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GOMA, DRC African leaders from the Great Lakes region will meet Thursday to find a __________ to fighting in the Democratic Republic of Congo between the __________ and M23 militants. Residents of the eastern town of Goma are hoping for a quick and firm end to the __________.

  A love song in a time of war is heard inside a guitar shop in Goma, where students practice their chord __________. Meanwhile outside, the military battles a tenacious group of rebel soldiers.

  Shop owner Emmanuel Birubi said Congolese people have a __________ for guitar. Sadly, though, in the midst of conflict, he said nobody has the money to spend on music.

  When there is war, people dont have the means to buy anything. But when there is peace, people are OK, they dont worry, they can come to buy a guitar, explained Birubi.

  Tentative progress

  After nearly two weeks of fierce fighting outside the city, Birubi hopes the military will finish off the M23 __________once and for all. All the time, they talk about peace, but so far no solution. So my wish is that the army will continue to fight until they finish the war, he said.

  In the last two weeks, Congolese armed forces, backed by United Nations peacekeepers, have pushed the rebels back from within __________ of Goma. The rebels had briefly seized control of the city in November, and until now, had held positions just 10 kilometers from the population.

  The ongoing conflict has taken its greatest toll on civilians. Thousands of people have fled to camps like this since the rebellion began last year. With fighting recently renewed, a new influx of people has put a real strain on __________ and has raised the cost of living.

  Muchengeri Jean-Baptiste Ndandi fled to the Mugunga camp from the nearby hills as fighting intensified last November. There is hunger. We are __________. See the place where Im sleeping, see how the children are living, these are the problem we have here.

  Eastern Congo has long been wracked by war, fueled by historic tension between neighbors and the __________ for natural resources.

  As the regions leaders point fingers and trade blame, people here just hope the fighting will stop long enough for a more normal life to begin again.



  2.armed forces



  5.natural gift


  7.striking distance




  1.mean to do 打算做有意做

  A common means to do this is by backing up the production database andrestoring it onto the development server.


  The modularity and efficiencies enabled by service orientation provide the meansto do both good and harm more quickly.


  2.finish off结束;杀死;毁掉

  I must finish off this dress Im making.


  We are going to add a few more little things to finish off our space landscape.


  3.once and for all一次了结地, 一劳永逸地;彻底地

  But good as they are at keeping viral levels low, antiretrovirals never destroy the virus completely and thus cure the patientonce and for all.


  We need to fix the problem once and for all.


  4.scramble for 争夺,勉强拼凑

  A scramble for financial expertise in the region is pushing up the cost of attracting and retaining talent.


  Some people are even questioning whether the scramble for ever more information is a good idea.




  A love song in a time of war is heard inside a guitar shop in Goma, where students practice their chord progressions.


  Meanwhile outside, the military battles a tenacious group of rebel soldiers.


  Shop owner Emmanuel Birubi said Congolese people have a natural gift for guitar.


  Sadly, though, in the midst of conflict, he said nobody has the money to spend on music.


  When there is war, people dont have the means to buy anything.


  But when there is peace, people are OK, they dont worry, they can come to buy a guitar, explained Birubi.


  After nearly two weeks of fierce fighting outside the city, Birubi hopes the military will finish off the M23 rebels once and for all.

  经过城外近两周的激烈战斗后, 贝鲁比希望军队能够彻底击垮M23叛军。

  All the time, they talk about peace, but so far no solution.


  So my wish is that the army will continue to fight until they finish the war, he said.


  In the last two weeks, Congolese armed forces, backed by United Nations peacekeepers, have pushed the rebels back from within striking distance of Goma.

  在过去的两周, 联合国维和部队支持的刚果军队使反政府武装从戈马的攻击距离撤出。

  The rebels had briefly seized control of the city in November, and until now, had held positions just 10 kilometers from the population.


  The ongoing conflict has taken its greatest toll on civilians.


  Thousands of people have fled to camps like this since the rebellion began last year.


  With fighting recently renewed, a new influx of people has put a real strain on resources and has raised the cost of living.


  Muchengeri Jean-Baptiste Ndandi fled to the Mugunga camp from the nearby hills as fighting intensified last November.


  There is hunger. We are suffering.


  See the place where Im sleeping, see how the children are living, these are the problem we have here.


  Eastern Congo has long been wracked by war, fueled by historic tension between neighbors and the scramble for natural resources.


  As the regions leaders point fingers and trade blame, people here just hope the fighting will stop long enough for a more normal life to begin again.



