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  Interest rates in China


  A small step forward


  Chinas central bank has liberalised lending rates.Does it matter?


  NOBODY can accuse the Peoples Bank of China , Chinas central bank, of beinggun-shy. A few weeks ago its clumsy attempt to restrain dodgier forms of bank lending ledto a bout of market panic. Many said the episode would chill enthusiasm for furtherexperimentation.


  But on July 20th the PBOC experimented again. On that day the central bank ended allrestrictions on lending rates, which previously had a floor of 70% of the PBOC benchmarkrate. Banks are now free to set lending rates at anylevel they want.


  In truth, the measure is less bold than it appears. The interest-rate reform that everyone iswaiting for is liberalisation of deposit rates. Chinas policy of financial repression has cappedthe rate that banks can pay depositors, even as it put a floor on the rate at which they mustlend. That has guaranteed fat profits for the big state banks, like Bank of China and theIndustrial and Commercial Bank of China, that dominate the financial system.


  The liberalisation of lending rates may be a half-measure, but officials still hope it willincrease competition among banks and spur lending to the corporate sector, especially toprivate firms that have long been starved of capital. Sceptics point out that the PBOC movedthe floor for the lending rate from 90% of its benchmark to 70% a year ago, but Chinesebanks did not rush to lend below the 90% mark. That suggests they are unlikely to cut ratesnow.


  A rival view argues that borrowers with strong bargaining power, such as big state-ownedenterprises , will now be emboldened to push the big banks for cheaper loans. Somesuggest that non-performing loans at SOEs may be rolled over at negligible interest rates,disguising what is, in effect, a state bail-out.


  On this view, as lower rates eat into their profits the big banks will be forced to look forhigher-margin opportunities at the small and medium-sized private firms that they havelong ignored. That in turn will put them in direct competition with smaller, private-sectorjoint-stock banks, such as China Merchants and China Minsheng, that have focused on thisarea.


  If so, Chinas banks may be about to enter a rocky period. ChinaScope Financial, a researchfirm, has analysed how increased competition and declining net interest margins willaffect banks operating in China. The boffins conclude that the smallest local outfits, knownas city commercial banks, and the middling private-sector banks will be hit hardest, but thatreturns on equity at the big five state banks will also be squeezed . They think theindustry will need $50 billion-100 billion in extra capital over the next two years to keep itscapital ratios stable.


  The bigger worry for Chinas state banks is the signal sent by the PBOCs move. The centralbank has affirmed its commitment to reform. If those reforms include the liberalisation ofdeposit rates, then something far more serious than a minor profit squeeze will befallChinas banks. Guaranteed profitability would end; banks would have to compete forcustomers; and risk management would suddenly matter. In short, Chinese bankers wouldhave to start working for a living.



  Interest rates in China


  A small step forward


  Chinas central bank has liberalised lending rates.Does it matter?


  NOBODY can accuse the Peoples Bank of China , Chinas central bank, of beinggun-shy. A few weeks ago its clumsy attempt to restrain dodgier forms of bank lending ledto a bout of market panic. Many said the episode would chill enthusiasm for furtherexperimentation.


  But on July 20th the PBOC experimented again. On that day the central bank ended allrestrictions on lending rates, which previously had a floor of 70% of the PBOC benchmarkrate. Banks are now free to set lending rates at anylevel they want.


  In truth, the measure is less bold than it appears. The interest-rate reform that everyone iswaiting for is liberalisation of deposit rates. Chinas policy of financial repression has cappedthe rate that banks can pay depositors, even as it put a floor on the rate at which they mustlend. That has guaranteed fat profits for the big state banks, like Bank of China and theIndustrial and Commercial Bank of China, that dominate the financial system.


  The liberalisation of lending rates may be a half-measure, but officials still hope it willincrease competition among banks and spur lending to the corporate sector, especially toprivate firms that have long been starved of capital. Sceptics point out that the PBOC movedthe floor for the lending rate from 90% of its benchmark to 70% a year ago, but Chinesebanks did not rush to lend below the 90% mark. That suggests they are unlikely to cut ratesnow.


  A rival view argues that borrowers with strong bargaining power, such as big state-ownedenterprises , will now be emboldened to push the big banks for cheaper loans. Somesuggest that non-performing loans at SOEs may be rolled over at negligible interest rates,disguising what is, in effect, a state bail-out.


  On this view, as lower rates eat into their profits the big banks will be forced to look forhigher-margin opportunities at the small and medium-sized private firms that they havelong ignored. That in turn will put them in direct competition with smaller, private-sectorjoint-stock banks, such as China Merchants and China Minsheng, that have focused on thisarea.


  If so, Chinas banks may be about to enter a rocky period. ChinaScope Financial, a researchfirm, has analysed how increased competition and declining net interest margins willaffect banks operating in China. The boffins conclude that the smallest local outfits, knownas city commercial banks, and the middling private-sector banks will be hit hardest, but thatreturns on equity at the big five state banks will also be squeezed . They think theindustry will need $50 billion-100 billion in extra capital over the next two years to keep itscapital ratios stable.


  The bigger worry for Chinas state banks is the signal sent by the PBOCs move. The centralbank has affirmed its commitment to reform. If those reforms include the liberalisation ofdeposit rates, then something far more serious than a minor profit squeeze will befallChinas banks. Guaranteed profitability would end; banks would have to compete forcustomers; and risk management would suddenly matter. In short, Chinese bankers wouldhave to start working for a living.



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