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  Part 1


  1. Is it easy to buy a gift?

  2. What kind of gift do you want to receive?

  3. Where do you usually buy gifts?


  4. Who cooks in your home?

  5. Do you like to cook?

  6. What kind of food do you like to cook?


  7. Tell me something about your favorite art.

  8. Tell me something about your favorite music.

  9. What kind of art did you do when you were a child?

  10. What kind of art did you do when you were a child?

  11. Do you want to go to museum?

  12. What kind of museum do you like to visit?

  13. What kind of museum had you visited?


  14. What is your name ?

  15. What would you like to do after graduation?

  16. What is the meaning of your name?

  17. Are your working or studying?

  18. Who gave you your name?


  19. What is your favorite food?

  20. Where can you eat your favorite food?

  21. Do you like to eat nutritious food?


  22. Do children read more now than before?

  23. Do you like to read newspaper?

  24. How much time do you spend in reading newspaper?

  25. When you were young, what kind of book did you like to read?

  26. What kind of book do young people like to read?

  27. When did you begin to read newspapers?

  28. How many kinds of newspapers are there in China?

  29. Do you prefer to read local news or international news?

  30. Do you think news is important in peoples life?


  25. Tell me something about your school.

  26..What would you like to do after graduation?

  27. When did you begin to read newspapers?

  28. Do you like the teachers in your school?

  29 .Do you want to be a teacher?

  30. Do you like your school?

  31.. Why did you choose this school?

  33. Where do you study?

  34. Do you prefer to study or work?

  35. Do you like your course?


  36. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

  37. Do you like to wear formal clothes?

  38. What is your opinion about wearing uniforms?

  39. Can you judge a person by their clothes their wearing?

  Household Chores

  40. What do you dislike about household chores?

  41. Do you think it is necessary for a child to help in household chores?

  42. Do you like to do housework?

  43. What kind of housework do you usually do?


  44. What kind of shopping mall do you like?

  45. Do you like to go shopping in the mall?

  46. What kind of shop do you like to go?

  47. What kind of shop can attract people?

  48. Can you recommend a shop which is very special?


  49. Do you like making friends?

  50. What kind of friends do you like ?


  51. Do you use internet?

  52. What are the advantages of internet?

  53. What are the disadvantages of the internet?

  54. How to use an internet?


  55. What kind of music do you like?

  56. What kind of music in your country do you ?


  57. Say something about the best building youve ever visited

  58. What kind of building do you like?

  Part 23


  Describe a friend youd like to spend your time with

  In what way did he/she help you with your academic study or work?

  What are the pressures you have to face in your life?

  How do you deal with them?

  Do you prefer to study alone or together with others?

  What would happen if one always works independently?

  What are the disadvantages of working in a group?

  What do you think are the effects of computer and mobile phone on families?

  Which one is more important, family or friends?

  Who should assume more responsibilities in the family?

  Describe an elderly person you admire

  Whats the living situation of the elderly people in China?

  Describe a person who is good at cooking

  Describe a famous person

  Do you want to become famous? Why?


  Describe a long journey

  What should be prepared before the journey?

  What can people learn through travel?

  Do you prefer to travel alone or in group?

  Describe a sport event

  Do Chinese schools place strong emphasis on physical education?

  What are the differences between competition within the classroom and athletic competition?

  Describe the stage of your life that you enjoyed most

  How do people give helps to students who will graduate from university soon?

  In China, when do people hold celebrations?

  Describe a change in your life

  What are the changes in your education?

  Describe an educational trip

  Whats the importance of study trip?

  Is it a good way?

  Should parents help children with their study?

  Whats the trend of studying at home?

  Describe a traffic jam

  What are the traffic problems in your city?

  Should different amount of taxes be levied on cars with different engine capacity?

  How has traffic affected our environment?

  What other choices do you have if you are stuck in a traffic jam?

  Can public transport alleviate traffic congestions?

  Do you think the government should take sole responsibility for solving traffic problems?

  Can motorways and highways help to solve traffic problems?

  When is traffic jam most serious?

  What did the government do to solve the problem?

  Describe a successful experience

  Describe a performance

  What are the influences of music on culture?

  What are the influences of wide use of TV on traditional artistic performance?

  Describe the most important stage in your life?


  Describe a book you have read

  What are the differences of reading habits between teenagers and the elderly people?

