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  vt. 使迷惑,使难住

  A: It is difficult to write this article without being biased.

  B: Well, make sure you look at the issue from both sides before you start.


  n. 偏见,偏心,偏袒

  vt. 使有偏见

  A: Now students, make sure you include a complete bibliography at the end of your work.

  B: But that takes so much time.


  n. 1.参考书目; 2.书目

  A: Did you hear about the new bilateral agreement between Russia and France?

  B: No, not yet, I have not listened to the news today.


  a. 双边的,双方的

  A: Did anyone call the fire brigade when the fire was detected?

  B: yes, but when they arrived it was too late, the smoke was already billowing out of the windows.


  n. 巨浪,如波涛滚滚向前之物

  vi. 翻腾,汹涌

  A: Please don t throw your rubbish on the ground, there is a bin beside the door.

  B: Oh, sorry, I did not see it.


  n. 1.垃圾箱; 2.大贮藏箱

  A: Oh, I wish I had brought my binoculars to the concert.

  B: Yeah, the performers look so small from the back row.


  n. 双筒望远镜

  A: You have had such an interesting life, I would love to read your biography some day.

  B: Oh, really. I hadn t planned on writing one.


  n. 传记

  A: Last night was bizarre, it snowed when it should have been dry.

  B: Well, it is difficult to predict the weather.


  a. 奇形怪状的,怪诞的

  A: Why did you steal the money?

  B: I was blackmailed into it.


  vt./n. 敲诈,勒索,要挟

  A: My grandfather used to work with horses.

  B: Was he a blacksmith?


  n. 铁匠, 锻工

  A: Is there a toilet in this building? My bladder is about to burst.

  B: Just down the hallway, on the right.


  n 1.膀胱; 2.囊状物.

  A: The food that I cook is usually very bland.

  B: No, I think it is quite spicy actually.


  a. 1.温和的, 无动于衷的; 2.清淡的,枯燥乏味的

  A: The concert was incredible, the lead singer nearly blazed the house down with his energy.

  B: Gosh, it sounds almost dangerous.


  vi. 1.熊熊燃烧,着火; 2.发光,放光彩; 3.迸发,爆发

  n. 1.火焰,烈火; 2.光辉,强烈的光; 3.迸发,爆发; 4.灿烂,炫耀

  blaze a trail 开拓道路,作先导

  A: Have you cleaned the bath yet?

  B: No, sorry. I ran out of bleach.


  n. 漂白剂

  v. 变白,漂白

  A: Winter is my favourite season.

  B: Oh, winters are too bleak for me, I prefer autumn.



  vt. 使迷惑,使难住

  A: It is difficult to write this article without being biased.

  B: Well, make sure you look at the issue from both sides before you start.


  n. 偏见,偏心,偏袒

  vt. 使有偏见

  A: Now students, make sure you include a complete bibliography at the end of your work.

  B: But that takes so much time.


  n. 1.参考书目; 2.书目

  A: Did you hear about the new bilateral agreement between Russia and France?

  B: No, not yet, I have not listened to the news today.


  a. 双边的,双方的

  A: Did anyone call the fire brigade when the fire was detected?

  B: yes, but when they arrived it was too late, the smoke was already billowing out of the windows.


  n. 巨浪,如波涛滚滚向前之物

  vi. 翻腾,汹涌

  A: Please don t throw your rubbish on the ground, there is a bin beside the door.

  B: Oh, sorry, I did not see it.


  n. 1.垃圾箱; 2.大贮藏箱

  A: Oh, I wish I had brought my binoculars to the concert.

  B: Yeah, the performers look so small from the back row.


  n. 双筒望远镜

  A: You have had such an interesting life, I would love to read your biography some day.

  B: Oh, really. I hadn t planned on writing one.


  n. 传记

  A: Last night was bizarre, it snowed when it should have been dry.

  B: Well, it is difficult to predict the weather.


  a. 奇形怪状的,怪诞的

  A: Why did you steal the money?

  B: I was blackmailed into it.


  vt./n. 敲诈,勒索,要挟

  A: My grandfather used to work with horses.

  B: Was he a blacksmith?


  n. 铁匠, 锻工

  A: Is there a toilet in this building? My bladder is about to burst.

  B: Just down the hallway, on the right.


  n 1.膀胱; 2.囊状物.

  A: The food that I cook is usually very bland.

  B: No, I think it is quite spicy actually.


  a. 1.温和的, 无动于衷的; 2.清淡的,枯燥乏味的

  A: The concert was incredible, the lead singer nearly blazed the house down with his energy.

  B: Gosh, it sounds almost dangerous.


  vi. 1.熊熊燃烧,着火; 2.发光,放光彩; 3.迸发,爆发

  n. 1.火焰,烈火; 2.光辉,强烈的光; 3.迸发,爆发; 4.灿烂,炫耀

  blaze a trail 开拓道路,作先导

  A: Have you cleaned the bath yet?

  B: No, sorry. I ran out of bleach.


  n. 漂白剂

  v. 变白,漂白

  A: Winter is my favourite season.

  B: Oh, winters are too bleak for me, I prefer autumn.