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  Aviation Flight to the future

  航空业 飞向未来

  Modernising creaking air-traffic systems will be a huge task


  THESE days a $15,000 car comes with GPS satellite navigation fitted as standard.


  But a $150m airliner still has to be guided through the skies by spoken instructions from abloke with a radio in a control tower.


  That is because air-traffic management systems are stuck in the 1950s.


  Instead of flying straight, planes must zigzag from one ground beacon to the next, andascend and descend in steps, at each stage obtaining permission from the ground.


  The controllers radar only shows planes approximate positions, so they must space themwell apart.


  All this wastes fuel and causes congestion and delays.


  The average flight in European airspace is 50km longer than it need be.


  So the world s aviation authorities are seeking to modernise the whole system, streamliningthe routing of flights and providing much more real-time information to pilots and controllers.


  This could lead to huge orders for electronics firms, which is why, in his recent jobs speech,President Barack Obama called for $1 billion of extra cash to speed up America sATM-modernisation project, NextGen.

  这可能会给电子公司带来大量的订单,也就是为什么巴拉克?奥巴马总统在最近的讲话中,呼吁给美国的ATM现代化工程 新世代 增加10亿美元的额外投入。

  A study by consultants from McKinsey of Europe s equivalent project, SESAR, finds that itscosts should be dwarfed by the fuel savings and the economic boost from squeezing moreflights into Europe s busy skies.


  America stands to make similar gains.


  It is in everyone s interest to invest in modernisation, but the airlines are wary: severaltimes in recent history they have bought expensive kit only to find they cannot use it becausecontrollers have failed to upgrade their equipment to match.


  These sorts of ambitious projects to introduce new technology, with countless participants,are prone to cock-ups.


  Those involved in ATM modernisation want to avoid what happened when mobile-phonestandards were set, with different countries ending up with incompatible systems.


  To guard against that risk, the UN s International Civil Aviation Organisation has justheld a summit in Montreal, at which it divided the long list of ATM modernisation projectsinto manageable chunks, on which the world s aviation authorities will try to agreestandards, one at a time.


  The process has started well, though developing countries are said to worry about richcountries imposing costly programmes on them.


  Agreeing on technical standards will be difficult enough. Harder still, says Nancy Graham, anICAO official, will be paying for it all.



  Aviation Flight to the future

  航空业 飞向未来

  Modernising creaking air-traffic systems will be a huge task


  THESE days a $15,000 car comes with GPS satellite navigation fitted as standard.


  But a $150m airliner still has to be guided through the skies by spoken instructions from abloke with a radio in a control tower.


  That is because air-traffic management systems are stuck in the 1950s.


  Instead of flying straight, planes must zigzag from one ground beacon to the next, andascend and descend in steps, at each stage obtaining permission from the ground.


  The controllers radar only shows planes approximate positions, so they must space themwell apart.


  All this wastes fuel and causes congestion and delays.


  The average flight in European airspace is 50km longer than it need be.


  So the world s aviation authorities are seeking to modernise the whole system, streamliningthe routing of flights and providing much more real-time information to pilots and controllers.


  This could lead to huge orders for electronics firms, which is why, in his recent jobs speech,President Barack Obama called for $1 billion of extra cash to speed up America sATM-modernisation project, NextGen.

  这可能会给电子公司带来大量的订单,也就是为什么巴拉克?奥巴马总统在最近的讲话中,呼吁给美国的ATM现代化工程 新世代 增加10亿美元的额外投入。

  A study by consultants from McKinsey of Europe s equivalent project, SESAR, finds that itscosts should be dwarfed by the fuel savings and the economic boost from squeezing moreflights into Europe s busy skies.


  America stands to make similar gains.


  It is in everyone s interest to invest in modernisation, but the airlines are wary: severaltimes in recent history they have bought expensive kit only to find they cannot use it becausecontrollers have failed to upgrade their equipment to match.


  These sorts of ambitious projects to introduce new technology, with countless participants,are prone to cock-ups.


  Those involved in ATM modernisation want to avoid what happened when mobile-phonestandards were set, with different countries ending up with incompatible systems.


  To guard against that risk, the UN s International Civil Aviation Organisation has justheld a summit in Montreal, at which it divided the long list of ATM modernisation projectsinto manageable chunks, on which the world s aviation authorities will try to agreestandards, one at a time.


  The process has started well, though developing countries are said to worry about richcountries imposing costly programmes on them.


  Agreeing on technical standards will be difficult enough. Harder still, says Nancy Graham, anICAO official, will be paying for it all.



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