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  Passage One

  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  26. A) It is entertaining .

  B) It is a costly hobby .

  C) It takes lots of time .

  D) It requires training.

  27. A) They can harm nearby plants .

  B) They may catch some disease .

  C) They fight each other for food .

  D) They may pollute the environment.

  28. A) Place the food on warmer spots .

  B) Use prepared feed mixtures only .

  C) Avoid using any contaminated food.

  D) Continue the feeding till it gets warm.


  26. C its entertaining

  27. C they may catch some disease

  28. D continue the feeding till it get warm


  Attracting and feeding wild birds are entertaining activities that have long been enjoyed by people all over the world. Feeding birds has become so popular that prepared feed mixtures are readily available. We feed birds for many reasons. Many pleasant hours can come from watching birds. A hobby often develops into a serious study of their habits. Accurate identification of birds is usually the first goal. But observations that an amateur bird-watcher can make are really limitless. There is, however, responsibility associated with bird feeding, including a disease hazard. Attracting numbers of birds continually to the same spot can be harmful to them, particularly species that pick food from the ground contaminated by the droppings of other birds. In winter feeding efforts are most satisfying to people and are of greatest benefit to birds. During this time when fewer natural foods are available and air temperatures are lower, extra feeding can keep a bird warm and well. Once begun, feeding should never stop during these lean months. If you start a local increase of birds, be prepared to do what may be required to eliminate hazards to those you want to befriend. A constant supply of food should be given until the cold is over and spring has come. If feeding is stopped during severe weather, birds used to relying upon the feeders must starve.

  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage youve just heard.

  Q26 What does the speaker say about bird watching?

  Q27 What does the speaker say about birds fed continually on the same spot?

  Q28 What does the speaker suggest we do in feeding birds in winter?


  Passage Two

  Questions 29 to 31are based on the passage you have just heard.

  29. A) He will betray even his best friends .

  B) He is able to make up good excuses.

  C) He will lie whenever he wants .

  D) He tries to achieve his goal at any cost

  30. A) She made him apologize

  B) She readily forgave him

  C) She broke up with him.

  D) She refused to answer his calls.

  31. A) Buy her a new set of tires.

  B) Help clean her apartment.

  C) Lend her his batteries.

  D) Move furniture for her .


  29. C he will lie whenever he wants

  30. A she made him apologize

  31. D move furniture for her


  My frien d Leo makes up weak and poor excuses whenever there is something he doesnt want to do. Just two weeks ago, he was at my house when he decided he didnt want to go into work. He called his boss and said he had to get a new set of tires put on his truck. Then he sat down and watched TV with me. Not only had he lied but his excuse wasnt a very convincing one. Another time, he cancelled a date with his girlfriend at the last minute telling her he had to get a new battery for his truck. She was angry and refused to go out with him again until he apologized. Last weekend, Leo offered the poorest excuse yet. Hed promised hed help me move some furniture, from my parents house to my new apartment. He was supposed to bring his truck over about 8 oclock Saturday morning. I waited, and then called and left a message on his machine. About 11:30, he called and said he was sorry but hed been getting a new set of tires put on his truck. I guess hed forgotten he used the same excuse when he called his boss from my house. I think I need a new set of friends. Im beginning to get tired of Leos excuses.

  Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage youve just heard.

  Q29 What does the speaker tell us about her friend Leo?

  Q30 What did his girlfriend do when Leo canceled a date with her at the last minute?

  Q31 What favor did the speaker ask Leo to do last weekend?


  Passage Three

  Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  32. A) The atmosphere they live in is rather unreal .

  B) Their parents put too much pressure on them .

  C) Its hard for them to get along with other kids.

  D) They have to live in the shadow of their parents.

  33. A) He always boasts about his rich father .

  B) He will grow up to be good for nothing .

  C) He has too much to know the value of things.

  D) He is too young to manage his inherited property .

  34. A) She wants Amanda to get professional care.

  B) She has no experience in raising children.

  C) She wants to show off her wealth .

  D) She has no time to do it herself .

  35. A) The lifestyle depicted in Hollywood movies.

  B) The worship of money, beauty and pleasure.

  C) The attention the media focuses on them.

  D) The pursuing of perfection in performance.


  32. A the atmosphere they live in is rather unreal

  33. D he has too much to know the value of things

  34. D she has no time to do it herself

  35. D the lifestyle depicted in Hollywood movies


  In Hollywood, everybody wants to be rich, famous and beautiful. Nobody wants to be old, unknown and poor. For Hollywood kids, life can be difficult because they grow up such an unreal atmosphere. Their parents are ambitious and the children are part of the parents ambitions. Parents pay for wasteful grand parties, expensive cars and designer clothes. When every dream can come true, kids dont learn the value of anything because they have everything. A thirteen-year-old boy, Trent Maguire, has a driver, credit cards and unlimited cash to do what he wants when he wants to. One day, Ill earn more than my dad! he boasts. Parents buy care and attention for their children because they have no time to give it themselves. Amenders mother employs a personal trainer, a bodyguard, a singing coach and a councilor to look after all her fifteen-year-old daughters needs. Often, there is no parent at home most days, so children decide whether to make their own meals or go out to restaurants, when to watch television or do homework. They organize their social life. They play no childhood games. They become adults before theyre ready. Hollywood has always been the city of dreams. The kids there live unreal lives where money, beauty and pleasure are the only gods. Will children around the world soon start to think the same? Or do they already?

  Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage youve just heard.

  Q32 Why is life said to be difficult for Hollywood kids?

  Q33 What does the speaker say about Trent Maguire, a thirteen-year-old boy?

  Q34 Why does Amenders mother employ other people to look after her needs?

  Q35 What will probably have negative effects on the lives of Hollywood kids?