GOMA, DRC African leaders from the Great Lakes region will meet Thursday to find a __________ to fighting in the Democratic Republic of Congo between the __________ and M23 militants. Residents of the eastern town of Goma are hoping for a quick and firm end to the __________.

  A love song in a time of war is heard inside a guitar shop in Goma, where students practice their chord __________. Meanwhile outside, the military battles a tenacious group of rebel soldiers.

  Shop owner Emmanuel Birubi said Congolese people have a __________ for guitar. Sadly, though, in the midst of conflict, he said nobody has the money to spend on music.

  When there is war, people dont have the means to buy anything. But when there is peace, people are OK, they dont worry, they can come to buy a guitar, explained Birubi.

  Tentative progress

  After nearly two weeks of fierce fighting outside the city, Birubi hopes the military will finish off the M23 __________once and for all. All the time, they talk about peace, but so far no solution. So my wish is that the army will continue to fight until they finish the war, he said.

  In the last two weeks, Congolese armed forces, backed by United Nations peacekeepers, have pushed the rebels back from within __________ of Goma. The rebels had briefly seized control of the city in November, and until now, had held positions just 10 kilometers from the population.

  The ongoing conflict has taken its greatest toll on civilians. Thousands of people have fled to camps like this since the rebellion began last year. With fighting recently renewed, a new influx of people has put a real strain on __________ and has raised the cost of living.

  Muchengeri Jean-Baptiste Ndandi fled to the Mugunga camp from the nearby hills as fighting intensified last November. There is hunger. We are __________. See the place where Im sleeping, see how the children are living, these are the problem we have here.

  Eastern Congo has long been wracked by war, fueled by historic tension between neighbors and the __________ for natural resources.

  As the regions leaders point fingers and trade blame, people here just hope the fighting will stop long enough for a more normal life to begin again.



  2.armed forces



  5.natural gift


  7.striking distance




  1.mean to do 打算做有意做

  A common means to do this is by backing up the production database andrestoring it onto the development server.


  The modularity and efficiencies enabled by service orientation provide the meansto do both good and harm more quickly.


  2.finish off结束;杀死;毁掉

  I must finish off this dress Im making.


  We are going to add a few more little things to finish off our space landscape.


  3.once and for all一次了结地, 一劳永逸地;彻底地

  But good as they are at keeping viral levels low, antiretrovirals never destroy the virus completely and thus cure the patientonce and for all.


  We need to fix the problem once and for all.


  4.scramble for 争夺,勉强拼凑

  A scramble for financial expertise in the region is pushing up the cost of attracting and retaining talent.


  Some people are even questioning whether the scramble for ever more information is a good idea.




  A love song in a time of war is heard inside a guitar shop in Goma, where students practice their chord progressions.


  Meanwhile outside, the military battles a tenacious group of rebel soldiers.


  Shop owner Emmanuel Birubi said Congolese people have a natural gift for guitar.


  Sadly, though, in the midst of conflict, he said nobody has the money to spend on music.


  When there is war, people dont have the means to buy anything.


  But when there is peace, people are OK, they dont worry, they can come to buy a guitar, explained Birubi.


  After nearly two weeks of fierce fighting outside the city, Birubi hopes the military will finish off the M23 rebels once and for all.

  经过城外近两周的激烈战斗后, 贝鲁比希望军队能够彻底击垮M23叛军。

  All the time, they talk about peace, but so far no solution.


  So my wish is that the army will continue to fight until they finish the war, he said.


  In the last two weeks, Congolese armed forces, backed by United Nations peacekeepers, have pushed the rebels back from within striking distance of Goma.

  在过去的两周, 联合国维和部队支持的刚果军队使反政府武装从戈马的攻击距离撤出。

  The rebels had briefly seized control of the city in November, and until now, had held positions just 10 kilometers from the population.


  The ongoing conflict has taken its greatest toll on civilians.


  Thousands of people have fled to camps like this since the rebellion began last year.


  With fighting recently renewed, a new influx of people has put a real strain on resources and has raised the cost of living.


  Muchengeri Jean-Baptiste Ndandi fled to the Mugunga camp from the nearby hills as fighting intensified last November.


  There is hunger. We are suffering.


  See the place where Im sleeping, see how the children are living, these are the problem we have here.


  Eastern Congo has long been wracked by war, fueled by historic tension between neighbors and the scramble for natural resources.


  As the regions leaders point fingers and trade blame, people here just hope the fighting will stop long enough for a more normal life to begin again.



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