、Most children begin to go to school at the age of 5. ( )

5、They have 9 subjects in middle school each term. ( )


Daming is having a birthday. Simon is making a birthday card for him. Simons mother is buying things for Daming. Daming is playing the trumpet. Amy is playing the flute, and Sam is playing the drum. He is having a great birthday.

( )1、 Who is having a birthday party?

A Simon B Daming C Amy

( ) 2、What is Simon doing?

A making a card B playing the trumpet C playing the flute

( )3、 Who is Simons mother buying things for?

A Simon B Daming C Amy

( )4、 How many people are there at the party?

A four B six C five

( )5、 Is Sam playing the drum?

A Yes, he isnt. B Yes, he is. C No, he is

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