  Passage One

  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  26. A) It is entertaining .

  B) It is a costly hobby .

  C) It takes lots of time .

  D) It requires training.

  27. A) They can harm nearby plants .

  B) They may catch some disease .

  C) They fight each other for food .

  D) They may pollute the environment.

  28. A) Place the food on warmer spots .

  B) Use prepared feed mixtures only .

  C) Avoid using any contaminated food.

  D) Continue the feeding till it gets warm.


  26. C its entertaining

  27. C they may catch some disease

  28. D continue the feeding till it get warm


  Attracting and feeding wild birds are entertaining activities that have long been enjoyed by people all over the world. Feeding birds has become so popular that prepared feed mixtures are readily available. We feed birds for many reasons. Many pleasant hours can come from watching birds. A hobby often develops into a serious study of their habits. Accurate identification of birds is usually the first goal. But observations that an amateur bird-watcher can make are really limitless. There is, however, responsibility associated with bird feeding, including a disease hazard. Attracting numbers of birds continually to the same spot can be harmful to them, particularly species that pick food from the ground contaminated by the droppings of other birds. In winter feeding efforts are most satisfying to people and are of greatest benefit to birds. During this time when fewer natural foods are available and air temperatures are lower, extra feeding can keep a bird warm and well. Once begun, feeding should never stop during these lean months. If you start a local increase of birds, be prepared to do what may be required to eliminate hazards to those you want to befriend. A constant supply of food should be given until the cold is over and spring has come. If feeding is stopped during severe weather, birds used to relying upon the feeders must starve.

  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage youve just heard.

  Q26 What does the speaker say about bird watching?

  Q27 What does the speaker say about birds fed continually on the same spot?

  Q28 What does the speaker suggest we do in feeding birds in winter?


  Passage Two

  Questions 29 to 31are based on the passage you have just heard.

  29. A) He will betray even his best friends .

  B) He is able to make up good excuses.

  C) He will lie whenever he wants .

  D) He tries to achieve his goal at any cost

  30. A) She made him apologize

  B) She readily forgave him

  C) She broke up with him.

  D) She refused to answer his calls.

  31. A) Buy her a new set of tires.

  B) Help clean her apartment.

  C) Lend her his batteries.

  D) Move furniture for her .


  29. C he will lie whenever he wants

  30. A she made him apologize

  31. D move furniture for her


  My frien d Leo makes up weak and poor excuses whenever there is something he doesnt want to do. Just two weeks ago, he was at my house when he decided he didnt want to go into work. He called his boss and said he had to get a new set of tires put on his truck. Then he sat down and watched TV with me. Not only had he lied but his excuse wasnt a very convincing one. Another time, he cancelled a date with his girlfriend at the last minute telling her he had to get a new battery for his truck. She was angry and refused to go out with him again until he apologized. Last weekend, Leo offered the poorest excuse yet. Hed promised hed help me move some furniture, from my parents house to my new apartment. He was supposed to bring his truck over about 8 oclock Saturday morning. I waited, and then called and left a message on his machine. About 11:30, he called and said he was sorry but hed been getting a new set of tires put on his truck. I guess hed forgotten he used the same excuse when he called his boss from my house. I think I need a new set of friends. Im beginning to get tired of Leos excuses.

  Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage youve just heard.

  Q29 What does the speaker tell us about her friend Leo?

  Q30 What did his girlfriend do when Leo canceled a date with her at the last minute?

  Q31 What favor did the speaker ask Leo to do last weekend?


  Passage Three

  Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  32. A) The atmosphere they live in is rather unreal .

  B) Their parents put too much pressure on them .

  C) Its hard for them to get along with other kids.

  D) They have to live in the shadow of their parents.

  33. A) He always boasts about his rich father .

  B) He will grow up to be good for nothing .

  C) He has too much to know the value of things.

  D) He is too young to manage his inherited property .

  34. A) She wants Amanda to get professional care.

  B) She has no experience in raising children.

  C) She wants to show off her wealth .

  D) She has no time to do it herself .

  35. A) The lifestyle depicted in Hollywood movies.

  B) The worship of money, beauty and pleasure.

  C) The attention the media focuses on them.

  D) The pursuing of perfection in performance.


  32. A the atmosphere they live in is rather unreal

  33. D he has too much to know the value of things

  34. D she has no time to do it herself

  35. D the lifestyle depicted in Hollywood movies


  In Hollywood, everybody wants to be rich, famous and beautiful. Nobody wants to be old, unknown and poor. For Hollywood kids, life can be difficult because they grow up such an unreal atmosphere. Their parents are ambitious and the children are part of the parents ambitions. Parents pay for wasteful grand parties, expensive cars and designer clothes. When every dream can come true, kids dont learn the value of anything because they have everything. A thirteen-year-old boy, Trent Maguire, has a driver, credit cards and unlimited cash to do what he wants when he wants to. One day, Ill earn more than my dad! he boasts. Parents buy care and attention for their children because they have no time to give it themselves. Amenders mother employs a personal trainer, a bodyguard, a singing coach and a councilor to look after all her fifteen-year-old daughters needs. Often, there is no parent at home most days, so children decide whether to make their own meals or go out to restaurants, when to watch television or do homework. They organize their social life. They play no childhood games. They become adults before theyre ready. Hollywood has always been the city of dreams. The kids there live unreal lives where money, beauty and pleasure are the only gods. Will children around the world soon start to think the same? Or do they already?

  Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage youve just heard.

  Q32 Why is life said to be difficult for Hollywood kids?

  Q33 What does the speaker say about Trent Maguire, a thirteen-year-old boy?

  Q34 Why does Amenders mother employ other people to look after her needs?

  Q35 What will probably have negative effects on the lives of Hollywood kids?


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