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Full-time workers who make minimum wage can’t afford a two-bedroom rental home in any state in the U.S. without spending more than the recommended 30 percent of their income, according to a report from the National Low Income Housing Coalition.


The group’s annual “Out of Reach” report compares minimum wages and housing costs in states, metropolitan areas and counties across the country. This year’s results show the hourly wage rate needed for a “modest” two-bedroom rental is more than double the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour in all but four states.




Represents the hourly wage that a householder must earn (working 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year) in order to afford the Fair Market Rent for a TWO-BEDROOM RENTAL HOME, without paying more than 30% of their income.


1 Hawaii 夏威夷 $35.20(月薪9700人民币)

2 District of Columbia 哥伦比亚特区 $33.58(月薪9200人民币)

3 California 加利福尼亚州 $30.92(月薪8500人民币)

4 Maryland 马里兰州 $28.27(月薪7800人民币)

5 New York 纽约州 $28.08(月薪7700人民币)

6 Massachusetts 马萨诸塞州 $27.39(月薪7500人民币)

7 New Jersey 新泽西州 $27.31(月薪7500人民币)

8 Connecticut 康涅狄格州 $24.72(月薪6800人民币)

9 Alaska 阿拉斯加州 $24.16(月薪6600人民币)

10 Washington 华盛顿州 $23.64(月薪6500人民币)

11 Virginia 弗吉尼亚州 $23.29(月薪6400人民币)

12 Colorado 科罗拉多州 $21.97(月薪6000人民币)

13 Vermont 佛蒙特州 $21.90(月薪5600人民币)

14 New Hampshire 新罕布什尔州 $21.71(月薪5900人民币)

15 Delaware 特拉华州 $21.62(月薪5900人民币)

16 Illinois 伊利诺伊州 $20.87(月薪5700人民币)

17 Florida 弗罗里达州 $20.68(月薪5700人民币)

18 Oregon 俄勒冈州 $19.78(月薪5400人民币)

19 Rhode Island 罗得岛州 $19.49(月薪5300人民币)

20 Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚州 $18.68(月薪5100人民币)

21 Minnesota 明尼苏达州 $18.60(月薪5100人民币)

22 Texas 德克萨斯州 $18.38(月薪5000人民币)

23 Maine 缅因州 $18.05(月薪4900人民币)

24 Nevada 内华达州 $18.01(月薪4900人民币)

25 Arizona 亚利桑那州 $17. 56(月薪4800人民币)

26 Utah 犹他州 $17.02(月薪4600人民币)

27 Georgia 佐治亚州 $16.79(月薪4600人民币)

28 North Dakota 北达科他州 $16.36(月薪4500人民币)

29 Michigan 密歇根州 $16.24(月薪4400人民币)

30 Louisiana 路易斯安那州 $16.16(月薪4400人民币)

31 Wisconsin 威斯康星州 $16.11(月薪4400人民币)

32 South Carolina 南卡罗来纳州 $15.83(月薪4300人民币)

33 Wyoming 怀俄明州 $15.80(月薪4300人民币)

34 North Carolina 北卡罗来纳州 $15.79(月薪4300人民币)

35 New Mexico 新墨西哥州 $15.78(月薪4300人民币)

36 Missouri密苏里州$15.67(月薪4300人民币)

37 Kansas堪萨斯州$15.59(月薪4300人民币)

38 Tennessee田纳西州$15.34(月薪4300人民币)

39 Nebraska内布拉斯加州$15.22(月薪4300人民币)

40 Indiana印第安纳州$15.17(月薪4100人民币)

41 Ohio俄亥俄州$15.00(月薪4100人民币)

42 Montana蒙大拿州$14.90(月薪4100人民币)

43 Mississippi密西西比州$14.84(月薪4000人民币)

44 Alabama亚拉巴马州$14.78(月薪4000人民币)

45 Oklahoma俄克拉何马州$14.78(月薪4000人民币)

46 Idaho爱达荷州$14.65(月薪4000人民币)

47 Iowa艾奥瓦州$14.57(月薪4000人民币)

48 West Virginia西弗吉尼亚州$14.49(月薪3900人民币)

49 South Dakota南达科他州$14.12(月薪3800人民币)

50 Kentucky肯塔基州$13.95(月薪3800人民币)

51 Arkansas阿肯色州$13.72(月薪3700人民币)

52 Puerto Rico波多黎各$9.6(月薪2600人民币)


Arkansas has the lowest hourly income needed for a two-bedroom rental at $13.72, and the state minimum wage is $8.50, the report said. Hawaii demands the highest income of renters: Workers need to make $35.20 to rent a two-bedroom there, and the state minimum wage is just $9.25.


At federal minimum wage, the average American worker would need to log 117-hour weeks for 52 weeks per year to afford a two-bedroom apartment or rental home, according to the report. For the overwhelming majority, not even sharing a dual income with a federal minimum wage-earning partner would cover a two-bedroom rental in their state.


