tremble with因...而颤抖第28讲六级高频词组详解

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tremble with因...而颤抖第28讲六级高频词组详解

  1. tremble with因...而颤抖

  2. pay tribute to向...表示敬意,向...进贡---

  We pay tribute to his courage. 我们赞赏他的勇气.

  Many conquered nations had to pay tribute to the rulers of ancient Rome. 许多被征服的国家要向古罗马的统治者纳贡.

  3. attribute既是动词也是名词属性,特征一般都使用attribute sth to sth---He attributes his success to his hard work.

  Contribute还有投稿的意思contribute articles to---向...投稿

  Contribute/dedicate/devote to + doing sth:贡献;但是contribute后不可接oneself;contribute +to doing sth:还可以做捐助,有助于;to make contribution to doing


  I am sure your suggestion will contribute to solving the problem.

  4. trick sb into sth骗人...

  Be careful. They are out to trick you into buying something you dont need. 小心,他们打定主意诱惑你买些你不需要的东西.

  To trick sb out of sth从...中骗取---Her partner tried to trick her out of her share 她的合伙人企图骗走她的股份

  4. trifle是一个名词也做不及物动词;a trifle做副词使用意思是稍微,有点儿trifle with玩忽,嬉耍,轻视

  He was a trifle late for class.000他上课迟了点.

  Dont trifle with me.别小看我

  Stop trifling with your work.不要拿工作当儿戏.


  5. trouble既是名词,也是动词,其复数troubles才表示纷争,动乱---family troubles


  In trouble---I think were in trouble. 看来有麻烦了

  Get into trouble---Curiosity can get you into trouble . 好奇可能招引麻烦

  Ask for trouble---Youd better not ask for trouble. 你最好不要惹麻烦.

  Take trouble to do---You are very kind to take the trouble to help me 你不怕麻烦帮助我真是太好了

  Put sb to the trouble of doing sth--- Im quite able to pay for this suit. I simply didnt wish to put you to the trouble of changing a large note. 我完全付得起这套衣

  服的钱. 我不过是不想难为你们去破开一张大票子罢了.

  在做动词使用的时候表示麻烦,烦恼则使用Trouble about sth/trouble sb to do

  Dont trouble yourself about that. 你不要为这费事了.

  They ceased to trouble themselves about him. 他们不再为他而担心了.

  He takes very little trouble about his work. 他做事一点也不用心.

  Trouble in doing sth表示在做...有困难

  6. try根据意思不同使用不同形式 try to do---试图; try doing试验

  7. returns作为复数,才表示受益,赢利---comparative returns on investments 比较投资效果

  in return 作为回报或报答;作为的交还

  I gave the boy a dictionary in return for his selfless help to me. 我给那个男孩一本字典作为他对我无私帮助的回报.

  8. a tourist anency旅行社;a tourist party观光团

  9. Once bit, twice shy一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳

  10. stereotype有陈规,老套,固定的模式,也有动词对...形成固定看法的意思

  break through the stereotype破除陈规, 打破旧框框---The practice has been stereotyped into a tradition. 这种作法已经定型成了个传统了.

  11. to convert defeat into victory, the conversion of defeat into victory 转败为胜

  12. diverse是形容词,在做不同的,相异的的时候,使用diverse from---The word is now used in a sense diverse from the original meaning. 在某种意义上说,此


  13. urge既是名词冲劲,内驱力,强烈欲望, 迫切要求也是动词催促,鞭策

  He has an urge to become a cinema star.他渴望当一名电影明星.An urge to make money.

  Urge sb /doing 敦促某人干...

  Be urgent with sb for sth硬向某人要某物---

  It is urgent that句型中需要使用should的虚拟语气

  Urgency singals紧急信号

  14. It is no use/good + doing...---It is no use pretending you did not know . 你装糊涂是无济于事的.

  15. used to do sth---过去长长干某事;be used to doing sth习惯于干某事;be used to do sth被用来干某事

  the utilization of debris废品利用

  16. Valued被认为有价值的;valuable有价值的,贵重的


  An invalid confined to bed卧病于床者

  Avail既是名词也是形容词availof利用;of no avail不起作用,没有用

  He did not omit to avail himself of the opportunity, cautiously and briefly. 他没有错过这个机会,谨慎而且迅速.

  Speeches and protests were of no avail. 演讲和抗议全都徒劳.


  The east wind prevails over the west wind.东风压倒西风.

