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  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   The German courts and the ECB   德国法院和欧洲央行   It isn t over   尘埃未定   European monetary policy has not been given thereprieve markets believe   市场相信:欧洲货币政策还未被宣布死缓   AS A working rule, the shorter a statement the more it says.   作为一项工作法则,言论越是短小精悍,越是意味无穷。   A commitment made by the European Central Bank in September 2023 runs to fewer than500 words, but it was enough to send the bond vigilantes packing.   欧洲央行在2023年九月的一项承诺短短不过500字,却足以让那些债券治安员卷铺盖走人。   The ECB promised to make unlimited purchases of the sovereign debt of governments onthe ropes.   欧洲央行承诺无限制购买那些陷于困境的政府的主权债务。   These Outright Monetary Transactions, whose drearyname disguises their punch, proved so potent a deterrent that they never had to bedeployed.   这些直接货币交易的名字沉闷无趣,却隐藏着强大的冲击力。事实证明,OMT威慑力大到实质上从不需要被调配。   But if quiescent markets were to turn nasty again, requiring OMT to be fired, would thecentral bank be acting within its powers?   但如果目前晴空万里的市场又要风波再起,以至于要发射OMT这枚炮弹,欧洲央行还能够安于自司其职吗?   For more than a year the German constitutional court in Karlsruhe has been contemplatingthis question.   一年多以来,在卡尔斯鲁厄的德国宪法法院都对此问题苦思冥想。   Even though the place to decide whether a European body is abiding by European law is inLuxembourg at the European Court of Justice, the court in Karlsruhe insists on its right toexamine whether the acts of a European institution are infringing the German constitution.   虽然只有位于卢森堡的欧洲法院才能决定欧体是否遵循欧洲法律,位于卡尔斯鲁厄的德国法院仍坚持要审查欧洲央行的行为是否侵犯了德国的宪法。   The judges finally issued a ruling on February 7th.   法官们最终在二月七日作出裁决。   The judgment of the majority was far harsher than the yes, but verdict that had originallybeen expected.   除去八位中的两位以此案不应被受理为由而有所反对外,多数裁决的结果可比人们原来预想中行倒是行,不过的判决书严厉多了。   Instead the court found that the central bank had overstepped its mandate and that OMTwas a backdoor to monetary financing of governments, outlawed under European treaties.   法院认为欧洲央行已经越位行职,OMT实际成为政府货币融资的后门,而后者已被被欧盟条约取缔。   But the markets heaved a collective sigh of relief as they noted that in an unprecedentedmove the court had referred crucial points in the case to the ECJ.   不过,在得知德国法院史无前例的将此案中的关键点移交给了欧洲法院后,各大市场都松了口气。   Since the European court is thought of as a champion of European integration, OMT shouldbe safe in its hands.   由于欧洲法庭被公认为欧洲一体化的拥护者,在那里OMT应该会相当安全。   But referring points in the case to the ECJ does not mean deferring to it.   但是把案子要点交给欧洲法院并不代表让它最后拍板。   The view that the constitutional court has thrown in the towel is incorrect, says Bruno deWitte, a professor of European Union law at Maastricht University; rather the German judgeshave given their interpretation and are asking the ECJ for its views.   宪法法院并没有自认失败,马斯特里赫特大学的布鲁诺德维特如是说,这不过是德国的法官们在给出自己的解读之后寻求欧洲法院的观点而已。   They will take these into account when passing their final judgment, based as before onwhether OMT infringes Germany s basic law.   他们会在达成最后判决之前把这些观点加以考量,而判决仍旧同之前一样会基于OMT是否违反了德国的基本法。   If the European court simply upholds the ECB s defence of bond buying, which is that it liessquarely within the central bank s monetary-policy mandate, then that could set the stagefor a clash of the courts.   如果欧洲法院简单粗暴的支持欧洲央行购买债券的辩解,声称这完全在央行的货币政策职责范围内,那么这就为法院之间的冲突拉开了帷幕。   Given how harsh its ruling has been, the German court might insist that, notwithstanding afavourable judgment from the ECJ, OMT is incompatible with the constitution.   德国法院一向作风凌厉,即使欧洲央行做出对OMT有利的判决,它也许会坚称OMT与宪法互不相容。   