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  1. His debts had to be _____________ after he committed suicide with his rifle.  A) laid off  B) written off  C) turned off  D) put off  2. The gentleman ____________ a cherub with his letter.  A) combined  B) included  C) kept  D) enclosed  3. At the meeting both sides exchanged their views on a wide ____________ of topics they were interested in.  A) extent  B) number  C) collection  D) range  4. His ____________ has changed but he has kept the fine qualities of a scientific researcher.  A) state  B) status  C) station  D) statue  5. She can speak French and German, to ____________ nothing of English.  A) say  B) speak  C) talk  D) tell  6. If you play with electricity, you may get an electric ____________  A) strike  B) beat  C) shock  D) knock  7. It was a wonderful play with a ____________ of over fifty actors and actresses.  A) list  B) group  C) bunch  D) herd  8. A ____________change in policy is needed if relations are ever to improve.  A) strict  B) wide  C) ever  D) radical  9. Please give my best ____________ to your family.  A) notice  B) attention  C) regards  D) cares  10. They bought the land with a ____________ to build a new office block.  A) purpose  B) view  C) goal  D) reason  答案与解析:  1. B) write off 注销, 勾销, 取消;lay off解雇, 停止工作, 休息, 划出;turn off 关掉, 避开, 使转变方向, 生产, 制造, 用车床加工出, 使厌烦, 变成;put off 推迟, 拖延, 搪塞, 使分心, 使厌恶, 扔掉, 脱掉, 劝阻。  2. D) enclose指邮寄信件时附上其它东西。  3. D) 选项中只有range能被wide修饰。  4. B) status指身份, 地位, 情形, 状况;sate指状态;statue则是雕象。  5. A) to say nothing of 是一个固定短语,意思是 更不用说 了 。本题不要做成词义辨析题。  6. C) 本题同样没有必要辨析四个选项的意思,只要知道 电击 是electric shock就够了。  7. B) 表示人的量词用group。  8. D) 常用radical修饰change,表示根本的的变化。  9. C) 表示向某人致意用regard。  10. A) 此处应选 目的 一词。C)表示具体的目标


  1. His debts had to be _____________ after he committed suicide with his rifle.  A) laid off  B) written off  C) turned off  D) put off  2. The gentleman ____________ a cherub with his letter.  A) combined  B) included  C) kept  D) enclosed  3. At the meeting both sides exchanged their views on a wide ____________ of topics they were interested in.  A) extent  B) number  C) collection  D) range  4. His ____________ has changed but he has kept the fine qualities of a scientific researcher.  A) state  B) status  C) station  D) statue  5. She can speak French and German, to ____________ nothing of English.  A) say  B) speak  C) talk  D) tell  6. If you play with electricity, you may get an electric ____________  A) strike  B) beat  C) shock  D) knock  7. It was a wonderful play with a ____________ of over fifty actors and actresses.  A) list  B) group  C) bunch  D) herd  8. A ____________change in policy is needed if relations are ever to improve.  A) strict  B) wide  C) ever  D) radical  9. Please give my best ____________ to your family.  A) notice  B) attention  C) regards  D) cares  10. They bought the land with a ____________ to build a new office block.  A) purpose  B) view  C) goal  D) reason  答案与解析:  1. B) write off 注销, 勾销, 取消;lay off解雇, 停止工作, 休息, 划出;turn off 关掉, 避开, 使转变方向, 生产, 制造, 用车床加工出, 使厌烦, 变成;put off 推迟, 拖延, 搪塞, 使分心, 使厌恶, 扔掉, 脱掉, 劝阻。  2. D) enclose指邮寄信件时附上其它东西。  3. D) 选项中只有range能被wide修饰。  4. B) status指身份, 地位, 情形, 状况;sate指状态;statue则是雕象。  5. A) to say nothing of 是一个固定短语,意思是 更不用说 了 。本题不要做成词义辨析题。  6. C) 本题同样没有必要辨析四个选项的意思,只要知道 电击 是electric shock就够了。  7. B) 表示人的量词用group。  8. D) 常用radical修饰change,表示根本的的变化。  9. C) 表示向某人致意用regard。  10. A) 此处应选 目的 一词。C)表示具体的目标