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  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


  She generally doesnt allow people to borrow it.

  She is trying to sell it.

  She bought it from a friend.

  It has broken down before.


  The woman could probably repay it herself.

  Its rather small.

  It probably wont cost a lot to repair.

  Its probably difficult to drive.


  He only works,on new cars.

  He has fixed her car before.

  He is one of her neighbors.

  He will probably overcharge her.


  Take the woman to her home.

  Test-drive the womans car.

  Help the woman pay the mechanics bill.

  Help the woman fix her car.

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  23. The possible existence of life on other planets.

  Methods for building powerful new telescopes.

  A technical problem that astronomers cant solve.

  The discovery of planets orbiting distant stars.


  They studied variations in the appearance of the parent stars.

  They were able to see the planets with a telescope.

  They compared the parent stars to the Sun.

  They sent astronauts on a mission into space.


  Their surface features.

  Their chemical composition.

  Their temperature.

  Their age.

  Conversation One








  watch out意为戒备,提防,与watch相关的短语还有:watch over照看,看守,负责,如:The mother bird is watching over her young.鸟妈妈正照看着自己的孩子。watch for留心找寻,耐心等候,如:Youll have to watch for the right moment.你得等候适当的时机。

  take advantage of sb./sth.此处意为利用某人/某事,该短语还有充分利用的含义,如:You should take full advantage of the hotels facilities.你应该充分利用旅馆的设备。

  Conversation Two





  break down此处意为分解,分为,还有以下含义:①停止运转,失效,如:The engine broke down.引擎坏了。②失败,瓦解,如:The peace talks have broken down.和平会谈破裂了。③感情失去控制,如:He broke down and wept when he heard the bad news.他听到坏消息时不禁痛哭起来。

  Conversation One

  M: Is this table on the comer OK?

  W: Sure. We can sit here.

  M: Oh, you paused to get anything on your tray.

  W: Yeah. I guess Im just not that hungry.

  M: Whats the matter? Arent you feeling well?

  W: Well, Ive been really worried. Its my car. Ifs in the shop, again!

  M: Really? Whats wrong this time?

  W: I dont know exactly. Somethings wrong with the brakes, I think.

  M: Well, at least that shouldnt cost you much to fix. Parts are cheaper for all the American cars like yours. Did the mechanic say how much it would cost?

  W: He said hed call me with an estimate later on today.

  M: Watch out he doesnt try to take advantage of you.

  W: What do you mean?

  M: Well, some car mechanics, if they think that someone doesnt know much about cars, they might try to overcharge that person.

  W: Maybe so. But I trust this guy. He was recommended by one of my neighbors. He has done some work for me in the past and his prices seemed to be reasonable.

  M: Oh, thats good to know. Maybe Ill try using him in the future. By the way, do you need a ride home after class today?

  W: Oh, Ill sure appreciate it. Its really tough getting around without a car when you live off campus.

  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. What does the woman imply about her car?

  20. What does the man say about the womans car?

  21. What does the woman say about the mechanic?

  22. What does the man offer to do?

  Conversation Two

  M: Doctor Cole, thank you for agreeing to this interview for the Daily Campus News. Can you tell us about what you and your colleagues discuss at the annual astronomy society meeting last month?

  W: Yes. For the first time ever the scientific community has established the existence of planets outside our own solar system. Of course we knew that certain distant stars existed, but only recently did we learn that several of them are orbited by their own planets.

  M: Why did it take so long to locate these planets?

  W: Well, you have to understand that they are a billion times dimmer than their parent stars. It would be like trying to see the light of a candle next to a huge explosion. We dont currently have a telescope that can be used to see them.

  M: But if the astronomers didnt see the planets through a telescope, how did they find them?

  W: By a very indirect method. The astronomers measured subtle distortions in the frequency of the light from the parent stars and observed that some of the stars seem to rock back and forth. They determined that this was caused by gravitational pull from orbiting planets.

  M: There is a powerful new telescope being built in Arizona. Will that help them see these planets?

  W: They should be able to see them at least in the form of small spots of light. And then the scientists will be able to break down and analyze this light. By doing this, they hope to learn about the chemical composition of these planets-oxygen and ozone molecules, for example, would be telltale signs of life on these planets.

  M: Im looking forward to hearing more when the telescope is in operation. And Im sure our readers would be interested too.

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  23. What is the conversation mainly about?

  24. How did the scientists establish the existence of the planets?

  25. What does the professor say the scientists might learn about the planets by using the new telescope?


  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


  She generally doesnt allow people to borrow it.

