2024奥斯卡颁奖礼进入倒计时 这些影片或是最大赢家

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2024奥斯卡颁奖礼进入倒计时 这些影片或是最大赢家


video video 值得一提的是,奥斯卡并没有避讳上一届最佳影片颁错奖的“乌龙”,而是大大方方地将这一情节剪辑在了短片之中,令人再一次回味了这一“历史性的时刻”。





Christopher Nolan's World War II feature is probably just about the front runner for best film.


For: Well-received by both audiences and critics, it tells a crucial slice of history.


Against: Although it picked up a best editing prize from the LA Film Critics Association, it was ignored by their New York counterparts. Could its momentum be waning?


Best chances: Best film and best director. Surprisingly, Nolan has never received a directing nomination from the Academy.


The Post


Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep in front of the camera, with Steven Spielberg directing a historic battle over press freedom - there's much for awards voters to admire.


For: The National Board of Review gave it their best film, actor and actress awards.


Against: There was no love from the New York nor LA critics.


Best chances: It's always hard to bet against Streep getting a best actress nomination, and Hanks is overdue for an acting nomination after missing out in recent years.


Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri


Frances McDormand giving an outstanding central performance as a grieving mother in this darkly comic story.


For: It picked up the audience award at the Toronto International Film Festival, often a key awards indicator.


Against: To some extent it's divided American audiences, perhaps damaging its hopes of winning best film.


Best chances: Best film, and best original screenplay recognition looks certain, and Frances McDormand is currently the favorite for the best actress Oscar.


Call Me By Your Name


A tender love story between a teenager and an academic, set in Italy.


For: The Los Angeles Critics Association gave it their top prize.


Against: Strong in many categories, but without quite managing to be a front runner in any. Perhaps Timothee Chalamet's performance is its best chance of awards success.


Best chances: A best film nomination looks certain. Darkest Hour's Gary Oldman is the favorite for best actor, but if anyone can beat him it's probably Chalamet.


The Shape of Water


An otherworldly romance between a mysterious aquatic creature and a mute girl, played by Sally Hawkins.


For: Since it premiered at the Venice Film Festival, it's being wowing audiences.


Against: It might be that bit too far from the mainstream to make a huge awards impact.


Best chances: Sally Hawkins is only a fraction behind current best actress favorite Frances McDormand.


Get Out


Chris Washington, played by London-born Daniel Kaluuya, is drawn into the sinister underbelly of a small American community.


For: A huge box office hit that could benefit from a slowly-changing Oscar voting demographic.


Against: Opening so early in the year outside of awards season could hinder its chances.


Best chance: If there are nine or 10 best picture nominees, it could grab a spot. Jordan Peele's screenplay looks certain to be recognized.


Darkest Hour


Gary Oldman on blistering form as Winston Churchill.


For: Oldman's seemingly effortless embodiment of the wartime leader has won almost universal


Against: It's not yet managing to win top honors from critics' groups.


Best chance: Oldman has been the favorite for best actor since the film's Telluride premiere.


The Florida Project


A child's eye view of life in a Florida motel community.


For: Strong reviews, and praise for the performances - particularly from the children at the centre of the story, and Willem Dafoe, who plays the manager of the motel where they live.


Against: Could the film be seen as a film of great performances, rather than a truly great piece of cinema?


Best chances: Dafoe is probably the current front runner for best supporting actor.



video video 值得一提的是,奥斯卡并没有避讳上一届最佳影片颁错奖的“乌龙”,而是大大方方地将这一情节剪辑在了短片之中,令人再一次回味了这一“历史性的时刻”。





Christopher Nolan's World War II feature is probably just about the front runner for best film.


For: Well-received by both audiences and critics, it tells a crucial slice of history.


Against: Although it picked up a best editing prize from the LA Film Critics Association, it was ignored by their New York counterparts. Could its momentum be waning?


Best chances: Best film and best director. Surprisingly, Nolan has never received a directing nomination from the Academy.


The Post


Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep in front of the camera, with Steven Spielberg directing a historic battle over press freedom - there's much for awards voters to admire.


For: The National Board of Review gave it their best film, actor and actress awards.


Against: There was no love from the New York nor LA critics.


Best chances: It's always hard to bet against Streep getting a best actress nomination, and Hanks is overdue for an acting nomination after missing out in recent years.


Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri


Frances McDormand giving an outstanding central performance as a grieving mother in this darkly comic story.


For: It picked up the audience award at the Toronto International Film Festival, often a key awards indicator.


Against: To some extent it's divided American audiences, perhaps damaging its hopes of winning best film.


Best chances: Best film, and best original screenplay recognition looks certain, and Frances McDormand is currently the favorite for the best actress Oscar.


Call Me By Your Name


A tender love story between a teenager and an academic, set in Italy.


For: The Los Angeles Critics Association gave it their top prize.


Against: Strong in many categories, but without quite managing to be a front runner in any. Perhaps Timothee Chalamet's performance is its best chance of awards success.


Best chances: A best film nomination looks certain. Darkest Hour's Gary Oldman is the favorite for best actor, but if anyone can beat him it's probably Chalamet.


The Shape of Water


An otherworldly romance between a mysterious aquatic creature and a mute girl, played by Sally Hawkins.


For: Since it premiered at the Venice Film Festival, it's being wowing audiences.


Against: It might be that bit too far from the mainstream to make a huge awards impact.


Best chances: Sally Hawkins is only a fraction behind current best actress favorite Frances McDormand.


Get Out


Chris Washington, played by London-born Daniel Kaluuya, is drawn into the sinister underbelly of a small American community.


For: A huge box office hit that could benefit from a slowly-changing Oscar voting demographic.


Against: Opening so early in the year outside of awards season could hinder its chances.


Best chance: If there are nine or 10 best picture nominees, it could grab a spot. Jordan Peele's screenplay looks certain to be recognized.


Darkest Hour


Gary Oldman on blistering form as Winston Churchill.


For: Oldman's seemingly effortless embodiment of the wartime leader has won almost universal


Against: It's not yet managing to win top honors from critics' groups.


Best chance: Oldman has been the favorite for best actor since the film's Telluride premiere.


The Florida Project


A child's eye view of life in a Florida motel community.


For: Strong reviews, and praise for the performances - particularly from the children at the centre of the story, and Willem Dafoe, who plays the manager of the motel where they live.


Against: Could the film be seen as a film of great performances, rather than a truly great piece of cinema?


Best chances: Dafoe is probably the current front runner for best supporting actor.


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