Though it could not prevail upon the central bank to revise OMT, the court could try toprevent the German Bundesbank from participating in it.   虽然德国法院不能够凌驾于欧洲央行之上来修改OMT,法院依然能够阻止德国央行参与其中。   Can such a battle between Karlsruhe and Luxembourg be avoided?   这场卡尔斯鲁厄和卢森堡之间的冲突能够被避免吗?   In effect the German court sets out its terms for a compromise.   实际上德国法庭已经在法律条款上做出了让步,   In the event of a restructuring, it does not want the ECB to be on an equal footing withprivate creditors, accepting losses like them on debt acquired through OMT.   在重组方面,它并不想让欧洲央行像私人债权人一样通过从OMT取得债款的方式接受损失。   The court also says that the policy should, where possible, avoid interfering with priceformation which may refer to setting targets for bond yields.   法庭同时声称政策在可能的情况下都不应该干涉价格形成。   These demands could probably be met without defanging OMT.   这些要求都能够在不削弱OMT的情况下被满足。   The third stipulationthat purchases should not be unlimitedmight castrate it.   第三个规定不能无限制购买可能使得OMT力量全失。   Yet even on this point there may be room for compromise by recognising that OMT doeshave effective limits since it would only target bonds between one and three years frommaturity.   不过即使是在这一点上仍旧有回旋余地,因为OMT专门购买在一到三年之间到期的债券,因此实际上是有有效限制的。   At this level of judicial jousting, realpolitik rather than the strict letter of the law prevails.   这种水平的司法角逐之下,现实政治绝对胜过法律条文。   Though it might be tempting for the ECJ to slap down the constitutional court, Germanyunderpins the euro and the single currency is central to the integrationist project.   虽然欧洲法庭可能想借机打击宪法法院,德国却是支撑欧元的重要力量,而单一货币是欧洲一体化的核心。   A face-saving fudge seems the most likely outcome; the ECJ after all sits in the city thatgave its name to a paragon of the genre, the Luxembourg compromise on EU members voting rights.   一通顾全面子的谎话或许是最有可能的结果。毕竟欧洲法院位于卢森堡, 针对欧盟成员国投票权签署的卢森堡协议,正是以这个城市命名的典型。   The ECB s formal commitment of September 2023 may have been short, but it was a gooddeal longer than the impromptu vow made by Mario Draghi six weeks earlier to dowhatever it takes to save the euro, which turned out to be OMT.   欧洲央行 在2023年九月的承诺虽然简短,但是比起马里奥德拉基在六周前即兴发表的竭尽所能救欧元的誓言可长多了,而那个誓言最后演变成了OMT。   In fact the ECB boss added a crucial and usually omitted rider to his pithy pledge: within ourmandate.   实际上央行老大在他简短誓词中加了一个常常被忽略的关键词语:在我们的职责范围之内。   That qualification is now being spelt out by the judges.   这个条件现在被法官们重点强调。   When they have resolved the matter to their satisfaction it seems unlikely that OMT will bequite so mighty a weapon as it appeared to be when it was first unveiled.   在他们圆满解决这个事情之后,OMT就不太可能像它初次露面时显得那样强大了。   词语解释   1.enough to 足以   That s not enough to trigger renewed recession.   这个问题不足以导致美国经济重新陷入衰退。   It tells you enough to get started right away.   它告诉你的东西足够让你立刻开始使用。   2.require to 要求   Drain piping may require to be protected against freezing.   泄水管要求有防冻保护措施。   These objects require to be quarantined on the spot.   这些物品需要进行现场检疫。   3.abide by 遵守;信守   The rules of the race lay out certain regulations which each musher must abide by.   比赛规则制定了特定的管理办法,每位驾驶者都必须遵守。   In his separation agreement, hurd agreed to abide by section 7 for two years.   在赫德的离职协议里,他同意两年内遵守第七章节的内容。   4.insist on 坚持,强调   Customize the product or insist on the cookie-cutter model?   按客户的需求定做产品或者坚持些模型?   I insist on quietness in my room.   我要求在我的房间里要安静。


