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  一、 全真题


  二、 1、动词词组(www.shnosbbs.com)


  3、词汇(形近、意近) 实义词:v. n. adj. adv


  1、 词根词缀记忆法

  2、 场景记忆法

  cet4-03-6-43 We should concentrate on sharply reducing interest rates to pull the economy out of_____.

  A) rejection B) restriction C) retreat D) recession

  03-6-68 Many people lost their jobs during the business______.

  A) desperation B) decrease C) despair D) depression

  cet6-01-6-43 It is hard to tell whether we are going to have a boom in the economy or a ______.

  A)concession B)recession C)submission D)transmission

  05-6-38 In spite of the ______economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risen slightly.

  A) faint B) dizzy C) gloomy D) opaque

  00-12-48 In spite of the ______economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risen slightly.

  A) gloomy B) miserable C) shadowy D) obscure

  3、 比较记忆法(形近词、意近词辨析)

  4、 典故记忆法

  5、 谐音记忆法

  6、 拆分记忆法

  7、 联想记忆法

  针对lazy people的被动记忆法(唐僧式重复记忆法) 耳熟能详!!



  Practice makes perfect


  1. 05-6-42 Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations______.

  A) simultaneously B) spontaneously C) homogeneously D) ingeniously

  00-6-47 Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations______.

  A) simultaneously B) spontaneously C) homogeneously D) contemporarily

  05-1-50 Nothing Helen says is ever ________. She always thinks carefully before she speaks.

  A) simultaneous B) homogenous C) spontaneous D) rigorous

  02-6-51 Some educators try to put students of similar abilities into the same class because they believe this kind of ____ grouping is advisable.

  A)homogeneous B)instantaneous C)spontaneous D)anonymous

  99-1-49 In the past ten years skyscrapers have developed ______ in Chicago and New York City.

  A) homogeneously B) simultaneously C) spontaneously D) harmoniously

  97-1-69 Although most dreams apparently happen __________, dream activity may be provoked by external influences.

  A) spontaneously B) simultaneously C) homogeneously D) instantaneously

  2. 06-6-51 The advance of globalization is challenging some of our most ____ values and ideas, including our idea of what constitutes home.

  A) enriched B)enlightened C)cherished D)chartered

  05-12-52 The bride and groom promised to _____ each other through sickness and health.

  A)cherish B)nourish C)foster D)nominate

  05-6-60 It was a wonderful occasion which we will _____ for many years to come.

  A) conceive B) clutch C) contrive D) cherish

  05-1-57 He still ____the memory of his carefree childhood spent in that small wooden house of his grandparents.

  A) nourishes B) cherishes C) fancies D) scans

  03-6-68 Most people in the modem world ______freedom and independence more than anything else.

  A) embody  B) cherish  C) fascinate  D) illuminate

  3. 05-12-47Psychologists have done extensive studies on how well patients __A__ with doctors orders.

  A. comply B. correspond C. interfere D. interact

  91-6-61 Visitors are asked to A with the regulations.

  A. comply B. contrast C. consult D. conflict

  95-6-57 All students in this university are requested to B with the regulations.

  A. yield B. comply C. submit D. consent

  98-1-44 All visitors are requested to A with the regulations.

  A. comply B. agree C. assist D. consent

  99-6-32 If you want to set up a company, you must D with the regulations laid down by the authorities.

  A. accord B. confirm C. adhere D. comply

  03-12-69 We find it impossible to D with the latest safety regulations.

  A. accord B. unify C. obey D. comply

  02-12-63 As visiting scholars, they _______willingly to the customs of the country they live in.

  A)submit B)commit C)conform D)subject

  4. 05-12-50. Police and villagers unanimously __the forest fire to thunder and lightning.

  A) ascribed B) approached C)confirmed D)confined

  03-12-65 Many great scientists _____ their success to hard work.

  A) portray B) ascribe C) impart D) acknowledge

  00-1-51. The famous scientist ______ his success to hard work.

  A) imparted B) granted C) ascribed D) acknowledged

  5. 05-12-45 Very few people understood his lecture, the subject of which was very_____.

  A) faint B) obscure C)gloomy D)indefinite

  03-6-55 Very few people could understand the lecture the professor delivered because its subject was very_____.

  A) obscure  B) indefinite C) dubious D) intriguing

  00-1-66. Very few people understood his lecture, the subject of which was very ______.

