第15课 刻薄的 - 19

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第15课 刻薄的 - 19

第15课:刻薄的 - 19


A: I heard that that teacher was unmerciful to the students on the exam.

B: Mrs. Jones? Yes, she gave them a really hard test, which included none of the questions they had practiced together.

A: 我听说那个老师对参加考试的学生毫不留情。

B: 你是说Jones夫人吗?是啊,她出的试题特别难,没有一道时他们以前一起练过的。


A: That man has the sharpest tongue ever. He is very sarcastic.

B: Yes, he has an acerbic sense of humor that sometimes offends people.

A: 那个人的嘴是我见过的最尖酸刻薄的,他总爱讽刺挖苦人。

B: 没错,他有种尖酸刻薄的幽默感,有时会得罪人。


unmerciful: 无情的,没有同情心的;残忍的。

sharp: (话语或脾气)尖酸的,尖锐的。

tongue: 说话方式。

sarcastic: 讽刺的,挖苦的。

acerbic: (尤指在言语或行为上)刻薄的,尖酸的。