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If the question makes you think, its worth asking. 如果一个问题让你思考,那它就值得一问。

1. What is it like to wake up every morning? 每天早上醒来是什么感觉?

2. Do you believe in the death penalty? What if someone murdered your mother in cold blood? What if someone murdered a strangers mother, but saved your life the month before? 你是否认为死刑应该执行?如果有人冷血地谋杀了你的母亲呢?如果一个对你有救命之恩的人谋杀了一个陌生人的母亲呢?

3. If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow that person to be your friend? 如果一个朋友经常用你对自己说话的方式来跟你说话,你会允许这个人和你做多久朋友?

4. Would you rather be rich and paralyzed from the waist down or poor and able bodied? 你愿意成为腰部以下瘫痪的富人还是身体健全的穷人?

5. Whats the most expensive gift you have ever received? Is it the best gift you have ever received? 你收到过的最贵的礼物是什么?这是你收到过的最好的礼物吗?

6. When was the last time you lied? Is it possible to lie without saying anything at all? 你上次说谎是什么时候?什么都不说就能不动声色的说谎,你觉得这可能吗?

7. Stealing is immoral, right? But what if stealing was the only way to feed a starving child? 偷东西是不道德的,对吗?但如果偷东西只是一个孩子求生的唯一方法呢?

8. If I gave you $20, what percentage would you really save? If I gave you $200,000, what percentage would you save? Should there be a difference? 如果我给你20元,你会存下来多少?如果给你20万,你会存下来多少?这有差别吗?

9. If someone could tell you the exact day and time that you are going to die, would you want them to tell you? 如果有人知道你你死亡的确切日期和时间,你会让他们告诉你吗?

10. If you found out you were going to die today, would you have any regrets? Would you be happy with the way you spent the last 24 hours of your life? 如果你发现你今天要死了,你有什么后悔的吗?你对自己的人生度过的最后24小时满意吗?

11. Whats your single greatest moment of personal failure? Looking back on it now, did it make you weaker or stronger? What did you learn? 你最难忘的个人失败经历是什么?回头看看它,这样的经历让你变弱还是变强了?你学到了什么?

12. Do the words freedom and liberty mean not being persecuted or discriminated against, or do they mean doing whatever you please? 自由和解放 ,这两个词的意思是不受迫害或歧视?还是做任何你喜欢做的事?

13. Have you ever discriminated against someone? Imagine that a street gang notorious for wearing purple shirts has robbed and murdered several hundred people in your town. If a man wearing a purple shirt just rang your doorbell, would you answer it? 你有没有歧视过别人?想象一下:一个街头帮派因爱穿紫色衬衫而臭名远扬,他们在你的小镇抢掠杀害了数百人。这时如果一个穿着紫色衬衫的人按响了你的门铃,你会开门吗?

14. Is it crazier to choose to be poor or to spend 40 years of your life hating 40 hours a week? 是一辈子做穷人的选择更疯狂,还是40年的人生中每周要花40个小时来怨恨的生活更疯狂?

15. Do you ever feel like you dont have enough time? How many hours a week do you spend watching TV, or playing video games, or? 你是否觉得你没有足够的时间?你一周花在看电视、玩电子游戏和其他娱乐上的时间有多久?

16. Do you ever celebrate the green lights? 你有为遇上绿灯而高兴吗?

17. If you could be given another talent or ability, what would you want it to be? Have you ever really tried to perfect this ability in yourself? 如果你能被给予另一个天赋或者能力,你希望会是什么?你是否曾真的希望来让你的这种能力变完美?

18. No matter how bad things get, are you aware that someone always has it worse than you do? 不管事情变得多糟糕,你是否意识到始终有人比你过得差?

19. When you help someone, do you ever think, Whats in it for me? 当你帮助别人时,你是否在想对我来说这有什么好处?

20. Joy is found with simple awareness. What does your joy look like today? 简单的意识才能寻找到快乐。你今天的快乐是怎样的?

21. Whats the difference between living and existing? 生活和生存的区别是什么?

22. Are you willing to sacrifice the life of your child or lover to support a war? 你愿意为了支持一场战争,而牺牲你孩子或者爱人的生命吗?

23. Do you ask enough questions, or do you settle for what you know? 你会问很多问题吗?你会满足于你知道的东西吗?

24. If you could do it all over again, would you change anything? 如果你能重新再来,你会愿意改变一切吗?

25. If your life was a novel, what would be the title and how would your story end? 如果你的生活是一本小说,标题是什么,你会以什么结束你的故事?

If the question makes you think, its worth asking. 如果一个问题让你思考,那它就值得一问。

1. What is it like to wake up every morning? 每天早上醒来是什么感觉?

2. Do you believe in the death penalty? What if someone murdered your mother in cold blood? What if someone murdered a strangers mother, but saved your life the month before? 你是否认为死刑应该执行?如果有人冷血地谋杀了你的母亲呢?如果一个对你有救命之恩的人谋杀了一个陌生人的母亲呢?

