Anarchy in the UK
SHAME was the first response of many people in Britain to the riots that started in theTottenham neighbourhood of London on August 6th, skipped across the capital in the followingdays and nights and spread to Manchester, Birmingham and many other cities. Alongside theshame, there was a jolting bafflement. The law-abiding majority suddenly saw that some oftheir compatriots were happy to torch cars and buildings, loot shops, and attack firemen andambulance crews. The confidence trick at the heart of the social order was violently laid bare:it turns out that if sufficient numbers of criminals want to create havoc on the streets, theycan. In the absence of internal, moral restraints, external ones can only do so much.
The world watched London in fascinated amazement. Other nations tend to regard Britain asenviably orderly and law-abiding, at least compared with many of its more excitablecontinental neighbours. That peaceable image is only partly justified: contagious rioting hasbroken out before, typically during the summer, including in the 1980s, when Tottenham andsome of the other flashpoint areas this week last erupted. This time, however, the complexionof the trouble is different from those earlier flare-ups. In its sheer mindlessness, it was, in away, even more depressing.
Moral malaise
This weeks multiplying riots had some commonfeatureslooting, arson, attacks on the policebutthey spanned different places, races, ages andsexes. Race was not the defining issue, as it was inmany of the disturbances of the 1980s. One of thefirst to appear in court for looting was a 31-year-oldteaching assistant: hardly an identikit hooligan. Thatleft politicians free to project their own rationales onthe carnage.
本周愈演愈烈的骚乱具有一些共性抢劫、纵火、袭警但它跨越了不同地区、种族、年龄和性别。同 1980年代的历次骚乱一样,种族并未在这次骚乱中扮演关键角色。法庭上出现的第一个被控抢劫罪的人是一个31岁的助教:他几乎不是一个通常意义上的街头恶棍。这让政客们对这场残杀的原因莫衷一是。
For some on the left, the real villain was the governments public-spending cuts. This view isgiven superficial support by the fact that the 1980s outbreaks happened during the Thatchercuts. But it is still a lazy fantasy. It might be comforting to think of the riots as an extensionof a familiar debateand to argue that the underlying ills can be easily remedied with a littlemore state largessebut there is little reason to do so. Unlike the riots in Britain in the 1980s,Los Angeles in 1992 or France in 2005, these were not overtly political or racial. And since thecuts have barely bitten yet, that explanation doesnt wash.
Anarchy in the UK
SHAME was the first response of many people in Britain to the riots that started in theTottenham neighbourhood of London on August 6th, skipped across the capital in the followingdays and nights and spread to Manchester, Birmingham and many other cities. Alongside theshame, there was a jolting bafflement. The law-abiding majority suddenly saw that some oftheir compatriots were happy to torch cars and buildings, loot shops, and attack firemen andambulance crews. The confidence trick at the heart of the social order was violently laid bare:it turns out that if sufficient numbers of criminals want to create havoc on the streets, theycan. In the absence of internal, moral restraints, external ones can only do so much.
The world watched London in fascinated amazement. Other nations tend to regard Britain asenviably orderly and law-abiding, at least compared with many of its more excitablecontinental neighbours. That peaceable image is only partly justified: contagious rioting hasbroken out before, typically during the summer, including in the 1980s, when Tottenham andsome of the other flashpoint areas this week last erupted. This time, however, the complexionof the trouble is different from those earlier flare-ups. In its sheer mindlessness, it was, in away, even more depressing.
Moral malaise
This weeks multiplying riots had some commonfeatureslooting, arson, attacks on the policebutthey spanned different places, races, ages andsexes. Race was not the defining issue, as it was inmany of the disturbances of the 1980s. One of thefirst to appear in court for looting was a 31-year-oldteaching assistant: hardly an identikit hooligan. Thatleft politicians free to project their own rationales onthe carnage.
本周愈演愈烈的骚乱具有一些共性抢劫、纵火、袭警但它跨越了不同地区、种族、年龄和性别。同 1980年代的历次骚乱一样,种族并未在这次骚乱中扮演关键角色。法庭上出现的第一个被控抢劫罪的人是一个31岁的助教:他几乎不是一个通常意义上的街头恶棍。这让政客们对这场残杀的原因莫衷一是。
For some on the left, the real villain was the governments public-spending cuts. This view isgiven superficial support by the fact that the 1980s outbreaks happened during the Thatchercuts. But it is still a lazy fantasy. It might be comforting to think of the riots as an extensionof a familiar debateand to argue that the underlying ills can be easily remedied with a littlemore state largessebut there is little reason to do so. Unlike the riots in Britain in the 1980s,Los Angeles in 1992 or France in 2005, these were not overtly political or racial. And since thecuts have barely bitten yet, that explanation doesnt wash.