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I am glad to

结构︰主词(人)+be 动词+情绪形容词(如 glad,sorry)+不定词。

说明︰不定词放在情绪形容词如 glad,sorry,happy,sad,surprised,troubled等字之后修饰,这是不定词副词的用法。

I am glad to see him. 我很高兴看到他。

Sue was troubled to see trash everywhere. 苏看到到处是垃圾很苦恼。

Sara was excited to see the rock band. 莎拉看到摇滚乐团很兴奋。

too to


说明︰此句型意为太而(使某人)不能。too 为副词,可修饰副词形容词.too 后也可接含有形容词的单数名词,即too+形容词+a+单数名词不定词,也可以是too much+不可数名词+to或too many+复数名词+to。该句型如提到对某人来说,则加入for+人。该句型表示否定的意义,若加上附加问句,则须用否定,如例句8.

He walked too slowly to catch up with me. 他走得太慢而不能跟上我。

It is too dark in this room for me to read a book. 房间太暗,使我无法看书。

This problem is too difficult for them to settle. 这对他们来说真是一个难解的问题。

The price is too low for customers to believe. 价格低得令顾客难以相信。

He is too young a boy to do it. 他还太小,无法做这事。

He has too much work on hand to go picnicking with us.


He has too many things at his disposal to go home early.


The boy is too young to do it, isnt he? 这男孩年纪太轻不能做这件事,不是吗?

I am too glad not to



Our professor is too capable not to solve this difficult problem.


This customer is too honest not to deceive us. 这位客户非常诚实,不会骗我们。

I am too glad not to help the boy.


It is never too late to learn. 活到老,学到老。

I am only too to

结构︰主词+动词+only too+形容词/副词+to-不定词

说明︰此句型意为非常。only 除去了 too 的否定意义,only too 相当于 very,very much 等。

I am only too glad to accept your kind invitation. 我非常高兴地接受你的邀请。

He is only too willing to serve friends. 他极愿为朋友效劳。

I am only too pleased to do business with you. 我能和你做生意,太高兴了。

ADJ/ADV + enough to

结构︰主词+动词+形容词/副词+enough+(for sb.)+to-不定词

说明︰此句型意为足以。enough 可做副词形容词用,在此做副词,可修饰副词形容词,恒置于被修饰的副词形容词之后。

We need several men strong enough to do the work.


They bought a house large enough for ten persons to live in.


He is competent enough to fill that position. 他足以胜任那职位。

He ran fast enough to catch the thief. 他跑得飞快,足以抓住那小偷。

Our teacher is old enough to retire. 我们老师年纪已够得上退休了。

The assignment is few enough to be finished within half an hour.


I am glad to

结构︰主词(人)+be 动词+情绪形容词(如 glad,sorry)+不定词。

说明︰不定词放在情绪形容词如 glad,sorry,happy,sad,surprised,troubled等字之后修饰,这是不定词副词的用法。

I am glad to see him. 我很高兴看到他。

Sue was troubled to see trash everywhere. 苏看到到处是垃圾很苦恼。

Sara was excited to see the rock band. 莎拉看到摇滚乐团很兴奋。

too to


说明︰此句型意为太而(使某人)不能。too 为副词,可修饰副词形容词.too 后也可接含有形容词的单数名词,即too+形容词+a+单数名词不定词,也可以是too much+不可数名词+to或too many+复数名词+to。该句型如提到对某人来说,则加入for+人。该句型表示否定的意义,若加上附加问句,则须用否定,如例句8.

He walked too slowly to catch up with me. 他走得太慢而不能跟上我。

It is too dark in this room for me to read a book. 房间太暗,使我无法看书。

This problem is too difficult for them to settle. 这对他们来说真是一个难解的问题。

The price is too low for customers to believe. 价格低得令顾客难以相信。

He is too young a boy to do it. 他还太小,无法做这事。

He has too much work on hand to go picnicking with us.


He has too many things at his disposal to go home early.


The boy is too young to do it, isnt he? 这男孩年纪太轻不能做这件事,不是吗?

I am too glad not to



Our professor is too capable not to solve this difficult problem.


This customer is too honest not to deceive us. 这位客户非常诚实,不会骗我们。

I am too glad not to help the boy.


It is never too late to learn. 活到老,学到老。

I am only too to

结构︰主词+动词+only too+形容词/副词+to-不定词

说明︰此句型意为非常。only 除去了 too 的否定意义,only too 相当于 very,very much 等。

I am only too glad to accept your kind invitation. 我非常高兴地接受你的邀请。

He is only too willing to serve friends. 他极愿为朋友效劳。

I am only too pleased to do business with you. 我能和你做生意,太高兴了。

ADJ/ADV + enough to

结构︰主词+动词+形容词/副词+enough+(for sb.)+to-不定词

说明︰此句型意为足以。enough 可做副词形容词用,在此做副词,可修饰副词形容词,恒置于被修饰的副词形容词之后。

We need several men strong enough to do the work.


They bought a house large enough for ten persons to live in.


He is competent enough to fill that position. 他足以胜任那职位。

He ran fast enough to catch the thief. 他跑得飞快,足以抓住那小偷。

Our teacher is old enough to retire. 我们老师年纪已够得上退休了。

The assignment is few enough to be finished within half an hour.


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