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  Bank robberies in the US take place most often between 9 am and 11 am, on Fridays and in southern and western states, according to the Bank Crime Statistics released by the FBI on Tuesday。


  There were 5,546 robberies, 74 burglaries, eight larcenies, and 13 extortions of financial institutions. Nearly all of the $43 million haul was cash, and about $8 million was later recovered, the FBI said。


  The South led the way with 1,790 bank robberies, followed by the West with 1,691. Among states, California had the most robberies at 805, Texas with 464, then Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida and Arizona. The least number occurred in North Dakota, where there were two bank robberies. Wyoming had three, while South Dakota and Vermont each had four。

  银行劫案发生地排名第一的是美国南部,1790起,随后是西部, 1691起。其中发生劫案最多的是加利福尼亚州,805起;其次是得克萨斯州,464起。宾夕法尼亚、俄亥俄、佛罗里达、亚利桑那等州紧随其后。最太平的地方属北达科他,一年只发生了2起劫案。怀俄明仅有3起,而南达科他和佛蒙特分别有4起。

  Most robberies took place at bank counters and involved notes demanding money and threats of weapons, the statistics showed. Most of the robberies took place on Fridays and, regardless of the day, most likely between 9 am and 11 am. The number of persons known to be involved in the 5,628 robberies, burglaries, and larcenies was 6,753. The number of white persons was 2936 and black persons 2920.

  数据显示,绝大多数劫案发生在银行柜台,劫匪常用的办法是递纸条以及持枪抢劫。发生在周五的银行劫案最多,而不论是星期几,劫案多发生于早上9 点到11点之间。另外,去年5628起抢劫、入室偷窃和勒索案件的涉案人员达6753人,白人有2936名,黑人则为2920名。


  Bank robberies in the US take place most often between 9 am and 11 am, on Fridays and in southern and western states, according to the Bank Crime Statistics released by the FBI on Tuesday。


  There were 5,546 robberies, 74 burglaries, eight larcenies, and 13 extortions of financial institutions. Nearly all of the $43 million haul was cash, and about $8 million was later recovered, the FBI said。


  The South led the way with 1,790 bank robberies, followed by the West with 1,691. Among states, California had the most robberies at 805, Texas with 464, then Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida and Arizona. The least number occurred in North Dakota, where there were two bank robberies. Wyoming had three, while South Dakota and Vermont each had four。

  银行劫案发生地排名第一的是美国南部,1790起,随后是西部, 1691起。其中发生劫案最多的是加利福尼亚州,805起;其次是得克萨斯州,464起。宾夕法尼亚、俄亥俄、佛罗里达、亚利桑那等州紧随其后。最太平的地方属北达科他,一年只发生了2起劫案。怀俄明仅有3起,而南达科他和佛蒙特分别有4起。

  Most robberies took place at bank counters and involved notes demanding money and threats of weapons, the statistics showed. Most of the robberies took place on Fridays and, regardless of the day, most likely between 9 am and 11 am. The number of persons known to be involved in the 5,628 robberies, burglaries, and larcenies was 6,753. The number of white persons was 2936 and black persons 2920.

  数据显示,绝大多数劫案发生在银行柜台,劫匪常用的办法是递纸条以及持枪抢劫。发生在周五的银行劫案最多,而不论是星期几,劫案多发生于早上9 点到11点之间。另外,去年5628起抢劫、入室偷窃和勒索案件的涉案人员达6753人,白人有2936名,黑人则为2920名。


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