  A) dim B) obscure C) conspicuous D) intelligible

  6. 05-12-41 It seems somewhat ___________ to expect anyone to drive 3 hours just for a 20-minute meeting.

  A) eccentric B) impossible C) absurd D) unique

  02-6-52 Even sensible men do ____ things sometimes.

  A) abrupt B) absurd C) acute D) apt

  02-1-64. It is ______that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work.

  A) abrupt  B) absurd  C) adverse D) addictive

  7. 04-6-69 For many years the Japanese have ______the car market.

  A) presided B) occupied C) operated D) dominated

  05-6-37 No form of government in the world is____,each system reflects the history and presents needs of the region or the nation.

  A) dominant B)influential C)integral D)drastic

  05-6-45 One third of the Chinese in the United States live in California, _____ in San Francisca area.

  A) remarkably B)severely C)drastically D)predominantly

  05-6-56 Government today play an increasingly larger role in the ____ of welfare, economics, and education.

  A) scopes B)ranges C)ranks D)domains

  00-1-44This book is expected to ______ the best-seller lists.

  A) promote B) prevail C) dominate D) exemplify

  8. 03-12-45 Our reporter has just called to say that rescue teams will _____ to bring out the trapped miners.

  A) effect B) affect C) conceive D) endeavor

  endeavor to do sth.

  9.05-6-34Dont trust the speaker any more, since the remarks he made on his lectures are never____ with the facts.

  A) symmetrical B)comparative C)compatible D)harmonious





  10. 03-6-49 Retirement is obviously a very complex_____ period; and the earlier you start planning for it, the better.

  A) transformation  B) transmission C) transaction D) transition







  03-6-53.The design of this auditorium shows a great deal of _____. We have never seen such a building before.

  A) invention B) illusion C) originality D) orientation

  06-6-41.Because of the ____ of its ideas, the book was in wide circulation both at home and abroad.

  A)originality B)subjectivity C)generality D) ambiguity


  95-6-56.The person who _____ this type of research deserves our praise.

  A) originated B) manufactured C) generated D) estimated

  02-12-53.The person who _______this type of approach for doing research deserves our praise.

  A)generated B)originated C)speculated D)manufactured



  一、 全真题


  二、 1、动词词组(www.shnosbbs.com)


  3、词汇(形近、意近) 实义词:v. n. adj. adv


  1、 词根词缀记忆法

  2、 场景记忆法

  cet4-03-6-43 We should concentrate on sharply reducing interest rates to pull the economy out of_____.

  A) rejection B) restriction C) retreat D) recession

  03-6-68 Many people lost their jobs during the business______.

  A) desperation B) decrease C) despair D) depression

  cet6-01-6-43 It is hard to tell whether we are going to have a boom in the economy or a ______.

  A)concession B)recession C)submission D)transmission

  05-6-38 In spite of the ______economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risen slightly.

  A) faint B) dizzy C) gloomy D) opaque

  00-12-48 In spite of the ______economic forecasts, manufacturing output has risen slightly.

  A) gloomy B) miserable C) shadowy D) obscure

  3、 比较记忆法(形近词、意近词辨析)

  4、 典故记忆法

  5、 谐音记忆法

  6、 拆分记忆法

  7、 联想记忆法

  针对lazy people的被动记忆法(唐僧式重复记忆法) 耳熟能详!!



  Practice makes perfect


  1. 05-6-42 Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations______.

  A) simultaneously B) spontaneously C) homogeneously D) ingeniously

  00-6-47 Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations______.

  A) simultaneously B) spontaneously C) homogeneously D) contemporarily

  05-1-50 Nothing Helen says is ever ________. She always thinks carefully before she speaks.

  A) simultaneous B) homogenous C) spontaneous D) rigorous

  02-6-51 Some educators try to put students of similar abilities into the same class because they believe this kind of ____ grouping is advisable.

  A)homogeneous B)instantaneous C)spontaneous D)anonymous

  99-1-49 In the past ten years skyscrapers have developed ______ in Chicago and New York City.

  A) homogeneously B) simultaneously C) spontaneously D) harmoniously

  97-1-69 Although most dreams apparently happen __________, dream activity may be provoked by external influences.

  A) spontaneously B) simultaneously C) homogeneously D) instantaneously

  2. 06-6-51 The advance of globalization is challenging some of our most ____ values and ideas, including our idea of what constitutes home.

