摘要:数字3 3对于古希腊人是个神秘数字。哲学家毕达哥拉斯说3是完美无缺的数字,因为世间万物无不有首、中、尾三段。因而它与神有关。
Ancient Greeks believed the number was sacred. Pythagoras calls three the perfect number, since everything has three parts — beginning, middle and end. Therefore it is a good symbol of anything related to gods. In Greek and Roman mythology, the world was supposed to be under the rule of three gods, that is, Jupiter(Zeus), the ruler of Heaven; Neptune(Poseidon), the ruler of the sea; Pluto(Hades), the king of the Underworld. Jupiter’s weapon was three-forked lightning, Neptune’s, a trident, and Pluto’s, a three-headed dog. The Fates were three, the Furies three, the Graces three. Superstitious people believe that man is made up of three parts, that is, body, soul, and spirit. Most Christians believe in the doctrine of the Trinity, that is, God is in three persons: the Father, the Son(Jesus Christ), and the Holy Ghost, or Holy Spirit. Some Christians also believe that the enemies of man are three: the world, the flesh, and the devil. In the Bible, the baby Jesus was visited by the three Magi; before the cock crowed, Peter denied Jesus for three times. When things are difficult, people think they will be successful the third time.