3. If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow that person to be your friend? 如果一个朋友经常用你对自己说话的方式来跟你说话,你会允许这个人和你做多久朋友?

4. Would you rather be rich and paralyzed from the waist down or poor and able bodied? 你愿意成为腰部以下瘫痪的富人还是身体健全的穷人?

5. Whats the most expensive gift you have ever received? Is it the best gift you have ever received? 你收到过的最贵的礼物是什么?这是你收到过的最好的礼物吗?

6. When was the last time you lied? Is it possible to lie without saying anything at all? 你上次说谎是什么时候?什么都不说就能不动声色的说谎,你觉得这可能吗?

7. Stealing is immoral, right? But what if stealing was the only way to feed a starving child? 偷东西是不道德的,对吗?但如果偷东西只是一个孩子求生的唯一方法呢?

8. If I gave you $20, what percentage would you really save? If I gave you $200,000, what percentage would you save? Should there be a difference? 如果我给你20元,你会存下来多少?如果给你20万,你会存下来多少?这有差别吗?

9. If someone could tell you the exact day and time that you are going to die, would you want them to tell you? 如果有人知道你你死亡的确切日期和时间,你会让他们告诉你吗?

10. If you found out you were going to die today, would you have any regrets? Would you be happy with the way you spent the last 24 hours of your life? 如果你发现你今天要死了,你有什么后悔的吗?你对自己的人生度过的最后24小时满意吗?

11. Whats your single greatest moment of personal failure? Looking back on it now, did it make you weaker or stronger? What did you learn? 你最难忘的个人失败经历是什么?回头看看它,这样的经历让你变弱还是变强了?你学到了什么?

12. Do the words freedom and liberty mean not being persecuted or discriminated against, or do they mean doing whatever you please? 自由和解放 ,这两个词的意思是不受迫害或歧视?还是做任何你喜欢做的事?

13. Have you ever discriminated against someone? Imagine that a street gang notorious for wearing purple shirts has robbed and murdered several hundred people in your town. If a man wearing a purple shirt just rang your doorbell, would you answer it? 你有没有歧视过别人?想象一下:一个街头帮派因爱穿紫色衬衫而臭名远扬,他们在你的小镇抢掠杀害了数百人。这时如果一个穿着紫色衬衫的人按响了你的门铃,你会开门吗?

14. Is it crazier to choose to be poor or to spend 40 years of your life hating 40 hours a week? 是一辈子做穷人的选择更疯狂,还是40年的人生中每周要花40个小时来怨恨的生活更疯狂?

15. Do you ever feel like you dont have enough time? How many hours a week do you spend watching TV, or playing video games, or? 你是否觉得你没有足够的时间?你一周花在看电视、玩电子游戏和其他娱乐上的时间有多久?

16. Do you ever celebrate the green lights? 你有为遇上绿灯而高兴吗?

17. If you could be given another talent or ability, what would you want it to be? Have you ever really tried to perfect this ability in yourself? 如果你能被给予另一个天赋或者能力,你希望会是什么?你是否曾真的希望来让你的这种能力变完美?

18. No matter how bad things get, are you aware that someone always has it worse than you do? 不管事情变得多糟糕,你是否意识到始终有人比你过得差?

19. When you help someone, do you ever think, Whats in it for me? 当你帮助别人时,你是否在想对我来说这有什么好处?

20. Joy is found with simple awareness. What does your joy look like today? 简单的意识才能寻找到快乐。你今天的快乐是怎样的?

21. Whats the difference between living and existing? 生活和生存的区别是什么?

22. Are you willing to sacrifice the life of your child or lover to support a war? 你愿意为了支持一场战争,而牺牲你孩子或者爱人的生命吗?

23. Do you ask enough questions, or do you settle for what you know? 你会问很多问题吗?你会满足于你知道的东西吗?

24. If you could do it all over again, would you change anything? 如果你能重新再来,你会愿意改变一切吗?

25. If your life was a novel, what would be the title and how would your story end? 如果你的生活是一本小说,标题是什么,你会以什么结束你的故事?

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