  A) enriched B)enlightened C)cherished D)chartered

  05-12-52 The bride and groom promised to _____ each other through sickness and health.

  A)cherish B)nourish C)foster D)nominate

  05-6-60 It was a wonderful occasion which we will _____ for many years to come.

  A) conceive B) clutch C) contrive D) cherish

  05-1-57 He still ____the memory of his carefree childhood spent in that small wooden house of his grandparents.

  A) nourishes B) cherishes C) fancies D) scans

  03-6-68 Most people in the modem world ______freedom and independence more than anything else.

  A) embody  B) cherish  C) fascinate  D) illuminate

  3. 05-12-47Psychologists have done extensive studies on how well patients __A__ with doctors orders.

  A. comply B. correspond C. interfere D. interact

  91-6-61 Visitors are asked to A with the regulations.

  A. comply B. contrast C. consult D. conflict

  95-6-57 All students in this university are requested to B with the regulations.

  A. yield B. comply C. submit D. consent

  98-1-44 All visitors are requested to A with the regulations.

  A. comply B. agree C. assist D. consent

  99-6-32 If you want to set up a company, you must D with the regulations laid down by the authorities.

  A. accord B. confirm C. adhere D. comply

  03-12-69 We find it impossible to D with the latest safety regulations.

  A. accord B. unify C. obey D. comply

  02-12-63 As visiting scholars, they _______willingly to the customs of the country they live in.

  A)submit B)commit C)conform D)subject

  4. 05-12-50. Police and villagers unanimously __the forest fire to thunder and lightning.

  A) ascribed B) approached C)confirmed D)confined

  03-12-65 Many great scientists _____ their success to hard work.

  A) portray B) ascribe C) impart D) acknowledge

  00-1-51. The famous scientist ______ his success to hard work.

  A) imparted B) granted C) ascribed D) acknowledged

  5. 05-12-45 Very few people understood his lecture, the subject of which was very_____.

  A) faint B) obscure C)gloomy D)indefinite

  03-6-55 Very few people could understand the lecture the professor delivered because its subject was very_____.

  A) obscure  B) indefinite C) dubious D) intriguing

  00-1-66. Very few people understood his lecture, the subject of which was very ______.

  A) dim B) obscure C) conspicuous D) intelligible

  6. 05-12-41 It seems somewhat ___________ to expect anyone to drive 3 hours just for a 20-minute meeting.

  A) eccentric B) impossible C) absurd D) unique

  02-6-52 Even sensible men do ____ things sometimes.

  A) abrupt B) absurd C) acute D) apt

  02-1-64. It is ______that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work.

  A) abrupt  B) absurd  C) adverse D) addictive

  7. 04-6-69 For many years the Japanese have ______the car market.

  A) presided B) occupied C) operated D) dominated

  05-6-37 No form of government in the world is____,each system reflects the history and presents needs of the region or the nation.

  A) dominant B)influential C)integral D)drastic

  05-6-45 One third of the Chinese in the United States live in California, _____ in San Francisca area.

  A) remarkably B)severely C)drastically D)predominantly

  05-6-56 Government today play an increasingly larger role in the ____ of welfare, economics, and education.

  A) scopes B)ranges C)ranks D)domains

  00-1-44This book is expected to ______ the best-seller lists.

  A) promote B) prevail C) dominate D) exemplify

  8. 03-12-45 Our reporter has just called to say that rescue teams will _____ to bring out the trapped miners.

  A) effect B) affect C) conceive D) endeavor

  endeavor to do sth.

  9.05-6-34Dont trust the speaker any more, since the remarks he made on his lectures are never____ with the facts.

  A) symmetrical B)comparative C)compatible D)harmonious





  10. 03-6-49 Retirement is obviously a very complex_____ period; and the earlier you start planning for it, the better.

  A) transformation  B) transmission C) transaction D) transition







  03-6-53.The design of this auditorium shows a great deal of _____. We have never seen such a building before.

  A) invention B) illusion C) originality D) orientation

  06-6-41.Because of the ____ of its ideas, the book was in wide circulation both at home and abroad.

  A)originality B)subjectivity C)generality D) ambiguity


  95-6-56.The person who _____ this type of research deserves our praise.

  A) originated B) manufactured C) generated D) estimated

  02-12-53.The person who _______this type of approach for doing research deserves our praise.

  A)generated B)originated C)speculated D)manufactured


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