决胜大学英语六级听力必备 mode15

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决胜大学英语六级听力必备 mode15

  1. M: Do you think the travel agency will be open Saturday afternoon.

  I want to get some information about a bus trip across the United States.

  W: You dont have to wait until Saturday.

  Right here,in this office,the dean has maps

  bus schedules and even a list of inexpensive hotels.

  Theyre for foreign students, you know.

  Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?

  2. W:Why are you giving me a ticket for speeding,office

  I was only going 50.

  M: Cant you read?

  That was 10M.P.H.over the limit.

  Q: What is the speed limit in this area?

  3. W: Where have you been all this time? The hovercraft is about to leave.

  M:Sorry,Mary,Im late,but I was waiting for you at the information desk upstair.

  Its lucky I thought to look for you here on the pontoon.

  Q: Where did the man think they were supposed to meet?

  4. M:I think this physical geography course is interesting

  but its very difficult.

  Ill never get through the reading list.

  W: Dont worry, youll find the time somehow.

  Q: Why is the man worried?

  5. M: My typing isnt clear enough and the paper doesnt look good.

  W: Why not change the typewriter ribbon and see if that helps?

  Q: What does the woman suggest?

  6. M: If youd like to take the refrigerator with you,madam

  it wont take long to wrap.

  W: Theres rush.

  Could you please have it delivered in a couple of days?

  Q: What does the woman mean?

  7.M:Id like to take a trip to Los Angeles for my summer vacation.

  Can you give me any ideas on where to go?

  I could tell you about the places Ive visited such as Hawaii and Mississippi

  but I think youd better get a professional to make your arrangements.

  Q: What advice did the woman give the man?

  8.W:Didnt you say the other day that youd like to have a meeting with

  some members of the Journalists Association on Thursday or Friday?

  M: Perhaps I did.

  Come to think of it

  Thursday wont be so good.

  Maybe Friday would be better.n

  Yes, lets say Friday.

  Q: What day didnt he take for the meeting?

  9. W: You know, Ive done a stupid thing.

  Ive locked myself out of my apartment with my key inside.

  M: I do things like that, too.

  Well, you just have to stay here and make yourself comfortable.

  Your husband will be back soon, wont he?

  Q: What happened to the woman?

  10. W: Im terribly sorry about not getting all the things you needed this morning.

  It must have been very embarrassing.

  I hope youll forgive me.

  M: Actually, it was partly my fault.

  I should have given you a written list instead of just telling you

  especially as you were so busy at the time

  Anyway,dont worry about it.

  Q: Who should be responsible for the matter according to the man?

  Section B

  Advertisers can use -{numerous

  media or means, to deliver their sales message

  The -{principal} media are newspaper

  magazines, television, radio, direct mail

  outdoor -{signs}

  and point-of-sale or point-of-purchase advertising.

  Which single medium or -{combination} of media is used depends on the product

  the market area in which the company -{operates

  the income group to which the product appeal

  and other -{considerations}.

  Newspapers are the oldest advertising medium in the United States.

  The newspaper,with its fresh stream of news and feature

  -{stimulates} a high degree of reader interest every day.

  Housewives often buy newspapers for the advertisements

  as much as for the -{editorial} content.

  They use the retail ads as shopping guide.

  -{Classified ads provide an important service for readers who are seeking a job.

  and apartment or house, or a special service.

  Newspapers are useful for both local and national advertising.

  -{Magazines are another important medium for advertiser

  Many magazines are printed on high-quality paper

  which makes it possible to run unusually attractive ads in colour

  Mass-circulation magazines,such as Tim.

  Newsweek,Playboy,and Readers Digest

  reach millions of readers and are used mainly by national advertisers


  1. M: Do you think the travel agency will be open Saturday afternoon.

  I want to get some information about a bus trip across the United States.

  W: You dont have to wait until Saturday.

  Right here,in this office,the dean has maps

  bus schedules and even a list of inexpensive hotels.

  Theyre for foreign students, you know.

  Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place?

  2. W:Why are you giving me a ticket for speeding,office

  I was only going 50.

  M: Cant you read?

  That was 10M.P.H.over the limit.

  Q: What is the speed limit in this area?

  3. W: Where have you been all this time? The hovercraft is about to leave.

  M:Sorry,Mary,Im late,but I was waiting for you at the information desk upstair.

  Its lucky I thought to look for you here on the pontoon.

  Q: Where did the man think they were supposed to meet?

  4. M:I think this physical geography course is interesting

  but its very difficult.

  Ill never get through the reading list.

  W: Dont worry, youll find the time somehow.

  Q: Why is the man worried?

  5. M: My typing isnt clear enough and the paper doesnt look good.

  W: Why not change the typewriter ribbon and see if that helps?

  Q: What does the woman suggest?

  6. M: If youd like to take the refrigerator with you,madam

  it wont take long to wrap.

  W: Theres rush.

  Could you please have it delivered in a couple of days?

  Q: What does the woman mean?

  7.M:Id like to take a trip to Los Angeles for my summer vacation.

  Can you give me any ideas on where to go?

  I could tell you about the places Ive visited such as Hawaii and Mississippi

  but I think youd better get a professional to make your arrangements.

  Q: What advice did the woman give the man?

  8.W:Didnt you say the other day that youd like to have a meeting with

  some members of the Journalists Association on Thursday or Friday?

  M: Perhaps I did.

  Come to think of it

  Thursday wont be so good.

  Maybe Friday would be better.n

  Yes, lets say Friday.

  Q: What day didnt he take for the meeting?

  9. W: You know, Ive done a stupid thing.

  Ive locked myself out of my apartment with my key inside.

  M: I do things like that, too.

  Well, you just have to stay here and make yourself comfortable.

  Your husband will be back soon, wont he?

  Q: What happened to the woman?

  10. W: Im terribly sorry about not getting all the things you needed this morning.

  It must have been very embarrassing.

  I hope youll forgive me.

  M: Actually, it was partly my fault.

  I should have given you a written list instead of just telling you

  especially as you were so busy at the time

  Anyway,dont worry about it.

  Q: Who should be responsible for the matter according to the man?

  Section B

  Advertisers can use -{numerous

  media or means, to deliver their sales message

  The -{principal} media are newspaper

  magazines, television, radio, direct mail

  outdoor -{signs}

  and point-of-sale or point-of-purchase advertising.

  Which single medium or -{combination} of media is used depends on the product

  the market area in which the company -{operates

  the income group to which the product appeal

  and other -{considerations}.

  Newspapers are the oldest advertising medium in the United States.

  The newspaper,with its fresh stream of news and feature

  -{stimulates} a high degree of reader interest every day.

  Housewives often buy newspapers for the advertisements

  as much as for the -{editorial} content.

  They use the retail ads as shopping guide.

  -{Classified ads provide an important service for readers who are seeking a job.

  and apartment or house, or a special service.

  Newspapers are useful for both local and national advertising.

  -{Magazines are another important medium for advertiser

  Many magazines are printed on high-quality paper

  which makes it possible to run unusually attractive ads in colour

  Mass-circulation magazines,such as Tim.

  Newsweek,Playboy,and Readers Digest

  reach millions of readers and are used mainly by national advertisers


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