  She is trying to sell it.

  She bought it from a friend.

  It has broken down before.


  The woman could probably repay it herself.

  Its rather small.

  It probably wont cost a lot to repair.

  Its probably difficult to drive.


  He only works,on new cars.

  He has fixed her car before.

  He is one of her neighbors.

  He will probably overcharge her.


  Take the woman to her home.

  Test-drive the womans car.

  Help the woman pay the mechanics bill.

  Help the woman fix her car.

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  23. The possible existence of life on other planets.

  Methods for building powerful new telescopes.

  A technical problem that astronomers cant solve.

  The discovery of planets orbiting distant stars.


  They studied variations in the appearance of the parent stars.

  They were able to see the planets with a telescope.

  They compared the parent stars to the Sun.

  They sent astronauts on a mission into space.


  Their surface features.

  Their chemical composition.

  Their temperature.

  Their age.

  Conversation One








  watch out意为戒备,提防,与watch相关的短语还有:watch over照看,看守,负责,如:The mother bird is watching over her young.鸟妈妈正照看着自己的孩子。watch for留心找寻,耐心等候,如:Youll have to watch for the right moment.你得等候适当的时机。

  take advantage of sb./sth.此处意为利用某人/某事,该短语还有充分利用的含义,如:You should take full advantage of the hotels facilities.你应该充分利用旅馆的设备。

  Conversation Two





  break down此处意为分解,分为,还有以下含义:①停止运转,失效,如:The engine broke down.引擎坏了。②失败,瓦解,如:The peace talks have broken down.和平会谈破裂了。③感情失去控制,如:He broke down and wept when he heard the bad news.他听到坏消息时不禁痛哭起来。

  Conversation One

  M: Is this table on the comer OK?

  W: Sure. We can sit here.

  M: Oh, you paused to get anything on your tray.

  W: Yeah. I guess Im just not that hungry.

  M: Whats the matter? Arent you feeling well?

  W: Well, Ive been really worried. Its my car. Ifs in the shop, again!

  M: Really? Whats wrong this time?

  W: I dont know exactly. Somethings wrong with the brakes, I think.

  M: Well, at least that shouldnt cost you much to fix. Parts are cheaper for all the American cars like yours. Did the mechanic say how much it would cost?

  W: He said hed call me with an estimate later on today.

  M: Watch out he doesnt try to take advantage of you.

  W: What do you mean?

  M: Well, some car mechanics, if they think that someone doesnt know much about cars, they might try to overcharge that person.

  W: Maybe so. But I trust this guy. He was recommended by one of my neighbors. He has done some work for me in the past and his prices seemed to be reasonable.

  M: Oh, thats good to know. Maybe Ill try using him in the future. By the way, do you need a ride home after class today?

  W: Oh, Ill sure appreciate it. Its really tough getting around without a car when you live off campus.

  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. What does the woman imply about her car?

  20. What does the man say about the womans car?

  21. What does the woman say about the mechanic?

  22. What does the man offer to do?

  Conversation Two

  M: Doctor Cole, thank you for agreeing to this interview for the Daily Campus News. Can you tell us about what you and your colleagues discuss at the annual astronomy society meeting last month?

  W: Yes. For the first time ever the scientific community has established the existence of planets outside our own solar system. Of course we knew that certain distant stars existed, but only recently did we learn that several of them are orbited by their own planets.

  M: Why did it take so long to locate these planets?

  W: Well, you have to understand that they are a billion times dimmer than their parent stars. It would be like trying to see the light of a candle next to a huge explosion. We dont currently have a telescope that can be used to see them.

  M: But if the astronomers didnt see the planets through a telescope, how did they find them?

  W: By a very indirect method. The astronomers measured subtle distortions in the frequency of the light from the parent stars and observed that some of the stars seem to rock back and forth. They determined that this was caused by gravitational pull from orbiting planets.

  M: There is a powerful new telescope being built in Arizona. Will that help them see these planets?

  W: They should be able to see them at least in the form of small spots of light. And then the scientists will be able to break down and analyze this light. By doing this, they hope to learn about the chemical composition of these planets-oxygen and ozone molecules, for example, would be telltale signs of life on these planets.

  M: Im looking forward to hearing more when the telescope is in operation. And Im sure our readers would be interested too.

  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  23. What is the conversation mainly about?

  24. How did the scientists establish the existence of the planets?

  25. What does the professor say the scientists might learn about the planets by using the new telescope?