Full-time workers who make minimum wage can’t afford a two-bedroom rental home in any state in the U.S. without spending more than the recommended 30 percent of their income, according to a report from the National Low Income Housing Coalition.


The group’s annual “Out of Reach” report compares minimum wages and housing costs in states, metropolitan areas and counties across the country. This year’s results show the hourly wage rate needed for a “modest” two-bedroom rental is more than double the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour in all but four states.




Represents the hourly wage that a householder must earn (working 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year) in order to afford the Fair Market Rent for a TWO-BEDROOM RENTAL HOME, without paying more than 30% of their income.


1 Hawaii 夏威夷 $35.20(月薪9700人民币)

2 District of Columbia 哥伦比亚特区 $33.58(月薪9200人民币)

3 California 加利福尼亚州 $30.92(月薪8500人民币)

4 Maryland 马里兰州 $28.27(月薪7800人民币)

5 New York 纽约州 $28.08(月薪7700人民币)

6 Massachusetts 马萨诸塞州 $27.39(月薪7500人民币)

7 New Jersey 新泽西州 $27.31(月薪7500人民币)

8 Connecticut 康涅狄格州 $24.72(月薪6800人民币)

9 Alaska 阿拉斯加州 $24.16(月薪6600人民币)

10 Washington 华盛顿州 $23.64(月薪6500人民币)

11 Virginia 弗吉尼亚州 $23.29(月薪6400人民币)

12 Colorado 科罗拉多州 $21.97(月薪6000人民币)

13 Vermont 佛蒙特州 $21.90(月薪5600人民币)

14 New Hampshire 新罕布什尔州 $21.71(月薪5900人民币)

15 Delaware 特拉华州 $21.62(月薪5900人民币)

16 Illinois 伊利诺伊州 $20.87(月薪5700人民币)

17 Florida 弗罗里达州 $20.68(月薪5700人民币)

18 Oregon 俄勒冈州 $19.78(月薪5400人民币)

19 Rhode Island 罗得岛州 $19.49(月薪5300人民币)

20 Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚州 $18.68(月薪5100人民币)

21 Minnesota 明尼苏达州 $18.60(月薪5100人民币)

22 Texas 德克萨斯州 $18.38(月薪5000人民币)

23 Maine 缅因州 $18.05(月薪4900人民币)

24 Nevada 内华达州 $18.01(月薪4900人民币)

25 Arizona 亚利桑那州 $17. 56(月薪4800人民币)

26 Utah 犹他州 $17.02(月薪4600人民币)

27 Georgia 佐治亚州 $16.79(月薪4600人民币)

28 North Dakota 北达科他州 $16.36(月薪4500人民币)

29 Michigan 密歇根州 $16.24(月薪4400人民币)

30 Louisiana 路易斯安那州 $16.16(月薪4400人民币)

31 Wisconsin 威斯康星州 $16.11(月薪4400人民币)

32 South Carolina 南卡罗来纳州 $15.83(月薪4300人民币)

33 Wyoming 怀俄明州 $15.80(月薪4300人民币)

34 North Carolina 北卡罗来纳州 $15.79(月薪4300人民币)

35 New Mexico 新墨西哥州 $15.78(月薪4300人民币)

36 Missouri密苏里州$15.67(月薪4300人民币)

37 Kansas堪萨斯州$15.59(月薪4300人民币)

38 Tennessee田纳西州$15.34(月薪4300人民币)

39 Nebraska内布拉斯加州$15.22(月薪4300人民币)

40 Indiana印第安纳州$15.17(月薪4100人民币)

41 Ohio俄亥俄州$15.00(月薪4100人民币)

42 Montana蒙大拿州$14.90(月薪4100人民币)

43 Mississippi密西西比州$14.84(月薪4000人民币)

44 Alabama亚拉巴马州$14.78(月薪4000人民币)

45 Oklahoma俄克拉何马州$14.78(月薪4000人民币)

46 Idaho爱达荷州$14.65(月薪4000人民币)

47 Iowa艾奥瓦州$14.57(月薪4000人民币)

48 West Virginia西弗吉尼亚州$14.49(月薪3900人民币)

49 South Dakota南达科他州$14.12(月薪3800人民币)

50 Kentucky肯塔基州$13.95(月薪3800人民币)

51 Arkansas阿肯色州$13.72(月薪3700人民币)

52 Puerto Rico波多黎各$9.6(月薪2600人民币)


Arkansas has the lowest hourly income needed for a two-bedroom rental at $13.72, and the state minimum wage is $8.50, the report said. Hawaii demands the highest income of renters: Workers need to make $35.20 to rent a two-bedroom there, and the state minimum wage is just $9.25.


At federal minimum wage, the average American worker would need to log 117-hour weeks for 52 weeks per year to afford a two-bedroom apartment or rental home, according to the report. For the overwhelming majority, not even sharing a dual income with a federal minimum wage-earning partner would cover a two-bedroom rental in their state.


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