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  Both Sides of an Issue

  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below.

  In seeking truth you have to get both sides of a story.

  - Walter Cronkite

  Assignment: Do you agree with Walter Cronkite that its necessary to see both sides of an issue in order to discover the truth? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experiences, or observations).


  学生习作(第一段) 语言修改 People often focus mostly on the advantageous side when they make a decision. Thus they often neglect the other side of the decision, which may lead to an unpleasant end. My family was also not able to avoid this kind of regrettable experience. From that failure, we should see both sides of an issue. Most often when people make a decision they focus on the advantages. Thus they often neglect the other side of the decision, which may lead to an unpleasant end. My family was also not able to avoid this kind of regrettable experience. From that failure, we should see both sides of an issue.


  许多学生过多地使用了therefore和thus. 这样的词是用来得出结论的。很多人只看有利的一面而忽视不利的一面这句话中用而或者并且连接两个分句,而不可以使用 therefore, thus, as a result 等表达。这样导致问题这两个方面的逻辑关系混乱,其实并不是因为人们只看有利面而导致忽视不利一面这个结果。



  My family used to live in a village, but my parents went to urban to work and I to study. It was a long distance, so we had to spend an average of 3.5 hours in our car everyday. We had to get up early to set out and return home late at night. Moreover, we could not watch TV together, but be together in the car, feeling sleepy. Of course, we were unwilling to accept the situation and we thought of moving to the urban area to save our time and to live a more convenient life. So we did, half a year ago.

  My family used to live in a village, but my parents moved to the city to work and I to study. It was a long distance to travel to the city every day with an average of 3.5 hours spent in our car.We had to get up early to set out and return home late at night. Unlike other families that watch TV or have other fun together, we spent hours in a car, which was boring and even painful. Of course, this situation was unacceptable to us so we thought of moving to the city to save time and make our lives more convenient.. So we did, half a year ago.





  Before we made up our minds, we did investigated what trouble we would face. We were optimist to conclude that there was only one thing, the higher cost of living, which we could set aside by less using the car. We also predicted that we could gain profits such as a lot of time we used to spend on highways, convenient life, etc.

  Before we made up our minds, we investigated what troubles we may face. We were optimistic that the only obstacle was the higher cost of living which we could offset by using the car less. We also concluded we would gain a lot in terms of less time spent on the road, more convenient lifestyle, etc.





  However we estimated the conclusion with too much confidence, and it was proved that moving to the city was a disaster. There is too much tail gas released from automobiles, which made us cough. The nights are so bright and noisy that we cannot sleep well. Thus, although we get more sleep time, we are even sleepier at study or work.

  However, we were overconfident and the move to the city proved a disaster. In the city there is a lot of gas exhaust from cars, which made us cough. The nights were so bright and noisy that we could not sleep well. Thus, although we had more time to sleep at night, we were even more tired.






  Every coin has two sides. We only noticed the positive side but lost the negative side, so we did not conclude the truth. The wrong decision was a lesson from which we learned that it is necessary to see both sides of an issue in order to discover the new truth. Now we are considering to moving back to the rural area, but this time, we will make a complete study before we carry it out.

  We only focused on the positive side and not the negative so our conclusion was not accurate. The wrong decision was a lesson from which we learned that it is necessary to see both sides of an issue in order to discover the new truth. We are now considering to move back to the village but this time we will do a thorough investigation before making our decision.


  与前面的习作一样,最后一段简单重复第一段的意思,甚至do a thorough investigation 这样的用词也是从第一段照抄到最后一段,这样写结尾段的方法是绝对应该避免的。






  改后句子用了a long distance to travelwithspent把原来的两个句子合并成了一个句子,这样使得句子更简洁而且意思明确。在句子中不一定非要用复合句,可以考虑用介词和动词的非谓语形式代替。


  Optimist是名词指人,这里应该用个形容词optimistic.另外,这句中的one thing意思太宽泛、不准确,应选用一个意思更加精准的词obstacle.


  In terms of sth.表示从这个方面或角度来说某件事情,例如,In terms of entertainment, movies are still more interesting than TV. But in terms of value, DVDs are more economical than going to the cinema.


  汽车尾气的地道说法是gas exhaust,英文没有tail gas的说法。

  Notice的意思是通过视、听等感官对某事有所理会,用在这里是不合适的。Focus on是指对某事进行特别的关注。另外,这句话的后半句如前所述还是没有必要用人做主语,用conclusion做主语更地道。



  Both Sides of an Issue

  Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below.

