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  A: He muttered the answer into my ear but I still was unable to hear him.

  B: You should have asked him to repeat it more clearly.


  v. / n. 轻声低语,小声抱怨

  A: Is this chicken or beef?

  B: Neither, it is mutton .


  n. 羊肉

  A: My dog bit a young child once.

  B: Is that why he now wears a muzzle ?


  n. 1.(四足动物的)鼻口部;2.(防止动物咬人的)口套;3.枪口,炮口

  vt. 1.使缄默,钳制...言论;2.给(狗等)戴口套

  A: There are myriad reasons why I should not go on holidays now.

  B: But there is one reason why you should, me!


  a. 无数的

  n. 无数,极大数量

  A: My neighbour claims that she is a mystic .

  B: Do you think that she actually has magical powers?


  n. 神秘主义者

  a. 1.神秘的,玄妙的;2.神秘主义(者)的

  A: The moon looks mystical tonight.

  B: Perhaps that is because it is a full moon on a clear night.


  见 mystic

  A: I want to study ancient mythology .

  B: What interests you in particular about the stories?


  n. 神话,神话学


  A: He muttered the answer into my ear but I still was unable to hear him.

  B: You should have asked him to repeat it more clearly.


  v. / n. 轻声低语,小声抱怨

  A: Is this chicken or beef?

  B: Neither, it is mutton .


  n. 羊肉

  A: My dog bit a young child once.

  B: Is that why he now wears a muzzle ?


  n. 1.(四足动物的)鼻口部;2.(防止动物咬人的)口套;3.枪口,炮口

  vt. 1.使缄默,钳制...言论;2.给(狗等)戴口套

  A: There are myriad reasons why I should not go on holidays now.

  B: But there is one reason why you should, me!


  a. 无数的

  n. 无数,极大数量

  A: My neighbour claims that she is a mystic .

  B: Do you think that she actually has magical powers?


  n. 神秘主义者

  a. 1.神秘的,玄妙的;2.神秘主义(者)的

  A: The moon looks mystical tonight.

  B: Perhaps that is because it is a full moon on a clear night.


  见 mystic

  A: I want to study ancient mythology .

  B: What interests you in particular about the stories?


  n. 神话,神话学