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  1.At midnight(午夜、半夜12点), we were aroused (吵醒)by a knock(敲) at the door. (answer: B)

  A. irritated:vt(使人恼怒、急噪)I am irradiated by the delay of the flight.

  B. awakened: vt (弄醒,唤醒)my mother awakens me every morning.

  C. arisen: vi

  A new problem has arisen.

  arise = appear = come up = originate = cause

  D. annoyed:vt

  His constant cries(哭闹) annoy me.


  In a bullfight, it is the movement, not the color, of objects that arouses the bull.

  A. confuses B. excites

  C. scares D. diverts

  arouse = awaken = encourage = cause


  It is the movement, not the color, of objects that excites the bull.

  A. frightens B. scares C. confuses D. arouses


  2.She was awarded a prize(奖) for the film(电影). (answer: A)

  A. given:vt(给、授予、让步、供给), 常出现的固定搭配:give away泄露秘密,发放,颁发; give forth发表,公布,发出声音、气味;give in屈服,交上;give way to让步,坍塌,破裂

  B. rewarded:vt酬劳、奖赏;n 报酬、赏金,常见搭配:

  as a reward for作为对某事的奖赏;reward sb for sth为某事而报答某人,请注意派生词:rewarding: adj 值得做的,令人满意的 a rewarding film/trip

  如:He rewarded the boy for finding his lost mobile phone.

  C. sent(是send过去分词,送, 寄)

  The mother sends her children to school every morning.

  D. reminded

  The picture reminded me of my father.


  she was awarded a gold medal as a swimming champion

  3.Smoking will be banned (禁止)in all public(公共的) places here. (answer: A)

  A. forbidden: 原形是forbid, 意思是禁止,不许,常见搭配:forbid sb to do sth,

  The teacher forbids us to talk in the class.

  B. allowed(): 原形allow, 允许、准许某人做某事,allow sb to do sth, 如:

  My boss doesnt allow me to use(使用)the phone(电话).

  C. permitted : vt 原形permit, 允许,许可,使某事有可能性,同义词allow, let.

  allow = permit = let

  D. promoted(): v 原形promote, 促进、增进、发扬、提升、请注意派生的名词:promotion: 提升、促销,提倡、赞助。

  如:She worked hard and was promoted very soon.

  the organization works to promote(促进) friendship between nations(两国之间的).


  Smoking is not permitted in the office.

  A. probable:形容词,可能的,同义词:possible

  B. possible:形容词,可能的,同义词:probable)

  C. admitted:动词,承认、允许某人进入,如:

  1). The small window admits very little light.

  2). I admitted I was wrong.

  D. allowed = permitted

  4.That guy is intelligent(聪明的), but a bit dull (沉闷的、乏味的、单调的). (answer: D)

  A. strange:奇怪的、陌生的、不同寻常的,常见搭配:be strange to sth

  hes strange to the new work.

  B. special:特殊的、特别的、专门的、额外的,如:special friend特别的朋友;special train专列;当名词用时,特别的人或事物。

  C. quiet:安静的。Keep quiet!保持安静!

  D. boring:枯燥的、无趣的、单调的,请注意和它有关的其他同根词:

  bore: v使人感到乏味;bored: adj 感到乏味的;在口语中,有时说:

  Long speech bores me to death.


  8. We all think(认为) that Marys husband(丈夫) is a very boring(乏味的) person.

  A shy(害羞的) B stupid(愚蠢的)

  C dull(乏味的、无趣的、迟钝的) D selfish(自私的)

  dull = boring = uninteresting


  9.She is a highly (非常) successful (成功的)teacher. (answer: C)

  A. fairly :adv 相当地、公平地、完全地,一般与褒义词连用,如:

  1). Your bedroom(卧室)is fairly tidy.

  2). You are not treating us fairly(公平地).

  B. rather : adv 相当地,多与贬义词连用,如:its rather cold today. 除此之外,常见搭配:would rather do A than do B:宁愿做A也不愿做B,如:

  I would rather walk to school than take a bus.

  rather too:太。。。,如:English is rather too difficult for me.

  rather than:不是,不要,如:I would like a cup of tea rather than coffee.

  C. very: 非常

  D. moderately: adv 适度地、不过分地


  his classmates speak highly of him.


