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  Climate-change talks


  Wilted greenery


  The UNs latest round of climate-change talks open inDurban. Even avoiding deadlock would be anachievement


  THOUSANDS of anxious environmentalists, hard-eyed negotiators and bemused journalists gatheredin Durban this week for the UNs annual climate-change circus. Saving the planet, the main itemon its agenda two years ago, in Copenhagen, was not uppermost in their minds. Saving thecircus was: the failure in Copenhagen to forge a binding agreement to mitigate the worldscarbon emissions could yet lead to a breakdown of the whole UN process in Durban.


  To avoid that, negotiators have until December 9th to reach three goals. Least dauntingly, theymust nail down the details of initiatives agreed on in Cancn last year, chiefly the Green ClimateFund. This aims to help poor countries curb their emissions and adapt to global warming. It issupposed to be stocked with some of the $100 billion that rich countries have promised poorones by 2023.


  Little actual cash will be proffered in Durban: progress will be limited to working out the detailsof the funds design, including the relative powers of donors and recipients, and to its possiblerole in wooing investment. Even this is contentious, as America wants a bigger role for theprivate sector. But such spats should prove surmountable. Alongside progress on anotherpromised institution, to spread green technology to poor countries, the fund is Durbanslikeliest success.


  Much trickier will be reconciling the demands of developing countries for an extension of theUNs Kyoto protocol with the determination of most developed ones to bin it. The worldsonly binding agreement to curb emissions has been a colossal failure. Since it was negotiatedin 1997 global emissions have risen by over a quarter, mostly in developing countries. Thetreaty does not curb their emissions, which are now 58% of the total; China alone isresponsible for 23%. The second-biggest polluter, America, is also free to emit, asit has not ratified the treaty.


  Developed countries that did ratify Kyoto feel cheated. Japan and Russia have rejected a secondround of emission-cutting under its aegis, after their current commitments expire at the end of2023. Canada, which will hugely overshoot its Kyoto target, is reported to be consideringquitting the treaty altogether. Kyoto is the past, said its environment minister, Peter Kent,before setting out for Durban.



  Climate-change talks


  Wilted greenery


  The UNs latest round of climate-change talks open inDurban. Even avoiding deadlock would be anachievement


  THOUSANDS of anxious environmentalists, hard-eyed negotiators and bemused journalists gatheredin Durban this week for the UNs annual climate-change circus. Saving the planet, the main itemon its agenda two years ago, in Copenhagen, was not uppermost in their minds. Saving thecircus was: the failure in Copenhagen to forge a binding agreement to mitigate the worldscarbon emissions could yet lead to a breakdown of the whole UN process in Durban.


  To avoid that, negotiators have until December 9th to reach three goals. Least dauntingly, theymust nail down the details of initiatives agreed on in Cancn last year, chiefly the Green ClimateFund. This aims to help poor countries curb their emissions and adapt to global warming. It issupposed to be stocked with some of the $100 billion that rich countries have promised poorones by 2023.


  Little actual cash will be proffered in Durban: progress will be limited to working out the detailsof the funds design, including the relative powers of donors and recipients, and to its possiblerole in wooing investment. Even this is contentious, as America wants a bigger role for theprivate sector. But such spats should prove surmountable. Alongside progress on anotherpromised institution, to spread green technology to poor countries, the fund is Durbanslikeliest success.


  Much trickier will be reconciling the demands of developing countries for an extension of theUNs Kyoto protocol with the determination of most developed ones to bin it. The worldsonly binding agreement to curb emissions has been a colossal failure. Since it was negotiatedin 1997 global emissions have risen by over a quarter, mostly in developing countries. Thetreaty does not curb their emissions, which are now 58% of the total; China alone isresponsible for 23%. The second-biggest polluter, America, is also free to emit, asit has not ratified the treaty.


  Developed countries that did ratify Kyoto feel cheated. Japan and Russia have rejected a secondround of emission-cutting under its aegis, after their current commitments expire at the end of2023. Canada, which will hugely overshoot its Kyoto target, is reported to be consideringquitting the treaty altogether. Kyoto is the past, said its environment minister, Peter Kent,before setting out for Durban.



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