2024届高考英语一轮复习精品课件:Unit 4《Wildlife protection 》(新人教版必修2湖北专用)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习精品课件:Unit 4《Wildlife protection 》(新人教版必修2湖北专用)

  Module 9

  Unit 2

  Will books be replaced by the Internet?


  1知识目标: 掌握本单元词汇。

  2能力目标: 熟悉一般将来时态的被动语态。


  重难点 一般将来时态的被动语态的各种变化。

  Step1. Leading in


  Do you use computers? 2.

  How often do you use computers?

  3. How do you get information? Reading books? Or surfing the Internet?

  4. Do you think books will be replaced by the Internet?

  Step2. Present (Part1)


  ★Scanning and finish Part3-4.

  ★Careful reading

  Read again and find out the phrases.

  1.在上班的路上________________ 2.快速阅览、浏览_________________



  5. 用手、靠手做______________





  Step 4. Language points.

  1.Every evening, my mother looks through magazines at home.


  look through意思是“快速阅读;浏览”。例如:

  Would you quickly look through the composition for me and see if there are any mistakes?

  2. In those days, books were only produced one at a time by hand.


  by hand表示“用手(做)”。

  All these toys are made by hand. 所有这些玩具都是手工制作的。

  All the beds in my home are made by hand.我们家所有的床都是手工做的

  3. As a result, there were not many books, and they were expensive.


  as a result意思是“作为结果;因此”,表示



  as a result of 与as a result仅一词之差,意为“作为……的结果;由于”,后

  She was late as a result of the snow.由于下雪,她迟到了。


  4. Will books be replaced by the Internet?


  be replaced by的意思是“被…所取代”。如:

  The broken chair was replaced by a new one.


  They replaced the old windows with new ones.1. look through_________________2. at a time______________________

  3. by hand____________________4. in a way______________________

  5. Books were only produced one at a time by hand.


  6. Will books be replaced by the Internet?


  II. 用所给词的正确形式填空。



  by hand


  1. With the __________ of the Internet, great changes have taken place.

  2. My handwriting can not be __________ with my father’s.

  3. The news __________ through the school very quickly.

  4. The early books were produced _______.

  III. 根据汉语及提示完成句子。

  1. 昨晚这个时候他正在翻阅几份文件。(look through)


  2. 我们努力学习,结果考试获得了好成绩。(as a result)


  3. 他的新毛衣是手工织的。(by hand)


  IV. 阅读理解

  Dear Paul,

  Thank you very much for your letter. I’m glad that you enjoyed yourself with us in the holiday in London.

  We enjoyed staying with you and your sister Betty. We hope that both of you can come again next year. Why not stay longer next time? A week is not really确实)long enough (足够的), is it?

  This September Tommy and Ann will be in Grade Seven and I will be in Grade Nine. I have to work hard. My math is not good. Can you help me?

  Tommy and Ann went for a picnic yesterday. I didn’t go with them because my foot was hurt and I couldn’t walk. They went to an island (岛) and played some games there. Do you remember the island? That’s where the five of us had a good time last month.

  Best wishes.



  1.Where did Paul and his sister have their holiday?

  .What grade is Michael in this year?

  . Why didn’t Michael go for a picnic yesterday?


  I’m glad that you enjoyed yourself with us in the holiday in London.

  .Tommy and Ann went for a picnic yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)

  Write a passage about traditional printing and its future. Use the sentences you have written in Activity 5 and 6 to help you.

  It’s hard to imagine a world without printing because we have so many printed things now, for example, menus, comics and schoolbooks. Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago, but books weren’t printed at that time. They were written by hand, so few books were produced, and, as a result, few people could read.

  Module 9

  Unit 2

  Will books be replaced by the Internet?


  1知识目标: 掌握本单元词汇。

  2能力目标: 熟悉一般将来时态的被动语态。


  重难点 一般将来时态的被动语态的各种变化。

  Step1. Leading in


  Do you use computers? 2.

  How often do you use computers?

  3. How do you get information? Reading books? Or surfing the Internet?

  4. Do you think books will be replaced by the Internet?

  Step2. Present (Part1)


  ★Scanning and finish Part3-4.

  ★Careful reading

  Read again and find out the phrases.

  1.在上班的路上________________ 2.快速阅览、浏览_________________



  5. 用手、靠手做______________





  Step 4. Language points.

  1.Every evening, my mother looks through magazines at home.


  look through意思是“快速阅读;浏览”。例如:

  Would you quickly look through the composition for me and see if there are any mistakes?

  2. In those days, books were only produced one at a time by hand.


  by hand表示“用手(做)”。

  All these toys are made by hand. 所有这些玩具都是手工制作的。

  All the beds in my home are made by hand.我们家所有的床都是手工做的

  3. As a result, there were not many books, and they were expensive.


  as a result意思是“作为结果;因此”,表示



  as a result of 与as a result仅一词之差,意为“作为……的结果;由于”,后

  She was late as a result of the snow.由于下雪,她迟到了。


  4. Will books be replaced by the Internet?


  be replaced by的意思是“被…所取代”。如:

  The broken chair was replaced by a new one.


  They replaced the old windows with new ones.1. look through_________________2. at a time______________________

  3. by hand____________________4. in a way______________________

  5. Books were only produced one at a time by hand.


  6. Will books be replaced by the Internet?


  II. 用所给词的正确形式填空。



  by hand


  1. With the __________ of the Internet, great changes have taken place.

  2. My handwriting can not be __________ with my father’s.

  3. The news __________ through the school very quickly.

  4. The early books were produced _______.

  III. 根据汉语及提示完成句子。

  1. 昨晚这个时候他正在翻阅几份文件。(look through)


  2. 我们努力学习,结果考试获得了好成绩。(as a result)


  3. 他的新毛衣是手工织的。(by hand)


  IV. 阅读理解

  Dear Paul,

  Thank you very much for your letter. I’m glad that you enjoyed yourself with us in the holiday in London.

  We enjoyed staying with you and your sister Betty. We hope that both of you can come again next year. Why not stay longer next time? A week is not really确实)long enough (足够的), is it?

  This September Tommy and Ann will be in Grade Seven and I will be in Grade Nine. I have to work hard. My math is not good. Can you help me?

  Tommy and Ann went for a picnic yesterday. I didn’t go with them because my foot was hurt and I couldn’t walk. They went to an island (岛) and played some games there. Do you remember the island? That’s where the five of us had a good time last month.

  Best wishes.



  1.Where did Paul and his sister have their holiday?

  .What grade is Michael in this year?

  . Why didn’t Michael go for a picnic yesterday?


  I’m glad that you enjoyed yourself with us in the holiday in London.

  .Tommy and Ann went for a picnic yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)

  Write a passage about traditional printing and its future. Use the sentences you have written in Activity 5 and 6 to help you.

  It’s hard to imagine a world without printing because we have so many printed things now, for example, menus, comics and schoolbooks. Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago, but books weren’t printed at that time. They were written by hand, so few books were produced, and, as a result, few people could read.