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  Describe a place youd like to visit / youll travel to when you have a day off / an interesting place.

  Describe a street/road and some buildings on this street.

  Describe a peaceful / quiet place.

  Describe a beautiful garden.

  Describe a flat / house / room you lived in when you were a child.

  Describe an ideal house.

  Describe a place that is close to water.

  Describe an interesting public place.

  Describe a leisure centre with facilities such as a fitness centre and / or a swimming pool .

  Describe a place that helped you learn about the past.

  Describe a modern building.

  Describe a hotel.

  Describe a place where there is a lot of noise.

  Describe a library.

  Describe a building in your school.

  Describe a journey that was longer than expected.

  Describe a museum or an art gallery.

  Describe a historical place in your hometown.

  Describe a school you studied at before.

  Describe your favorite part of your city/hometown. / a popular part of your hometown.

  Describe a good way to improve your health.

  Describe a shopping mall.


  Describe your personality.

  Describe a good student.

  Describe an adventurous person.

  Describe one of your friends.

  Describe a friend who is a leader.

  Describe the oldest person in your family. / Describe an old person.

  Describe two people in your family.

  Describe a person who has a healthy lifestyle.

  Describe a person you helped before.

  Describe a successful small company.

  Describe some changes in your lifestyle.

  Describe a teenager.

  Describe a teacher who taught you before.

  Describe the important person to you when you were a child.

  Describe one of your childhood teachers.

  Describe a TV show host/presenter

  Describe a wealthy / rich person.

  Describe an artist you admire.

  Describe a successful person.

  Describe a famous person youd like to meet.

  Describe a person in the news.

  Describe a person youd like to travel with.

  Describe a famous person in a foreign country = an international celebrity.

  Describe a job that can make the world a better place.

  Describe a job you wish to do in the future./ Describe an interesting job.


  Describe your favorite wild animal.

  Describe things you can do to help improve the environment.

  Describe a walk you took with a friend.


  Describe your favorite sport.

  Describe an outdoor activity .

  Describe your favorite leisure activity.

  Describe a healthy lifestyle.

  Describe something you do to improve your health.

  Describe a well-known traditional / childrens story

  Describe a character in a childhood story.

  Describe your favorite photo.

  Describe a song you heard when you were a child.

  Describe a game you played when you were a child .

  Describe your favorite foreign food / foreign dish.

  Describe a hobby you had/a thing you often did when you were a child.

  Describe an ad that helped you buy something.

  Describe a quiz show.

  Describe an educational TV program / Describe your favorite TV show.

  Describe a TV program you dont like. / Describe an interesting TV program that you can talk about with your family.

  Describe a book you enjoyed as a child

  Describe your favorite book.

  Describe your favorite film.

  Describe a foreign film.

  Describe an interesting news story in a newspaper/ on TV.

  Describe a party you prepared for others.

  Describe an extreme sport.


  Describe a sports game / match / competition you watched.

  Describe something you succeeded in doing. / Describe something you hope you can be successful in.

  Describe a musical event. / Describe an occasion when you listened to music from another country.

  Describe a wedding.

  Describe a special family event.

  Describe a skill you wish to learn.

  Describe something you did on your computer

  Describe an interesting / unusual thing you did recently.

  Describe a positive change in your life.

  Describe a naughty thing you did when you were a child.

  Describe an important festival people celebrate in your country. / Describe a celebration.

  Describe a happy event.

  Describe a piece of good news you heard on the phone or via email.

  Describe an exciting message.

  Describe a practical skill/ something youre good at.

  Describe some advice/a suggestion your received before.

  Describe a conversation that you enjoyed.

  Describe a situation when you needed help.

  Describe a letter you received.

  Describe a sports event.


  Describe an expensive thing you want to buy / the most expensive thing youve bought.

  Describe a handicraft. / Describe something that was made by yourself.

  Describe a vehicle you wish to buy.

  Describe your favorite clothes.

  Describe something in your home that was broken or that didnt work.

  Describe a piece of electronic equipment/ an electronic device that is NOT a computer.

  Describe a gift you gave a friend / a gift you received before. / Describe a gift you will buy for a friend.

  Describe a childhood toy.


  Describe something that made you angry./Describe a bad shopping experience.

  Describe a small shop / a restaurant.

  Describe a person whos good at cooking.

  Describe a good law.

  Describe an old/antique thing in your family.

  Describe a place where you usually have lunch.



