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  Passage 1   It was a cold, rainy and wholly miserable afternoon in Washington, and a hotmuggy night in Miami. It was Sunday, and three gameswere played in the two cities. The people playing them and the people watchingthem tell us much about the ever-changing ethnic structure of the UnitedStates.   Professional football in the United States is almost wholly playedby native-born American citizens, mostly very large and very strong, many of them black.It is a game of physical strength. Linemen routinely weigh more than 300 pounds.Players are valued for their weigh and muscles, for how fast theycan run, and how hard they can hit each other. Football draws the biggestcrowds, but the teams play only once a week, because they get sobattered.   The 67,204 fans were in Miami for the final game of the baseball WorldSeries. Baseball was once Americas favorite game,but has lost that claim to basketball.   Baseball is a game that requires strength, but nothugeness. Agility, quickness, perfect vision and quick reaction are more important than purestrength. Baseball was once a purely American game, but hasspread around much of the New World. In that Sundays final, the finalhit of the extra inning game was delivered by a native of Columbia. The MostValuable Player in the game was a native of Columbia. The rosters of both teamswere awash with Hispanic names, as is Miami, which now claims the World Championship is a game that may belosing popularity in America, but has gained it in much of the rest of the world. Baseball inAmerica has taken on a strong Hispanic flavor, with a dash ofJapanese added for seasoning.   Soccer, which many countries just call football, is the mostwidely enjoyed sport in the world. In soccer, which manycountries just call football, the ethnic tide has been the reverse of baseball. Until recently,professional soccer in the United States has largely been an import, played bySouth Americans and Europeans. Now, American citizensin large numbers are finally taking up the most popular game in the world.   Basketball, an American invention increasingly played around the world, these daysdraws large crowds back home. Likewise,hockey, a gamelargely imported to the United States from neighboring Canada. Lacrosse, a versionof which was played by Native Americans before the Europeans arrived, is alsogaining a keen national following.   Sports of all kinds are winning support from American armchairenthusiasts from a variety of ethnic backgrounds.   1、Which of the following can reflect the ever-changing ethnic structureof America?   A、Sportsman.   B、Audience.   C、Both of them.   D、None of them.   2、Who play professional football in the United States?。   A、Native-born American citizens.   B、Europeans.   C、South Americans.   D、Both B and C.   3、What is Americas favorite game?   A、Baseball.   B、Basketball.   C、Professional football.   D、Soccer.   4、Which of the following statements about soccer is true?   A、In soccer and basketball, the ethnic tide isdifferent.   B、Until recently, soccer becomes an important game, so many nativeAmericans play it.   C、It is the most popular game in the world, so manyAmerican citizens take up it.   D、Although soccer is the most popular game in the world,Americancitizens in large numbers do not like first.   5、The author of the passage wants to tell us that ____.   A、Americans like sports and sports reveal much about the changingethnic structure of the United States   B、In Washington, several games are played in one day   C、Americans like all kinds of games   D、The American games are watched by native-Americans and played bypeople from different countries   Keys to Passage 1   C A D B A


  Passage 1   It was a cold, rainy and wholly miserable afternoon in Washington, and a hotmuggy night in Miami. It was Sunday, and three gameswere played in the two cities. The people playing them and the people watchingthem tell us much about the ever-changing ethnic structure of the UnitedStates.   Professional football in the United States is almost wholly playedby native-born American citizens, mostly very large and very strong, many of them black.It is a game of physical strength. Linemen routinely weigh more than 300 pounds.Players are valued for their weigh and muscles, for how fast theycan run, and how hard they can hit each other. Football draws the biggestcrowds, but the teams play only once a week, because they get sobattered.   The 67,204 fans were in Miami for the final game of the baseball WorldSeries. Baseball was once Americas favorite game,but has lost that claim to basketball.   Baseball is a game that requires strength, but nothugeness. Agility, quickness, perfect vision and quick reaction are more important than purestrength. Baseball was once a purely American game, but hasspread around much of the New World. In that Sundays final, the finalhit of the extra inning game was delivered by a native of Columbia. The MostValuable Player in the game was a native of Columbia. The rosters of both teamswere awash with Hispanic names, as is Miami, which now claims the World Championship is a game that may belosing popularity in America, but has gained it in much of the rest of the world. Baseball inAmerica has taken on a strong Hispanic flavor, with a dash ofJapanese added for seasoning.   Soccer, which many countries just call football, is the mostwidely enjoyed sport in the world. In soccer, which manycountries just call football, the ethnic tide has been the reverse of baseball. Until recently,professional soccer in the United States has largely been an import, played bySouth Americans and Europeans. Now, American citizensin large numbers are finally taking up the most popular game in the world.   Basketball, an American invention increasingly played around the world, these daysdraws large crowds back home. Likewise,hockey, a gamelargely imported to the United States from neighboring Canada. Lacrosse, a versionof which was played by Native Americans before the Europeans arrived, is alsogaining a keen national following.   Sports of all kinds are winning support from American armchairenthusiasts from a variety of ethnic backgrounds.   1、Which of the following can reflect the ever-changing ethnic structureof America?   A、Sportsman.   B、Audience.   C、Both of them.   D、None of them.   2、Who play professional football in the United States?。   A、Native-born American citizens.   B、Europeans.   C、South Americans.   D、Both B and C.   3、What is Americas favorite game?   A、Baseball.   B、Basketball.   C、Professional football.   D、Soccer.   4、Which of the following statements about soccer is true?   A、In soccer and basketball, the ethnic tide isdifferent.   B、Until recently, soccer becomes an important game, so many nativeAmericans play it.   C、It is the most popular game in the world, so manyAmerican citizens take up it.   D、Although soccer is the most popular game in the world,Americancitizens in large numbers do not like first.   5、The author of the passage wants to tell us that ____.   A、Americans like sports and sports reveal much about the changingethnic structure of the United States   B、In Washington, several games are played in one day   C、Americans like all kinds of games   D、The American games are watched by native-Americans and played bypeople from different countries   Keys to Passage 1   C A D B A


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