吸入式食物机诞生 吃饭不再用牙齿

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吸入式食物机诞生 吃饭不再用牙齿

A restaurant in Paris is offering flavours that you can inhale, instead of tasting them physically.The act of breathing in flavours is known as 'whaffing,' which is being predicted as a futuristic way of eating.


  A contraptionthat resembles a goldfish bowl, called LeWhaf, is wafting smoke of lemon tart flavour, which is being sampled by a food expert.She says the lemon tart is zingyand fresh. Next, a whaf of tarte tatinfills her mouth with caramel, the Daily Mail reports.


  This invention is the brainchildof a Harvard University professor and aerosol scientist David Edwards, aged 49 years.Imagine a restaurant where, instead of sitting at a table, you walk around, he says.

  这款装置的发明者是哈佛大学气溶胶产品教授大卫 爱德华兹,现年49岁。他说,假设有这样一个餐厅,人们都不必坐在餐桌前,而是随便走走就能享用美食。

  Instead of eating food, you're breathing it in as you walk from room to room, each with a different flavour. Celery in one. Steak in another. Then pate.Edwards is adamantthat this smoky little bowl will go on sale in France this autumn for less than 85 pounds and quickly catch on around the world.


A restaurant in Paris is offering flavours that you can inhale, instead of tasting them physically.The act of breathing in flavours is known as 'whaffing,' which is being predicted as a futuristic way of eating.


  A contraptionthat resembles a goldfish bowl, called LeWhaf, is wafting smoke of lemon tart flavour, which is being sampled by a food expert.She says the lemon tart is zingyand fresh. Next, a whaf of tarte tatinfills her mouth with caramel, the Daily Mail reports.


  This invention is the brainchildof a Harvard University professor and aerosol scientist David Edwards, aged 49 years.Imagine a restaurant where, instead of sitting at a table, you walk around, he says.

  这款装置的发明者是哈佛大学气溶胶产品教授大卫 爱德华兹,现年49岁。他说,假设有这样一个餐厅,人们都不必坐在餐桌前,而是随便走走就能享用美食。

  Instead of eating food, you're breathing it in as you walk from room to room, each with a different flavour. Celery in one. Steak in another. Then pate.Edwards is adamantthat this smoky little bowl will go on sale in France this autumn for less than 85 pounds and quickly catch on around the world.
