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  1. Theidentity: Lt, Henry Bedell, Company D, 11th Vermont Volunteersold.

  2. Itthat Dadalready-farming 80 acresjob.

  3. Now Impoint-but what there?

  4. Rain, snow, sleet, fogworld.

  5. Duringtourists; during the winterbeach.

  6. Toextent, mankindearth.

  7. Likewild life,reproduce, growfall.

  8. TheJim Thorpe, the greatest Americantimes.

  9. Theenormous, juicyappetizing.

  10. Ikids-educatedthe Westmovies-would be disappointed.

  11. Istatue. Its soul, so to speak, isbeauty.

  12. Thestudents, teachers, doctors, businessmen, factory workers-peoplelife.

  13. Isunderground-in newcaves?

  14. I-by correspondence-that Iher at Beijing HotelThursday.

  15. Passengersbeverages: coffee, tea, milk or soda.

  16. PresentMr. Ho, ChairmanEnglish Department; Mr. Brown, a visitingDenmark; andus.

  17. Thepatients; itof defensive medicine.

  18. Hiswith them-he hadonce madehelp.


  1.work, for

  2.down; as a result, we

  3.note; it

  4.watch, yet

  5..tired, so

  6. booming; consequently, the company

  7. in it, and it was

  8. looking; the food, however, is

  9.compulsory; the students choice, therefore

  10coffee; others

  11costly; nevertheless, we

  12weightlessness; moreover, they


  1. death;

  2. sunlight. We/sunlight; we

  3. May, yet/but snow

  4. years; for example,

  5. quiet;

  6. night; I/.night, and/so I

  7. punished; in fact/punished. In fact

  8. food, and so./food; therefore, I.

  9. very; what./vary. What

  10. Marie/TV, and Marie


  1. On Friday, the teacher announced, well take up a new lesson.

  2. What, he asked, do we have to prepare for the camping trip?

  3. C

  4. He greets everyone with Hi!

  5. You may think I have a lot of garbage in these bags, one shopping-bag lady volunteered in a church soup kitchen, but its everything I need.

  6. C

  7. It pains me, I said, to find that you both have been panhandling so long that it no longer embarrasses you.

  8. Retirement often brings many problems surrounding the What do I do with myself? question, even though there may be no financial worries.


  1. At one oclock on September 2, 1666, the Great Fire of London started inside a bakers shop in Pudding Lane. It lasted five days, and nearly 80% of all the buildings within the London Wall were razed. According to the official report, 13,200 houses, 87 parish churches, over 400 streets, and the enormous old St. Pauls Cathedral-one of the wonders of the medieval world-were in ruins. Out of Londons 450 acres, only 75 remained untouched.

  Robert Hubert, a French watchmaker from Rouen, was accused of the fire. The sentence said he had deliberately started the fire. After he was hanged, it was conclusively proved that he had not even arrived in London until two days after the fire broke out.

  2. Mr. Jones was very fond of climbing mountains, so one year he went to Switzerland for his holidays. After he had climbed some easy mountains, he decided one day to climb a more difficult one; but he did not want to go up it alone, so he found a good Swiss guide, who had often climbed that mountain.

  At first it was not a difficult climb, but then they came to a place which was not so easy. The guide stopped, turned round and warned Mr Jones. Be careful here,he said This is a dangerous place. You can easily fall, and if you do, you will fall straight down a very long way. But,he continued calmly, if you do fall here, dont forget to look to the right while you are going down. There is a quite extraordinarily beautiful view there-much more beautiful than the one you can see from here.

  3. It is the simple things that really matter. If a man delights in his wife and children, has success in work, and finds pleasure in the alternation of day and night, spring and autumn, he will be happy whatever his philosophy may be. If, on the other hand, he finds his wife hateful, his childrens noise unendurable, and the office a nightmare, if in the daytime he longs for night, and at night he sighs for the light of day-then what he needs is not a new philosophy but a new pattern of life-a different diet, or more exercise. Man is an animal, and his happiness depends on his physiology more than he likes to think. Unhappy business men, I am convinced, would increase their happiness more by walking six miles every day than by any conceivable change of philosophy.