  Describe a place youd like to visit / youll travel to when you have a day off / an interesting place.

  Describe a street/road and some buildings on this street.

  Describe a peaceful / quiet place.

  Describe a beautiful garden.

  Describe a flat / house / room you lived in when you were a child.

  Describe an ideal house.

  Describe a place that is close to water.

  Describe an interesting public place.

  Describe a leisure centre with facilities such as a fitness centre and / or a swimming pool .

  Describe a place that helped you learn about the past.

  Describe a modern building.

  Describe a hotel.

  Describe a place where there is a lot of noise.

  Describe a library.

  Describe a building in your school.

  Describe a journey that was longer than expected.

  Describe a museum or an art gallery.

  Describe a historical place in your hometown.

  Describe a school you studied at before.

  Describe your favorite part of your city/hometown. / a popular part of your hometown.

  Describe a good way to improve your health.

  Describe a shopping mall.


  Describe your personality.

  Describe a good student.

  Describe an adventurous person.

  Describe one of your friends.

  Describe a friend who is a leader.

  Describe the oldest person in your family. / Describe an old person.

  Describe two people in your family.

  Describe a person who has a healthy lifestyle.

  Describe a person you helped before.

  Describe a successful small company.

  Describe some changes in your lifestyle.

  Describe a teenager.

  Describe a teacher who taught you before.

  Describe the important person to you when you were a child.

  Describe one of your childhood teachers.

  Describe a TV show host/presenter

  Describe a wealthy / rich person.

  Describe an artist you admire.

  Describe a successful person.

  Describe a famous person youd like to meet.

  Describe a person in the news.

  Describe a person youd like to travel with.

  Describe a famous person in a foreign country = an international celebrity.

  Describe a job that can make the world a better place.

  Describe a job you wish to do in the future./ Describe an interesting job.


  Describe your favorite wild animal.

  Describe things you can do to help improve the environment.

  Describe a walk you took with a friend.


  Describe your favorite sport.

  Describe an outdoor activity .

  Describe your favorite leisure activity.

  Describe a healthy lifestyle.

  Describe something you do to improve your health.

  Describe a well-known traditional / childrens story

  Describe a character in a childhood story.

  Describe your favorite photo.

  Describe a song you heard when you were a child.

  Describe a game you played when you were a child .

  Describe your favorite foreign food / foreign dish.

  Describe a hobby you had/a thing you often did when you were a child.

  Describe an ad that helped you buy something.

  Describe a quiz show.

  Describe an educational TV program / Describe your favorite TV show.

  Describe a TV program you dont like. / Describe an interesting TV program that you can talk about with your family.

  Describe a book you enjoyed as a child

  Describe your favorite book.

  Describe your favorite film.

  Describe a foreign film.

  Describe an interesting news story in a newspaper/ on TV.

  Describe a party you prepared for others.

  Describe an extreme sport.


  Describe a sports game / match / competition you watched.

  Describe something you succeeded in doing. / Describe something you hope you can be successful in.

  Describe a musical event. / Describe an occasion when you listened to music from another country.

  Describe a wedding.

  Describe a special family event.

  Describe a skill you wish to learn.

  Describe something you did on your computer

  Describe an interesting / unusual thing you did recently.

  Describe a positive change in your life.

  Describe a naughty thing you did when you were a child.

  Describe an important festival people celebrate in your country. / Describe a celebration.

  Describe a happy event.

  Describe a piece of good news you heard on the phone or via email.

  Describe an exciting message.

  Describe a practical skill/ something youre good at.

  Describe some advice/a suggestion your received before.

  Describe a conversation that you enjoyed.

  Describe a situation when you needed help.

  Describe a letter you received.

  Describe a sports event.


  Describe an expensive thing you want to buy / the most expensive thing youve bought.

  Describe a handicraft. / Describe something that was made by yourself.

  Describe a vehicle you wish to buy.

  Describe your favorite clothes.

  Describe something in your home that was broken or that didnt work.

  Describe a piece of electronic equipment/ an electronic device that is NOT a computer.

  Describe a gift you gave a friend / a gift you received before. / Describe a gift you will buy for a friend.

  Describe a childhood toy.


  Describe something that made you angry./Describe a bad shopping experience.

  Describe a small shop / a restaurant.

  Describe a person whos good at cooking.

  Describe a good law.

  Describe an old/antique thing in your family.

  Describe a place where you usually have lunch.


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