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  同学们的复习也进入了最后的冲刺阶段。如何尽最大限度利用好这剩下的十多天时间提高自己的改错成绩。改错作为六级考试的重要组成部分,一直是很多同学比较头疼的一项,感觉要在那么短的时间内找出10个错误,实在不是一件容易的事.从得分情况来看,改错单项得分率一直不高,有的同学甚至表达了放弃的念头。   改错到底有多难?从本质上说,改错就是考查考生最基本的语法,词汇掌握情况,难度应该是适中的,因此同学们一定得加强基本功的训练.但到现在这个阶段,加强基本功实在是不怎么现实,如何迅速提高同学们六级改错的正确率才是摆在眼前的首要问题.我通过对2004年1月至2007年1月全部改错题目的仔细分析,发现其命题有着很强的规律性,一些考点更是屡考不爽,这就为同学们最后阶段迅速提高改错成绩提供了可能.笔者想通过本文来揭示六级改错题的一些命题规律,总结7大核心考点,以期对同学们最后的冲刺复习有所帮助:   1. 并列结构.这主要是指由and或or连接的几个并列成分在形式上必须保持一致.这一考点在历年六级改错中出现频率相当高,同学们要给予相当的重视.   At the heart of the NEA survey is the belief inour democratic system depends on leaders who can think critically, analyze texts and writing clearly.这里的writing显然与think和analyze并列,因此应该用同样的形式,所以应该改成write.   Their experiments have shown that reading disorders are most likely the result of what is, in an effect,faulty wiring in the brain-----not lazy, stupidity or a poor home environment .这里的lazy应该与stupidity和a poor home environment并列,因此该用名词形式laziness.   Restrict yourself to one or two pages, and listing any publications or referees on a separate sheet.通过and将restrict和listing联系起来表示并列关系,所以listing应该用原形list.   How do you know how to act in a classroom,or a department store, or toward a person who smiles or laugh at you?   这里的smiles和laugh肯定应该用同样的形式,而前面的a person又提示我们该使用第三人称单数,所以将laugh改成laughs.   Most experts believe this can continue even as ifthe population doubles by the mid-21st century, although feeding 10 billion people will not be easy for politics,economic and environmental reasons.同样,这里的politics应该改成political和economic, environmental并列。   Elsewhere, rice experts in the Philippines are producing a plant with few stems and more seeds.   few应该 2.A--A型错误。所谓A--A型错误,就是指六级改错命题经常将形容词与副词混淆.这时我们的任务就是将文中的形 same way as playing a video game, but hard fun----a deep feeling of connection made possibly only by imaginative engagement.我们都知道make sth possible, possible做为宾语补足语,那用被动语态就是sth be made possible,所以这里的possibly应该改成possible.   Mass literacy is a relative new social goal.显然这里表示相对地意思,因此要将relative改成它的副词形式relatively.注意:relative改成relatively不是第一次出现了,在04年1月的改错题中也出现过。   A good CV is your passport to an interview and,ultimate, to the job you want. ultimate在两个逗号之间,肯定得用副词形式ultimately.   She says efforts are continuing to complete end the disease.complete要改成副词形式completely修饰动词end。   The WHO has given multi-drug therapy to patients freely for the last five years.可以看出这里freely想表示免费的意思,所以应该改成形容词形式free.   Culture is essentially to our humanness.be essential to是一个固定搭配,表示对...很重要,所以essentially应该换成形容词essential.   Except for relative-isolated trouble spots like pres-ent-day Somalia显然应该用副词relatively来修饰动词过去分词isolated,表示相对隔绝的。   注意:A--A题错误有一种变体题型AN.所谓AN题型,   就是指A与N之间的混淆,举例如下:   Now what started in schools across the country is playing itself out on a nation stage and is possibly having an impact on the reading habits of the Ameri-can public.在国内舞台应该是on a national stage,在这里名词nation要改成它的形容词形式national。

  Understanding the original of the negative attit- udes towards science may help us to modify them.   表示起源显然要用名词形式origin,这里用形容词original是错误的。   3.逻辑错误.这种错误一般得根据上下文判断得出,分析这么多年六级改错的逻辑错误,答案无一例外都是将文中某个用错的词改成它的反义词或添上一个否定词,这里要求同学们掌握一些常用的否定词缀,如in-,un-等等,因为有的形容词加上否定词缀就变成了它的反义词,举例如下:   the leaders of our country are unconsciously sending the message that reading may be connected to desirable activities thatdesirableundesirable   The task of learning facts and concepts, one at a time, makes learning laborious, boring and efficient.   efficient inefficient.本题中efficient和laborious与boring并列,根据并列成分意思一致原则,也可以推断出这里的efficient应该换成它的反义词.   But in the Information Age, no one can get by with knowing how to read well and understand increasingly complex material.withwithout.这里句子主语用了no one表示否定,而整个句子表示肯定的意思,所以后面必然要用一个否定词without与no one构成双重否定表示肯定。   Initial impressions are vital, and a badly presented CV could mean acceptance, regardless of whats in it.acceptancerejection   the person who is unfamiliar with the arts, music,literature, philosophy, or history. unfamiliarfamiliar   Except for relatively-isolated trouble spots like present-day Somalia, and occasional years of good harvests, the worlds food crisis has remained just around the corner.goodpoor/bad   Get someone to check for spelling and grammatic-al errors, because a spell-checker will pick up every mistake.根据上下文,这里应该表示不能挑出每个错误,所以在pick up之前要加上否定词not.


