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  anything but:根本不

  apart from:除了

  but for:要不是

  by far:远不,得多

  by no means:根本不

  by any means:无论如何

  due to:由于

  except for:除了

  far from:远非

  in contact with:与联系

  instead of:而不是

  on account of:因为

  on the basis of:根据

  only to:结果是

  might/may as well:还是的好

  not so muchas:与其说不如说

  not really:远不

  not to mention:更不用说

  let alone:更不用说

  no morethan:和一样都不

  no less than:简直是

  nothing less than:完全是


  rather than:而不是

  owing to:由于

  It is assumed that:人们认为

  It is said that:据说

  It is learned that:据闻

  It is supposed that:据推测

  It is considered that:据估计

  It is believed that:人们认为

  It is reported that:据报道

  It is well-known that:众周知

  It is asserted that:有人断言

  It is clear/obvious/evident that:很显然

  It cant be denied that:不可否认

  It must be admitted that:必须承认

  It must be pointed that:必须指出


  anything but:根本不

  apart from:除了

  but for:要不是

  by far:远不,得多

  by no means:根本不

  by any means:无论如何

  due to:由于

  except for:除了

  far from:远非

  in contact with:与联系

  instead of:而不是

  on account of:因为

  on the basis of:根据

  only to:结果是

  might/may as well:还是的好

  not so muchas:与其说不如说

  not really:远不

  not to mention:更不用说

  let alone:更不用说

  no morethan:和一样都不

  no less than:简直是

  nothing less than:完全是


  rather than:而不是

  owing to:由于

  It is assumed that:人们认为

  It is said that:据说

  It is learned that:据闻

  It is supposed that:据推测

  It is considered that:据估计

  It is believed that:人们认为

  It is reported that:据报道

  It is well-known that:众周知

  It is asserted that:有人断言

  It is clear/obvious/evident that:很显然

  It cant be denied that:不可否认

  It must be admitted that:必须承认

  It must be pointed that:必须指出