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  1) From sth./what one has done, he can derive profits as follows.

  2) Sth., if made the best/the worst of, will bring some distinct advantages/disadvantages to our social development/ones growth.

  3) Sth. is expected to do a lot of benefit/threat/harm to sb./sth. else.

  4) sth. will enrich/endanger/influence ones life in more than one aspect.

  5) Some good/bad/unexpected effects come of what we have done/sth. done in

  6) There are several reasons/causes/factors for the changes/increase/decline/growth in

  7) The reasons/causes/factors for sth. are complex/varied/profound.

  8) The success/failure/change/increase/decline mainly/largely stems/derives/results from the factors as follows.

  9) Why has/did/is?

  10) It is no easy/simple task/job to furnish/identify/find every reason / cause for sth., but/while, on the whole, three/some factors shout louder/weigh heavier than others/stand out from others.

  11) In view of this situation/drift/boom/social disorder/drastic change, people put forward/advance/suggest/propose two countermoves/countermeasures:

  12) From the suggested solutions /measures /plans /moves /ideas , two have begun to stand/stick out, namely .

  13) There are believed/expected/supposed to be two effective measures/practical schemes/workable ideas/sound solutions, one of which is

  14) To promote/suppress/cultivate/popularize/curb/enhance/root up the thing in question, the public attention/more stress/emphasis is placed/put/focused upon two proposals/moves/measures/solutions:

  15) When it comes to the comparison between A and B, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  16) Ideas/Views on the issue in question vary from person to person/vary widely. A

  As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different views/positions/attitudes/stands。A

  18) Peoples views, however, are divergent on the matter in question. A

  或:People are divided in opinion/outlook/view on the matter in question. A

  19) People respond/react toin the manners/ways opposite to each other.


  20) Although people arrive at/reach/achieve the common understanding of sth., their views/ideas about its influence/future/impact are at opposite poles. A

  21) There are several/a number of reasons/factors for my choice/pursuit /fondness /adaptability /concentration /advocacy /belief

  22) Among the factors that contribute to my achievement/choice/struggle/. , three/a few shout louder/weigh more heavily/stand out.

  23) The reasons/factors/causes for my love /interest /determination /objection /are varied and individual.

  24) A variety of/Quite a few factors have led me to do sth.

  25) My outlook /choice /participation /devotion stems from/derives from/results from some/several chief factors.

  26) Our life/history/society abounds with/is rich in/is full of typical examples/illustrations.

  27) Cases illustrative of this definition/truth/theory/principle/mechanism /saying/proverb are not rare/are too numerous to mention one by one/can be found everywhere in our life/society.

  28) To illstrate the theory in question, we can cite many examples.

  29) According to my observation/knowledge, many examples from our real life can serve/be used as good evidence for the definition in question.

  30) This truth/principle/motto/popular saying/way of coping with sth. is/ h olds true for/goes for/can be applied to many/various matters/cases in our actual life.

  31) There are some/several/a few steps you/a would-be beginner can follow to achieve your goal/to realize your/his dreams/to the best advantage.

  32) When/If sth. in question/youit is better/advisable/necessary/essential to follow the instructions/courses/steps/schemes/ways as given/described below.

  33) To do sth., one/youd better go by/act upon/comply with some concrete/practical/sound/effective rules/regulations/orders/procedures/courses.

  34) For anyone/those who, here are the best ways to

  35) What/How/Whythen?

  36) If/When placed together to undergo a close/careful/sound/rational/all -sided comparison, they/the two subjects can reveal/show/manifest/display their resemblance/difference in

  37) Just as one can distinguish only by comparing, it is necessary/better/worthwhile to see/find out what will come of the contrast/comparison between A and B.

  38) In/Under/On different/similar situations/conditions/circumstances, how ever, the meanings/connotations/inspirations/lessons/doctrines/experiences/value s/implications/hints derived from the same thing are similar/contrary/opposite to one another。

  39) The best/only/nearest/sound way for us to understand/seize the essence /substance of, however, is to put both/it against each other/different backgrounds/another thing 。

  40) To, however, no way works better than by comparing/contrasting A with B.