  How has technology changed the way people read?

  Describe a piece of art

  Describe an advice

  What sorts of advices are useful to young people?

  Do young people prefer to listen to parents or their friends?

  Are the advices given by the elderly people useful?

  Describe an advertisement

  Do you think we should restrict advertisements?

  Some of the adverts are not appropriate for children. How to solve this problem?

  Whats the relationship between mass media and advertisements?

  Describe a piece of radio programme

  Which one do you prefer, radio programs or TV programs?

  Describe a text message you received on your mobile phone

  Describe a TV program

  What are the pros and cons of TV and radio respectively?

  Why do young people prefer TV?

  Describe a piece of music

  How has western music influenced eastern one?

  Do you buy advertised products?

  Is the government responsible to build libraries?

  How has means of communication changed over the past decade?

  Describe a special gift

  How do young people help the elderly people?

  Are people now more kindhearted than before?

  Describe a piece of music you liked when you were a child

  How can teaching children music help them in their early childhood?

  What type of music should people listen to at different ages?

  When is the first time you heard the song that impressed you the most?

  What type of music should people listen to?

  Will music be played in public?

  Describe a toy when you were a child

  Talk about a childhood game

  Describe an interesting speech or lecture

  Who was the speaker?

  Describe your favorite law

  Why do people want to become a lawyer instead of a policeman?

  Are policemen considered a good job in China?

  What makes a good policeman?

  What kind of people tends to commit crimes in China?

  Talk about the occupation of lawyer

  What kind of crimes could be forgiven?

  Describe a speech

  What makes a good speaker?

  What sort of speeches should be made available in university?

  What kind of people should be invited give speeches to kids?

  Describe one clothes you always wear in special occasions

  Have people changed the way they dress?

  Why is uniform compulsory in companies?

  Describe a course you want to learn when you were a child

  Do you think children can learn more at school or at home?

  Do you think adults should be responsible for teaching children academic skills?

  How is learning for children and adults different on computers?

  Describe a childhood activity

  What can kids learn from the activity?

  How has athletic competition shaped childrens character?

  Is competition required in all jobs?

  How should countries cooperate with each other?

  Describe a foreign language you want to learn

  Describe a toy

  Do you think many kids have too many toys now?

  Should girls play with dolls and boy play with soccer games?

  What are the advantages of kids exchanging toys?

  Describe a gift you gave to your friends

  Do Chinese people prefer to buy gifts or make them?

  Which do you prefer?

  When do Chinese people usually send presents?

  Why do you think homemade presents are better than ones that are bought from shops?

  Do you think its a good idea to reward children with their gifts?

  Please list the advantages and disadvantages of rewarding people in a company?

  What are the ways to reward employees?

  Describe something youd like to learn in the future

  Do kids learn more from home or school?

  Should adults take major responsibilities in kids learning academic skills?

  Describe a piece of interesting news

  Do a lot of Chinese people read newspaper regularly?

  Are people more concerned of international news or domestic news?

  Should TV commercials be more interesting?

  What makes a good journalist?

  Is online news playing an ever increasingly important role in peoples daily life?

  Describe a traditional art

  Name a number of traditional cultural performances

  What are the differences in dancing between boys and girls?

  Whats your favorite music?

  Describe a large organization

  What are the advantages of large and small organizations

  Whats your view towards the fact that most factories are far away from downtown area?

  What are the advantages of large multi-national companies?

  Why do many people like to work in small companies?

  Describe a book you have read recently

  What books do Chinese kids read?

  What are the ways should parents use to make them like reading?

  What are the differences between traditional reading and online reading?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of reading and watching TV?

  Describe a phone call

  Talk about advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone

  Do people like to hear people talking loud in public?

  Describe a photo

  Do Chinese people like taking photos?

  When do people take photos usually?

  Why do people tear apart the photos they have taken?

  Describe a piece of law

  Why are there fewer policemen than lawyers?

  What are the differences between policemen and lawyers?


  Describe a workplace

  What are the advantages of working at night?

  Describe a library

  Is it a campus or public one?

  Which parts of the library do you like and dislike?

  Describe a tourist attraction

  What are the types of tourist attractions in China?

  Is the travel with tour guide good?

  Will people change their attitude towards tour guide?

  What measures did the government take to protect tourist attraction?

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