  10. It is highly unlikely that she will arrive(到达) today

  A. probably  B. very  C. hardly(否定副词,几乎不)  D. possibly



  1.At midnight(午夜、半夜12点), we were aroused (吵醒)by a knock(敲) at the door. (answer: B)

  A. irritated:vt(使人恼怒、急噪)I am irradiated by the delay of the flight.

  B. awakened: vt (弄醒,唤醒)my mother awakens me every morning.

  C. arisen: vi

  A new problem has arisen.

  arise = appear = come up = originate = cause

  D. annoyed:vt

  His constant cries(哭闹) annoy me.


  In a bullfight, it is the movement, not the color, of objects that arouses the bull.

  A. confuses B. excites

  C. scares D. diverts

  arouse = awaken = encourage = cause


  It is the movement, not the color, of objects that excites the bull.

  A. frightens B. scares C. confuses D. arouses


  2.She was awarded a prize(奖) for the film(电影). (answer: A)

  A. given:vt(给、授予、让步、供给), 常出现的固定搭配:give away泄露秘密,发放,颁发; give forth发表,公布,发出声音、气味;give in屈服,交上;give way to让步,坍塌,破裂

  B. rewarded:vt酬劳、奖赏;n 报酬、赏金,常见搭配:

  as a reward for作为对某事的奖赏;reward sb for sth为某事而报答某人,请注意派生词:rewarding: adj 值得做的,令人满意的 a rewarding film/trip

  如:He rewarded the boy for finding his lost mobile phone.

  C. sent(是send过去分词,送, 寄)

  The mother sends her children to school every morning.

  D. reminded

  The picture reminded me of my father.


  she was awarded a gold medal as a swimming champion

  3.Smoking will be banned (禁止)in all public(公共的) places here. (answer: A)

  A. forbidden: 原形是forbid, 意思是禁止,不许,常见搭配:forbid sb to do sth,

  The teacher forbids us to talk in the class.

  B. allowed(): 原形allow, 允许、准许某人做某事,allow sb to do sth, 如:

  My boss doesnt allow me to use(使用)the phone(电话).

  C. permitted : vt 原形permit, 允许,许可,使某事有可能性,同义词allow, let.

  allow = permit = let

  D. promoted(): v 原形promote, 促进、增进、发扬、提升、请注意派生的名词:promotion: 提升、促销,提倡、赞助。

  如:She worked hard and was promoted very soon.

  the organization works to promote(促进) friendship between nations(两国之间的).


  Smoking is not permitted in the office.

  A. probable:形容词,可能的,同义词:possible

  B. possible:形容词,可能的,同义词:probable)

  C. admitted:动词,承认、允许某人进入,如:

  1). The small window admits very little light.

  2). I admitted I was wrong.

  D. allowed = permitted

  4.That guy is intelligent(聪明的), but a bit dull (沉闷的、乏味的、单调的). (answer: D)

  A. strange:奇怪的、陌生的、不同寻常的,常见搭配:be strange to sth

  hes strange to the new work.

  B. special:特殊的、特别的、专门的、额外的,如:special friend特别的朋友;special train专列;当名词用时,特别的人或事物。

  C. quiet:安静的。Keep quiet!保持安静!

  D. boring:枯燥的、无趣的、单调的,请注意和它有关的其他同根词:

  bore: v使人感到乏味;bored: adj 感到乏味的;在口语中,有时说:

  Long speech bores me to death.


  8. We all think(认为) that Marys husband(丈夫) is a very boring(乏味的) person.

  A shy(害羞的) B stupid(愚蠢的)

  C dull(乏味的、无趣的、迟钝的) D selfish(自私的)

  dull = boring = uninteresting


  9.She is a highly (非常) successful (成功的)teacher. (answer: C)

  A. fairly :adv 相当地、公平地、完全地,一般与褒义词连用,如:

  1). Your bedroom(卧室)is fairly tidy.

  2). You are not treating us fairly(公平地).

  B. rather : adv 相当地,多与贬义词连用,如:its rather cold today. 除此之外,常见搭配:would rather do A than do B:宁愿做A也不愿做B,如:

  I would rather walk to school than take a bus.

  rather too:太。。。,如:English is rather too difficult for me.

  rather than:不是,不要,如:I would like a cup of tea rather than coffee.

  C. very: 非常

  D. moderately: adv 适度地、不过分地


  his classmates speak highly of him.


  10. It is highly unlikely that she will arrive(到达) today

  A. probably  B. very  C. hardly(否定副词,几乎不)  D. possibly