  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   The German courts and the ECB   德国法院和欧洲央行   It isn t over   尘埃未定   European monetary policy has not been given thereprieve markets believe   市场相信:欧洲货币政策还未被宣布死缓   AS A working rule, the shorter a statement the more it says.   作为一项工作法则,言论越是短小精悍,越是意味无穷。   A commitment made by the European Central Bank in September 2023 runs to fewer than500 words, but it was enough to send the bond vigilantes packing.   欧洲央行在2023年九月的一项承诺短短不过500字,却足以让那些债券治安员卷铺盖走人。   The ECB promised to make unlimited purchases of the sovereign debt of governments onthe ropes.   欧洲央行承诺无限制购买那些陷于困境的政府的主权债务。   These Outright Monetary Transactions, whose drearyname disguises their punch, proved so potent a deterrent that they never had to bedeployed.   这些直接货币交易的名字沉闷无趣,却隐藏着强大的冲击力。事实证明,OMT威慑力大到实质上从不需要被调配。   But if quiescent markets were to turn nasty again, requiring OMT to be fired, would thecentral bank be acting within its powers?   但如果目前晴空万里的市场又要风波再起,以至于要发射OMT这枚炮弹,欧洲央行还能够安于自司其职吗?   For more than a year the German constitutional court in Karlsruhe has been contemplatingthis question.   一年多以来,在卡尔斯鲁厄的德国宪法法院都对此问题苦思冥想。   Even though the place to decide whether a European body is abiding by European law is inLuxembourg at the European Court of Justice, the court in Karlsruhe insists on its right toexamine whether the acts of a European institution are infringing the German constitution.   虽然只有位于卢森堡的欧洲法院才能决定欧体是否遵循欧洲法律,位于卡尔斯鲁厄的德国法院仍坚持要审查欧洲央行的行为是否侵犯了德国的宪法。   The judges finally issued a ruling on February 7th.   法官们最终在二月七日作出裁决。   The judgment of the majority was far harsher than the yes, but verdict that had originallybeen expected.   除去八位中的两位以此案不应被受理为由而有所反对外,多数裁决的结果可比人们原来预想中行倒是行,不过的判决书严厉多了。   Instead the court found that the central bank had overstepped its mandate and that OMTwas a backdoor to monetary financing of governments, outlawed under European treaties.   法院认为欧洲央行已经越位行职,OMT实际成为政府货币融资的后门,而后者已被被欧盟条约取缔。   But the markets heaved a collective sigh of relief as they noted that in an unprecedentedmove the court had referred crucial points in the case to the ECJ.   不过,在得知德国法院史无前例的将此案中的关键点移交给了欧洲法院后,各大市场都松了口气。   Since the European court is thought of as a champion of European integration, OMT shouldbe safe in its hands.   由于欧洲法庭被公认为欧洲一体化的拥护者,在那里OMT应该会相当安全。   But referring points in the case to the ECJ does not mean deferring to it.   但是把案子要点交给欧洲法院并不代表让它最后拍板。   The view that the constitutional court has thrown in the towel is incorrect, says Bruno deWitte, a professor of European Union law at Maastricht University; rather the German judgeshave given their interpretation and are asking the ECJ for its views.   宪法法院并没有自认失败,马斯特里赫特大学的布鲁诺德维特如是说,这不过是德国的法官们在给出自己的解读之后寻求欧洲法院的观点而已。   They will take these into account when passing their final judgment, based as before onwhether OMT infringes Germany s basic law.   他们会在达成最后判决之前把这些观点加以考量,而判决仍旧同之前一样会基于OMT是否违反了德国的基本法。   If the European court simply upholds the ECB s defence of bond buying, which is that it liessquarely within the central bank s monetary-policy mandate, then that could set the stagefor a clash of the courts.   如果欧洲法院简单粗暴的支持欧洲央行购买债券的辩解,声称这完全在央行的货币政策职责范围内,那么这就为法院之间的冲突拉开了帷幕。   Given how harsh its ruling has been, the German court might insist that, notwithstanding afavourable judgment from the ECJ, OMT is incompatible with the constitution.   德国法院一向作风凌厉,即使欧洲央行做出对OMT有利的判决,它也许会坚称OMT与宪法互不相容。   Though it could not prevail upon the central bank to revise OMT, the court could try toprevent the German Bundesbank from participating in it.   虽然德国法院不能够凌驾于欧洲央行之上来修改OMT,法院依然能够阻止德国央行参与其中。   Can such a battle between Karlsruhe and Luxembourg be avoided?   这场卡尔斯鲁厄和卢森堡之间的冲突能够被避免吗?   In effect the German court sets out its terms for a compromise.   实际上德国法庭已经在法律条款上做出了让步,   In the event of a restructuring, it does not want the ECB to be on an equal footing withprivate creditors, accepting losses like them on debt acquired through OMT.   