  同学们的复习也进入了最后的冲刺阶段。如何尽最大限度利用好这剩下的十多天时间提高自己的改错成绩。改错作为六级考试的重要组成部分,一直是很多同学比较头疼的一项,感觉要在那么短的时间内找出10个错误,实在不是一件容易的事.从得分情况来看,改错单项得分率一直不高,有的同学甚至表达了放弃的念头。   改错到底有多难?从本质上说,改错就是考查考生最基本的语法,词汇掌握情况,难度应该是适中的,因此同学们一定得加强基本功的训练.但到现在这个阶段,加强基本功实在是不怎么现实,如何迅速提高同学们六级改错的正确率才是摆在眼前的首要问题.我通过对2004年1月至2007年1月全部改错题目的仔细分析,发现其命题有着很强的规律性,一些考点更是屡考不爽,这就为同学们最后阶段迅速提高改错成绩提供了可能.笔者想通过本文来揭示六级改错题的一些命题规律,总结7大核心考点,以期对同学们最后的冲刺复习有所帮助:   1. 并列结构.这主要是指由and或or连接的几个并列成分在形式上必须保持一致.这一考点在历年六级改错中出现频率相当高,同学们要给予相当的重视.   At the heart of the NEA survey is the belief inour democratic system depends on leaders who can think critically, analyze texts and writing clearly.这里的writing显然与think和analyze并列,因此应该用同样的形式,所以应该改成write.   Their experiments have shown that reading disorders are most likely the result of what is, in an effect,faulty wiring in the brain-----not lazy, stupidity or a poor home environment .这里的lazy应该与stupidity和a poor home environment并列,因此该用名词形式laziness.   Restrict yourself to one or two pages, and listing any publications or referees on a separate sheet.通过and将restrict和listing联系起来表示并列关系,所以listing应该用原形list.   How do you know how to act in a classroom,or a department store, or toward a person who smiles or laugh at you?   这里的smiles和laugh肯定应该用同样的形式,而前面的a person又提示我们该使用第三人称单数,所以将laugh改成laughs.   Most experts believe this can continue even as ifthe population doubles by the mid-21st century, although feeding 10 billion people will not be easy for politics,economic and environmental reasons.同样,这里的politics应该改成political和economic, environmental并列。   Elsewhere, rice experts in the Philippines are producing a plant with few stems and more seeds.   few应该 2.A--A型错误。所谓A--A型错误,就是指六级改错命题经常将形容词与副词混淆.这时我们的任务就是将文中的形 same way as playing a video game, but hard fun----a deep feeling of connection made possibly only by imaginative engagement.我们都知道make sth possible, possible做为宾语补足语,那用被动语态就是sth be made possible,所以这里的possibly应该改成possible.   Mass literacy is a relative new social goal.显然这里表示相对地意思,因此要将relative改成它的副词形式relatively.注意:relative改成relatively不是第一次出现了,在04年1月的改错题中也出现过。   A good CV is your passport to an interview and,ultimate, to the job you want. ultimate在两个逗号之间,肯定得用副词形式ultimately.   She says efforts are continuing to complete end the disease.complete要改成副词形式completely修饰动词end。   The WHO has given multi-drug therapy to patients freely for the last five years.可以看出这里freely想表示免费的意思,所以应该改成形容词形式free.   Culture is essentially to our humanness.be essential to是一个固定搭配,表示对...很重要,所以essentially应该换成形容词essential.   Except for relative-isolated trouble spots like pres-ent-day Somalia显然应该用副词relatively来修饰动词过去分词isolated,表示相对隔绝的。   注意:A--A题错误有一种变体题型AN.所谓AN题型,   就是指A与N之间的混淆,举例如下:   Now what started in schools across the country is playing itself out on a nation stage and is possibly having an impact on the reading habits of the Ameri-can public.在国内舞台应该是on a national stage,在这里名词nation要改成它的形容词形式national。

  Understanding the original of the negative attit- udes towards science may help us to modify them.   表示起源显然要用名词形式origin,这里用形容词original是错误的。   3.逻辑错误.这种错误一般得根据上下文判断得出,分析这么多年六级改错的逻辑错误,答案无一例外都是将文中某个用错的词改成它的反义词或添上一个否定词,这里要求同学们掌握一些常用的否定词缀,如in-,un-等等,因为有的形容词加上否定词缀就变成了它的反义词,举例如下:   the leaders of our country are unconsciously sending the message that reading may be connected to desirable activities thatdesirableundesirable   The task of learning facts and concepts, one at a time, makes learning laborious, boring and efficient.   efficient inefficient.本题中efficient和laborious与boring并列,根据并列成分意思一致原则,也可以推断出这里的efficient应该换成它的反义词.   But in the Information Age, no one can get by with knowing how to read well and understand increasingly complex material.withwithout.这里句子主语用了no one表示否定,而整个句子表示肯定的意思,所以后面必然要用一个否定词without与no one构成双重否定表示肯定。   Initial impressions are vital, and a badly presented CV could mean acceptance, regardless of whats in it.acceptancerejection   the person who is unfamiliar with the arts, music,literature, philosophy, or history. unfamiliarfamiliar   Except for relatively-isolated trouble spots like present-day Somalia, and occasional years of good harvests, the worlds food crisis has remained just around the corner.goodpoor/bad   Get someone to check for spelling and grammatic-al errors, because a spell-checker will pick up every mistake.根据上下文,这里应该表示不能挑出每个错误,所以在pick up之前要加上否定词not.


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