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Japan has slid back into recession for the fifth time in seven years amid uncertainty about the state of the global economy, putting policymakers under growing pressure to deploy new stimulus measures to support a fragile recovery.


The world’s third-largest economy shrank an annualised 0.8% in July-September, more than a market forecast for a 0.2% contraction, government data showed on Monday.


That followed a revised 0.7% contraction in the previous quarter, fulfilling the technical definition of a recession which is two back-to-back quarterly contractions. It is the fifth time Japan has entered recession since 2008, a so-called “quintuple dip”.


这里的“五次探底”(quintuple dip)是由经济名词“二次探底”演绎而来的。二次探底(double dip),指经济危机造成了大部分国家或地区的经济跌入低谷,在回暖的过程中,由于一些经济矛盾尚未化解完善或又显露了新的经济矛盾,致使经济再次跌至或探至低谷。



double 两倍

triple 三倍

quadruple 四倍

quintuple 五倍

sextuple 六倍

septuple 七倍

octuple 八倍

nonuple 九倍


Japan has slid back into recession for the fifth time in seven years amid uncertainty about the state of the global economy, putting policymakers under growing pressure to deploy new stimulus measures to support a fragile recovery.


The world’s third-largest economy shrank an annualised 0.8% in July-September, more than a market forecast for a 0.2% contraction, government data showed on Monday.


That followed a revised 0.7% contraction in the previous quarter, fulfilling the technical definition of a recession which is two back-to-back quarterly contractions. It is the fifth time Japan has entered recession since 2008, a so-called “quintuple dip”.


这里的“五次探底”(quintuple dip)是由经济名词“二次探底”演绎而来的。二次探底(double dip),指经济危机造成了大部分国家或地区的经济跌入低谷,在回暖的过程中,由于一些经济矛盾尚未化解完善或又显露了新的经济矛盾,致使经济再次跌至或探至低谷。



double 两倍

triple 三倍

quadruple 四倍

quintuple 五倍

sextuple 六倍

septuple 七倍

octuple 八倍

nonuple 九倍