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  9. There is always excitement at the Olympic Games when an athlete breaks a previous record of performance.

  A) beats B) matches

  C) maintains D) announces

  9.A. break是多义词, 其常见的词义为打破, 违犯, 折断, 在句中break用作及物动词,其带有宾语record, 因此break在句子中的词义为打破。选项A的词义与之接近:beat the record/打破纪录。


  beat defeat 打败

  maintain hold - claim主张

  announce declare proclaim 宣布

  10. It took me exactly a week to complete the work.

  A) do B) achieve

  C) improve D) finish

  10.D. complete作为动词使用时, 其词义为完成, 因此D是答案。Do是多义词,其常见词义为做, 实行, 尽力, 制作。


  It takes/took sb./sth. time/ money to do sth. 某人/某物花了时间/金钱做

  It takes me an hour to go to school by bus. 我乘公共汽车去学校要花一个小时的时间。


  finish accomplish complete fulfill 完成


  11. He achieved success through hard work.

  A) reached B) reaped

  C) attained D) took

  11.C. achieve的基本词义为实现, 获得, 因此C是答案。

  achieve attain gain obtain 获得

  reach arrive at get to 到达


  take ones time 从容不迫

  take sb.s temperature 量体温

  take medicine 吃药

  take off 拿掉, 脱衣, 起飞

  take up 拿起, 开始从事, 占据

  take over 把...从一地带到另一地, 接管

  12. We had a long conversation about her parents.

  A) talk B) speech

  C) debate D) discussion

  12.A. conversation是谈话, 因此选项A词义最接近。


  debate discussion 讨论

  13. Please let me know if you are able to attend the meeting.

  A) go to B) prepare for

  C) speak to D) do to

  13.A. attend的词义为参加,因此A是答案。 do to不是固定搭配结构。


  go to school / attend school 上学

  14. Your teacher will take your illness into account when marking your exams.

  A) calculation B) computation

  C) consideration D) assessment

  14.C. account是多义词, 其词义为计算,帐目, 说明 ,短语结构中account的词义为考虑,因此C是答案。 takeinto consideration也是固定搭配的短语结构。

  15.They have made up their mind to give up smoking.

  A) tried B) attempted

  C) agreed D) decided

  15.D. make up ones mind是固定搭配结构, 其含义为决心, 决定, 因此D是答案。

  make up ones mind decide be determined 决心

  agree consent 同意

  try attempt 试图

  短语give up出现频率也较高,职称英语词汇选项练习部分出现了关于give up的练习题:

  16. They have given up the hope to save their friends from drowning.

  A) ended B) abandoned

  C) built D) strengthened

  16. D. give up是放弃, 因此B是答案。

  save ...from...拯救...使免予遭受到...


  prevent ...from...防止... 使免予遭受到...




  9. There is always excitement at the Olympic Games when an athlete breaks a previous record of performance.

  A) beats B) matches

  C) maintains D) announces

  9.A. break是多义词, 其常见的词义为打破, 违犯, 折断, 在句中break用作及物动词,其带有宾语record, 因此break在句子中的词义为打破。选项A的词义与之接近:beat the record/打破纪录。


  beat defeat 打败

  maintain hold - claim主张

  announce declare proclaim 宣布

  10. It took me exactly a week to complete the work.

  A) do B) achieve

  C) improve D) finish

  10.D. complete作为动词使用时, 其词义为完成, 因此D是答案。Do是多义词,其常见词义为做, 实行, 尽力, 制作。


  It takes/took sb./sth. time/ money to do sth. 某人/某物花了时间/金钱做

  It takes me an hour to go to school by bus. 我乘公共汽车去学校要花一个小时的时间。


  finish accomplish complete fulfill 完成


  11. He achieved success through hard work.

  A) reached B) reaped

  C) attained D) took

  11.C. achieve的基本词义为实现, 获得, 因此C是答案。

  achieve attain gain obtain 获得

  reach arrive at get to 到达


  take ones time 从容不迫

  take sb.s temperature 量体温

  take medicine 吃药

  take off 拿掉, 脱衣, 起飞

  take up 拿起, 开始从事, 占据

  take over 把...从一地带到另一地, 接管

  12. We had a long conversation about her parents.

  A) talk B) speech

  C) debate D) discussion

  12.A. conversation是谈话, 因此选项A词义最接近。


  debate discussion 讨论

  13. Please let me know if you are able to attend the meeting.

  A) go to B) prepare for

  C) speak to D) do to

  13.A. attend的词义为参加,因此A是答案。 do to不是固定搭配结构。


  go to school / attend school 上学

  14. Your teacher will take your illness into account when marking your exams.

  A) calculation B) computation

  C) consideration D) assessment

  14.C. account是多义词, 其词义为计算,帐目, 说明 ,短语结构中account的词义为考虑,因此C是答案。 takeinto consideration也是固定搭配的短语结构。

  15.They have made up their mind to give up smoking.

  A) tried B) attempted

  C) agreed D) decided

  15.D. make up ones mind是固定搭配结构, 其含义为决心, 决定, 因此D是答案。

  make up ones mind decide be determined 决心

  agree consent 同意

  try attempt 试图

  短语give up出现频率也较高,职称英语词汇选项练习部分出现了关于give up的练习题:

  16. They have given up the hope to save their friends from drowning.

  A) ended B) abandoned

  C) built D) strengthened

  16. D. give up是放弃, 因此B是答案。

  save ...from...拯救...使免予遭受到...


  prevent ...from...防止... 使免予遭受到...



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