  1) From sth./what one has done, he can derive profits as follows.

  2) Sth., if made the best/the worst of, will bring some distinct advantages/disadvantages to our social development/ones growth.

  3) Sth. is expected to do a lot of benefit/threat/harm to sb./sth. else.

  4) sth. will enrich/endanger/influence ones life in more than one aspect.

  5) Some good/bad/unexpected effects come of what we have done/sth. done in

  6) There are several reasons/causes/factors for the changes/increase/decline/growth in

  7) The reasons/causes/factors for sth. are complex/varied/profound.

  8) The success/failure/change/increase/decline mainly/largely stems/derives/results from the factors as follows.

  9) Why has/did/is?

  10) It is no easy/simple task/job to furnish/identify/find every reason / cause for sth., but/while, on the whole, three/some factors shout louder/weigh heavier than others/stand out from others.

  11) In view of this situation/drift/boom/social disorder/drastic change, people put forward/advance/suggest/propose two countermoves/countermeasures:

  12) From the suggested solutions /measures /plans /moves /ideas , two have begun to stand/stick out, namely .

  13) There are believed/expected/supposed to be two effective measures/practical schemes/workable ideas/sound solutions, one of which is

  14) To promote/suppress/cultivate/popularize/curb/enhance/root up the thing in question, the public attention/more stress/emphasis is placed/put/focused upon two proposals/moves/measures/solutions:

  15) When it comes to the comparison between A and B, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  16) Ideas/Views on the issue in question vary from person to person/vary widely. A

  As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different views/positions/attitudes/stands。A

  18) Peoples views, however, are divergent on the matter in question. A

  或:People are divided in opinion/outlook/view on the matter in question. A

  19) People respond/react toin the manners/ways opposite to each other.


  20) Although people arrive at/reach/achieve the common understanding of sth., their views/ideas about its influence/future/impact are at opposite poles. A

  21) There are several/a number of reasons/factors for my choice/pursuit /fondness /adaptability /concentration /advocacy /belief

  22) Among the factors that contribute to my achievement/choice/struggle/. , three/a few shout louder/weigh more heavily/stand out.

  23) The reasons/factors/causes for my love /interest /determination /objection /are varied and individual.

  24) A variety of/Quite a few factors have led me to do sth.

  25) My outlook /choice /participation /devotion stems from/derives from/results from some/several chief factors.

  26) Our life/history/society abounds with/is rich in/is full of typical examples/illustrations.

  27) Cases illustrative of this definition/truth/theory/principle/mechanism /saying/proverb are not rare/are too numerous to mention one by one/can be found everywhere in our life/society.

  28) To illstrate the theory in question, we can cite many examples.

  29) According to my observation/knowledge, many examples from our real life can serve/be used as good evidence for the definition in question.

  30) This truth/principle/motto/popular saying/way of coping with sth. is/ h olds true for/goes for/can be applied to many/various matters/cases in our actual life.

  31) There are some/several/a few steps you/a would-be beginner can follow to achieve your goal/to realize your/his dreams/to the best advantage.

  32) When/If sth. in question/youit is better/advisable/necessary/essential to follow the instructions/courses/steps/schemes/ways as given/described below.

  33) To do sth., one/youd better go by/act upon/comply with some concrete/practical/sound/effective rules/regulations/orders/procedures/courses.

  34) For anyone/those who, here are the best ways to

  35) What/How/Whythen?

  36) If/When placed together to undergo a close/careful/sound/rational/all -sided comparison, they/the two subjects can reveal/show/manifest/display their resemblance/difference in

  37) Just as one can distinguish only by comparing, it is necessary/better/worthwhile to see/find out what will come of the contrast/comparison between A and B.

  38) In/Under/On different/similar situations/conditions/circumstances, how ever, the meanings/connotations/inspirations/lessons/doctrines/experiences/value s/implications/hints derived from the same thing are similar/contrary/opposite to one another。

  39) The best/only/nearest/sound way for us to understand/seize the essence /substance of, however, is to put both/it against each other/different backgrounds/another thing 。

  40) To, however, no way works better than by comparing/contrasting A with B.


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