在重组方面,它并不想让欧洲央行像私人债权人一样通过从OMT取得债款的方式接受损失。   The court also says that the policy should, where possible, avoid interfering with priceformation which may refer to setting targets for bond yields.   法庭同时声称政策在可能的情况下都不应该干涉价格形成。   These demands could probably be met without defanging OMT.   这些要求都能够在不削弱OMT的情况下被满足。   The third stipulationthat purchases should not be unlimitedmight castrate it.   第三个规定不能无限制购买可能使得OMT力量全失。   Yet even on this point there may be room for compromise by recognising that OMT doeshave effective limits since it would only target bonds between one and three years frommaturity.   不过即使是在这一点上仍旧有回旋余地,因为OMT专门购买在一到三年之间到期的债券,因此实际上是有有效限制的。   At this level of judicial jousting, realpolitik rather than the strict letter of the law prevails.   这种水平的司法角逐之下,现实政治绝对胜过法律条文。   Though it might be tempting for the ECJ to slap down the constitutional court, Germanyunderpins the euro and the single currency is central to the integrationist project.   虽然欧洲法庭可能想借机打击宪法法院,德国却是支撑欧元的重要力量,而单一货币是欧洲一体化的核心。   A face-saving fudge seems the most likely outcome; the ECJ after all sits in the city thatgave its name to a paragon of the genre, the Luxembourg compromise on EU members voting rights.   一通顾全面子的谎话或许是最有可能的结果。毕竟欧洲法院位于卢森堡, 针对欧盟成员国投票权签署的卢森堡协议,正是以这个城市命名的典型。   The ECB s formal commitment of September 2023 may have been short, but it was a gooddeal longer than the impromptu vow made by Mario Draghi six weeks earlier to dowhatever it takes to save the euro, which turned out to be OMT.   欧洲央行 在2023年九月的承诺虽然简短,但是比起马里奥德拉基在六周前即兴发表的竭尽所能救欧元的誓言可长多了,而那个誓言最后演变成了OMT。   In fact the ECB boss added a crucial and usually omitted rider to his pithy pledge: within ourmandate.   实际上央行老大在他简短誓词中加了一个常常被忽略的关键词语:在我们的职责范围之内。   That qualification is now being spelt out by the judges.   这个条件现在被法官们重点强调。   When they have resolved the matter to their satisfaction it seems unlikely that OMT will bequite so mighty a weapon as it appeared to be when it was first unveiled.   在他们圆满解决这个事情之后,OMT就不太可能像它初次露面时显得那样强大了。   词语解释   1.enough to 足以   That s not enough to trigger renewed recession.   这个问题不足以导致美国经济重新陷入衰退。   It tells you enough to get started right away.   它告诉你的东西足够让你立刻开始使用。   2.require to 要求   Drain piping may require to be protected against freezing.   泄水管要求有防冻保护措施。   These objects require to be quarantined on the spot.   这些物品需要进行现场检疫。   3.abide by 遵守;信守   The rules of the race lay out certain regulations which each musher must abide by.   比赛规则制定了特定的管理办法,每位驾驶者都必须遵守。   In his separation agreement, hurd agreed to abide by section 7 for two years.   在赫德的离职协议里,他同意两年内遵守第七章节的内容。   4.insist on 坚持,强调   Customize the product or insist on the cookie-cutter model?   按客户的需求定做产品或者坚持些模型?   I insist on quietness in my room.   我要求在我的房间里要安静。


信息流广告 网络推广 周易 易经 代理招生 二手车 网络营销 招生代理 旅游攻略 非物质文化遗产 查字典 精雕图 戏曲下载 抖音代运营 易学网 互联网资讯 成语 成语故事 诗词 工商注册 注册公司 抖音带货 云南旅游网 网络游戏 代理记账 短视频运营 在线题库 国学网 知识产权 抖音运营 雕龙客 雕塑 奇石 散文 自学教程 常用文书 河北生活网 好书推荐 游戏攻略 心理测试 石家庄人才网 考研真题 汉语知识 心理咨询 手游安卓版下载 兴趣爱好 网络知识 十大品牌排行榜 商标交易 单机游戏下载 短视频代运营 宝宝起名 范文网 电商设计 免费发布信息 服装服饰 律师咨询 搜救犬 Chat GPT中文版 经典范文 优质范文 工作总结 二手车估价 实用范文 爱采购代运营 古诗词 衡水人才网 石家庄点痣 养花 名酒回收 石家庄代理记账 女士发型 搜搜作文 石家庄人才网 铜雕 词典 围棋 chatGPT 读后感 玄机派 企业服务 法律咨询 chatGPT国内版 chatGPT官网 励志名言 河北代理记账公司 文玩 朋友圈文案 语料库 游戏推荐 男士发型 高考作文 PS修图 儿童文学 买车咨询 工作计划 礼品厂 舟舟培训 IT教程 手机游戏推荐排行榜 暖通,电采暖, 女性健康 苗木供应 主题模板 短视频培训 优秀个人博客 包装网 创业赚钱 养生 民间借贷律师 绿色软件 安卓手机游戏 手机软件下载 手机游戏下载 单机游戏大全 免费软件下载 网赚 手游下载 游戏盒子 职业培训 资格考试 成语大全 英语培训 艺术培训 少儿培训 苗木网 雕塑网 好玩的手机游戏推荐 汉语词典 中国机械网 美文欣赏 红楼梦 道德经 网站转让 鲜花 社区团购 社区电商