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近四十年来,尽管非性别歧视语还没有达到非不可的程度,但它毕竟已进人日常会话和写作的主流之中。随便翻开一张英美的报纸,或瞧一下五花八门的宣传广告,就会发现supervisor(工头,领班)替代了原来的foreman, workmans compensation(工人赔偿金)变成了workers compensation; sales representive, sales associate或seller(推销员)取代了常用词salesman等。

为此,笔者将有关资料整理如下,供英语学习者参考。请注意,所选用的例句,除个别注明外,均选自Rosalie Maggio编写的The Nonselist Word Finder: A Dictionary of Gender-Free Usage (Maggio, 1989)。



When bathing a baby, never leave him unattended. Revised: When bathing babies, never leave them unattended.给婴儿洗澡时,一定不能让他们无人照料。


From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. Revised: From each of us according to our abilities, to each of us according to our needs.各尽所能,按需分配。

3)改用第二人称、Sexist: No man knows his true character until he has run out of gas, purchased something on the installment plan and raised an adolescent.

Revised: You dont know what your true character is until you have run out of gas, purchased something on the ! installment plan and raised an adolescent.只有当汽车大的油用光了,按分规付款方式购物和抚养大一个孩子时,人的本来品性才会显露出来。


One who, when he has the choice of two evils, chooses both. Revised: One who, when given the choice of two evils, chooses both.一个在两种恶行之中要作出选择就两者都选的人。


What a person thinks of after he becomes a departee? Revised: What a person thinks of after becoming a departee?一个人离去后,会作何感想呢?


Can a critic give his opinion of an omelet without being asked to make one?

Revised: Can a critic give an opinion of?


7)用someone, one, the one, no one等替代Sexist:

He who can take advice is sometimes superior to him who can give it. Revised: Someone who can take advice is sometimes superior to the one who can give it.接受忠告者有时胜过发出忠告者。

8)使用he and she或his and her,但使用的次数不宜太多。

s/he仅可用于备忘录(memos), 便条(notes), 或者非正式的交谈之中。


To find a friend one must close one eye - to keep him, two. Revised: To find a friend, one must close one eye - to keep a friend, two.想找朋友;就得睁一只眼,闭一只眼;想留住朋友,就得双眼都闭上。

近四十年来,尽管非性别歧视语还没有达到非不可的程度,但它毕竟已进人日常会话和写作的主流之中。随便翻开一张英美的报纸,或瞧一下五花八门的宣传广告,就会发现supervisor(工头,领班)替代了原来的foreman, workmans compensation(工人赔偿金)变成了workers compensation; sales representive, sales associate或seller(推销员)取代了常用词salesman等。

为此,笔者将有关资料整理如下,供英语学习者参考。请注意,所选用的例句,除个别注明外,均选自Rosalie Maggio编写的The Nonselist Word Finder: A Dictionary of Gender-Free Usage (Maggio, 1989)。



When bathing a baby, never leave him unattended. Revised: When bathing babies, never leave them unattended.给婴儿洗澡时,一定不能让他们无人照料。


From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. Revised: From each of us according to our abilities, to each of us according to our needs.各尽所能,按需分配。

3)改用第二人称、Sexist: No man knows his true character until he has run out of gas, purchased something on the installment plan and raised an adolescent.

Revised: You dont know what your true character is until you have run out of gas, purchased something on the ! installment plan and raised an adolescent.只有当汽车大的油用光了,按分规付款方式购物和抚养大一个孩子时,人的本来品性才会显露出来。


One who, when he has the choice of two evils, chooses both. Revised: One who, when given the choice of two evils, chooses both.一个在两种恶行之中要作出选择就两者都选的人。


What a person thinks of after he becomes a departee? Revised: What a person thinks of after becoming a departee?一个人离去后,会作何感想呢?


Can a critic give his opinion of an omelet without being asked to make one?

Revised: Can a critic give an opinion of?


7)用someone, one, the one, no one等替代Sexist:

He who can take advice is sometimes superior to him who can give it. Revised: Someone who can take advice is sometimes superior to the one who can give it.接受忠告者有时胜过发出忠告者。

8)使用he and she或his and her,但使用的次数不宜太多。

s/he仅可用于备忘录(memos), 便条(notes), 或者非正式的交谈之中。


To find a friend one must close one eye - to keep him, two. Revised: To find a friend, one must close one eye - to keep a friend, two.想找朋友;就得睁一只眼,闭一只眼;想留住朋友,就得双眼都闭上。

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