  1. Theidentity: Lt, Henry Bedell, Company D, 11th Vermont Volunteersold.

  2. Itthat Dadalready-farming 80 acresjob.

  3. Now Impoint-but what there?

  4. Rain, snow, sleet, fogworld.

  5. Duringtourists; during the winterbeach.

  6. Toextent, mankindearth.

  7. Likewild life,reproduce, growfall.

  8. TheJim Thorpe, the greatest Americantimes.

  9. Theenormous, juicyappetizing.

  10. Ikids-educatedthe Westmovies-would be disappointed.

  11. Istatue. Its soul, so to speak, isbeauty.

  12. Thestudents, teachers, doctors, businessmen, factory workers-peoplelife.

  13. Isunderground-in newcaves?

  14. I-by correspondence-that Iher at Beijing HotelThursday.

  15. Passengersbeverages: coffee, tea, milk or soda.

  16. PresentMr. Ho, ChairmanEnglish Department; Mr. Brown, a visitingDenmark; andus.

  17. Thepatients; itof defensive medicine.

  18. Hiswith them-he hadonce madehelp.


  1.work, for

  2.down; as a result, we

  3.note; it

  4.watch, yet

  5..tired, so

  6. booming; consequently, the company

  7. in it, and it was

  8. looking; the food, however, is

  9.compulsory; the students choice, therefore

  10coffee; others

  11costly; nevertheless, we

  12weightlessness; moreover, they


  1. death;

  2. sunlight. We/sunlight; we

  3. May, yet/but snow

  4. years; for example,

  5. quiet;

  6. night; I/.night, and/so I

  7. punished; in fact/punished. In fact

  8. food, and so./food; therefore, I.

  9. very; what./vary. What

  10. Marie/TV, and Marie


  1. On Friday, the teacher announced, well take up a new lesson.

  2. What, he asked, do we have to prepare for the camping trip?

  3. C

  4. He greets everyone with Hi!

  5. You may think I have a lot of garbage in these bags, one shopping-bag lady volunteered in a church soup kitchen, but its everything I need.

  6. C

  7. It pains me, I said, to find that you both have been panhandling so long that it no longer embarrasses you.

  8. Retirement often brings many problems surrounding the What do I do with myself? question, even though there may be no financial worries.


  1. At one oclock on September 2, 1666, the Great Fire of London started inside a bakers shop in Pudding Lane. It lasted five days, and nearly 80% of all the buildings within the London Wall were razed. According to the official report, 13,200 houses, 87 parish churches, over 400 streets, and the enormous old St. Pauls Cathedral-one of the wonders of the medieval world-were in ruins. Out of Londons 450 acres, only 75 remained untouched.

  Robert Hubert, a French watchmaker from Rouen, was accused of the fire. The sentence said he had deliberately started the fire. After he was hanged, it was conclusively proved that he had not even arrived in London until two days after the fire broke out.

  2. Mr. Jones was very fond of climbing mountains, so one year he went to Switzerland for his holidays. After he had climbed some easy mountains, he decided one day to climb a more difficult one; but he did not want to go up it alone, so he found a good Swiss guide, who had often climbed that mountain.

  At first it was not a difficult climb, but then they came to a place which was not so easy. The guide stopped, turned round and warned Mr Jones. Be careful here,he said This is a dangerous place. You can easily fall, and if you do, you will fall straight down a very long way. But,he continued calmly, if you do fall here, dont forget to look to the right while you are going down. There is a quite extraordinarily beautiful view there-much more beautiful than the one you can see from here.

  3. It is the simple things that really matter. If a man delights in his wife and children, has success in work, and finds pleasure in the alternation of day and night, spring and autumn, he will be happy whatever his philosophy may be. If, on the other hand, he finds his wife hateful, his childrens noise unendurable, and the office a nightmare, if in the daytime he longs for night, and at night he sighs for the light of day-then what he needs is not a new philosophy but a new pattern of life-a different diet, or more exercise. Man is an animal, and his happiness depends on his physiology more than he likes to think. Unhappy business men, I am convinced, would increase their happiness more by walking six miles every day than by any conceivable change of philosophy.

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