  The east wind prevails in spring.春天盛行东风.



  1. tremble with因...而颤抖

  2. pay tribute to向...表示敬意,向...进贡---

  We pay tribute to his courage. 我们赞赏他的勇气.

  Many conquered nations had to pay tribute to the rulers of ancient Rome. 许多被征服的国家要向古罗马的统治者纳贡.

  3. attribute既是动词也是名词属性,特征一般都使用attribute sth to sth---He attributes his success to his hard work.

  Contribute还有投稿的意思contribute articles to---向...投稿

  Contribute/dedicate/devote to + doing sth:贡献;但是contribute后不可接oneself;contribute +to doing sth:还可以做捐助,有助于;to make contribution to doing


  I am sure your suggestion will contribute to solving the problem.

  4. trick sb into sth骗人...

  Be careful. They are out to trick you into buying something you dont need. 小心,他们打定主意诱惑你买些你不需要的东西.

  To trick sb out of sth从...中骗取---Her partner tried to trick her out of her share 她的合伙人企图骗走她的股份

  4. trifle是一个名词也做不及物动词;a trifle做副词使用意思是稍微,有点儿trifle with玩忽,嬉耍,轻视

  He was a trifle late for class.000他上课迟了点.

  Dont trifle with me.别小看我

  Stop trifling with your work.不要拿工作当儿戏.


  5. trouble既是名词,也是动词,其复数troubles才表示纷争,动乱---family troubles


  In trouble---I think were in trouble. 看来有麻烦了

  Get into trouble---Curiosity can get you into trouble . 好奇可能招引麻烦

  Ask for trouble---Youd better not ask for trouble. 你最好不要惹麻烦.

  Take trouble to do---You are very kind to take the trouble to help me 你不怕麻烦帮助我真是太好了

  Put sb to the trouble of doing sth--- Im quite able to pay for this suit. I simply didnt wish to put you to the trouble of changing a large note. 我完全付得起这套衣

  服的钱. 我不过是不想难为你们去破开一张大票子罢了.

  在做动词使用的时候表示麻烦,烦恼则使用Trouble about sth/trouble sb to do

  Dont trouble yourself about that. 你不要为这费事了.

  They ceased to trouble themselves about him. 他们不再为他而担心了.

  He takes very little trouble about his work. 他做事一点也不用心.

  Trouble in doing sth表示在做...有困难

  6. try根据意思不同使用不同形式 try to do---试图; try doing试验

  7. returns作为复数,才表示受益,赢利---comparative returns on investments 比较投资效果

  in return 作为回报或报答;作为的交还

  I gave the boy a dictionary in return for his selfless help to me. 我给那个男孩一本字典作为他对我无私帮助的回报.

  8. a tourist anency旅行社;a tourist party观光团

  9. Once bit, twice shy一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳

  10. stereotype有陈规,老套,固定的模式,也有动词对...形成固定看法的意思

  break through the stereotype破除陈规, 打破旧框框---The practice has been stereotyped into a tradition. 这种作法已经定型成了个传统了.

  11. to convert defeat into victory, the conversion of defeat into victory 转败为胜

  12. diverse是形容词,在做不同的,相异的的时候,使用diverse from---The word is now used in a sense diverse from the original meaning. 在某种意义上说,此


  13. urge既是名词冲劲,内驱力,强烈欲望, 迫切要求也是动词催促,鞭策

  He has an urge to become a cinema star.他渴望当一名电影明星.An urge to make money.

  Urge sb /doing 敦促某人干...

  Be urgent with sb for sth硬向某人要某物---

  It is urgent that句型中需要使用should的虚拟语气

  Urgency singals紧急信号

  14. It is no use/good + doing...---It is no use pretending you did not know . 你装糊涂是无济于事的.

  15. used to do sth---过去长长干某事;be used to doing sth习惯于干某事;be used to do sth被用来干某事

  the utilization of debris废品利用

  16. Valued被认为有价值的;valuable有价值的,贵重的


  An invalid confined to bed卧病于床者

  Avail既是名词也是形容词availof利用;of no avail不起作用,没有用

  He did not omit to avail himself of the opportunity, cautiously and briefly. 他没有错过这个机会,谨慎而且迅速.

  Speeches and protests were of no avail. 演讲和抗议全都徒劳.


  The east wind prevails over the west wind.东风压倒西风.

  The east wind prevails in spring.春天盛行东风.