  In seeking truth you have to get both sides of a story.

  - Walter Cronkite

  Assignment: Do you agree with Walter Cronkite that its necessary to see both sides of an issue in order to discover the truth? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experiences, or observations).


  学生习作(第一段) 语言修改 People often focus mostly on the advantageous side when they make a decision. Thus they often neglect the other side of the decision, which may lead to an unpleasant end. My family was also not able to avoid this kind of regrettable experience. From that failure, we should see both sides of an issue. Most often when people make a decision they focus on the advantages. Thus they often neglect the other side of the decision, which may lead to an unpleasant end. My family was also not able to avoid this kind of regrettable experience. From that failure, we should see both sides of an issue.


  许多学生过多地使用了therefore和thus. 这样的词是用来得出结论的。很多人只看有利的一面而忽视不利的一面这句话中用而或者并且连接两个分句,而不可以使用 therefore, thus, as a result 等表达。这样导致问题这两个方面的逻辑关系混乱,其实并不是因为人们只看有利面而导致忽视不利一面这个结果。



  My family used to live in a village, but my parents went to urban to work and I to study. It was a long distance, so we had to spend an average of 3.5 hours in our car everyday. We had to get up early to set out and return home late at night. Moreover, we could not watch TV together, but be together in the car, feeling sleepy. Of course, we were unwilling to accept the situation and we thought of moving to the urban area to save our time and to live a more convenient life. So we did, half a year ago.

  My family used to live in a village, but my parents moved to the city to work and I to study. It was a long distance to travel to the city every day with an average of 3.5 hours spent in our car.We had to get up early to set out and return home late at night. Unlike other families that watch TV or have other fun together, we spent hours in a car, which was boring and even painful. Of course, this situation was unacceptable to us so we thought of moving to the city to save time and make our lives more convenient.. So we did, half a year ago.





  Before we made up our minds, we did investigated what trouble we would face. We were optimist to conclude that there was only one thing, the higher cost of living, which we could set aside by less using the car. We also predicted that we could gain profits such as a lot of time we used to spend on highways, convenient life, etc.

  Before we made up our minds, we investigated what troubles we may face. We were optimistic that the only obstacle was the higher cost of living which we could offset by using the car less. We also concluded we would gain a lot in terms of less time spent on the road, more convenient lifestyle, etc.





  However we estimated the conclusion with too much confidence, and it was proved that moving to the city was a disaster. There is too much tail gas released from automobiles, which made us cough. The nights are so bright and noisy that we cannot sleep well. Thus, although we get more sleep time, we are even sleepier at study or work.

  However, we were overconfident and the move to the city proved a disaster. In the city there is a lot of gas exhaust from cars, which made us cough. The nights were so bright and noisy that we could not sleep well. Thus, although we had more time to sleep at night, we were even more tired.






  Every coin has two sides. We only noticed the positive side but lost the negative side, so we did not conclude the truth. The wrong decision was a lesson from which we learned that it is necessary to see both sides of an issue in order to discover the new truth. Now we are considering to moving back to the rural area, but this time, we will make a complete study before we carry it out.

  We only focused on the positive side and not the negative so our conclusion was not accurate. The wrong decision was a lesson from which we learned that it is necessary to see both sides of an issue in order to discover the new truth. We are now considering to move back to the village but this time we will do a thorough investigation before making our decision.


  与前面的习作一样,最后一段简单重复第一段的意思,甚至do a thorough investigation 这样的用词也是从第一段照抄到最后一段,这样写结尾段的方法是绝对应该避免的。






  改后句子用了a long distance to travelwithspent把原来的两个句子合并成了一个句子,这样使得句子更简洁而且意思明确。在句子中不一定非要用复合句,可以考虑用介词和动词的非谓语形式代替。


  Optimist是名词指人,这里应该用个形容词optimistic.另外,这句中的one thing意思太宽泛、不准确,应选用一个意思更加精准的词obstacle.


  In terms of sth.表示从这个方面或角度来说某件事情,例如,In terms of entertainment, movies are still more interesting than TV. But in terms of value, DVDs are more economical than going to the cinema.


  汽车尾气的地道说法是gas exhaust,英文没有tail gas的说法。

  Notice的意思是通过视、听等感官对某事有所理会,用在这里是不合适的。Focus on是指对某事进行特别的关注。另外,这句话的后半句如前所述还是没有必要用人做主语,用conclusion做主语更地道。



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