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  To go sightseeing.

  To have meetings.

  To promote a new champagne.

  To join in a training program.


  M: Hi, Ann, welcome back. Hows your trip to the states?

  W: Very busy, I had a lot of meetings. ...

  19. Why did the woman go to New York?


  选。细节题。对话一开始,男士就问女士去美国的旅行怎么样,女士回答说很忙,她had a lot of meetings,由此可知女士去纽约是去参加会议。




  Data collection.

  Training consultancy.

  Corporate management.

  Information processing.


  W: Whats your line of business, Mr. Johnson?

  M: We are a training consultancy.

  25. What is the mans line of business?


  选。细节题。女士的提问即为本题的提问,答案就在男士接下来的回答中。女士问男士Whats your line of business,男士回答说We are a training consultancy,由此可知答案为。




  The latest developments of an armed rebellion in Karnak.

  The fall of Karnaks capital city into the hands of the rebel forces.

  The epidemic that has just broken out in the country of Karnak.

  The peace talks between the rebels and the government in Karnak.


  W: We now interrupt our regular scheduled news program to bring you live up-to-date coverage on the civil unrest in the newly formed country of Karnak, where our man Stan Fielding is stationed. Stan ...

  M: ..., rebel forces launched the biggest offensive against the ruling government in the 18-month conflict here in this country.

  M:..., rebel forces are also using heavy artillery to pound the positions of government forces around the city center. Rebel forces are closing in, ...

  M: ... this war-torn country ..., but that is always a concern if this war lingers on.

  22.What is the news coverage mainly about?


  选。主旨题。主旨题的答案往往在开头或结尾,而本题的答案即出自开头的第一句。选项中的latest对应该句中的live up-to-date,armed rebellion对应unrest。另外,对话的主题往往会得到多次重复,因此根据后面多次出现的rebel forces, conflict, war等与叛乱相关的词语,也可判断本题答案为。




  Inadequate medical care.

  Continuing social unrest.

  Lack of food, water and shelter.

  Rapid spreading of the epidemic


  W: ... what other pressing concerns are there for the citizens of the city?

  M: Well, since the beginning of the conflict, starvation, and lack of clean water and adequate shelter have been the biggest daily obstacles facing the citizens of this war-torn country.

  25. What is the pressing concern of the citizens of Karnack?


  选。细节题。四个选项中只有项内容在对话中出现,其他三项均未涉及到,故只要抓住对话中starvation, and lack of clean water and adequate shelter或其部分内容,即可判断答案为。starvation意为饥饿。




  Late in the morning.

  Early in the afternoon.

  Sometime before dawn.

  Shortly after sunrise.


  M: ... Rebel forces are closing in, and its feared tha they will be able to take the capital building before daybreak where, it is believed, many government officials are holding out.

  24. At what time of day do you think this news report is being made?


  选。细节题。根据原文中...its feared that they will ...before daybreak.可知,当时报道的时间应该是在before daybreak。dawn相当于daybreak。






  To go sightseeing.

  To have meetings.

  To promote a new champagne.

  To join in a training program.


  M: Hi, Ann, welcome back. Hows your trip to the states?

  W: Very busy, I had a lot of meetings. ...

  19. Why did the woman go to New York?


  选。细节题。对话一开始,男士就问女士去美国的旅行怎么样,女士回答说很忙,她had a lot of meetings,由此可知女士去纽约是去参加会议。




  Data collection.

  Training consultancy.

  Corporate management.

  Information processing.


  W: Whats your line of business, Mr. Johnson?

  M: We are a training consultancy.

  25. What is the mans line of business?


  选。细节题。女士的提问即为本题的提问,答案就在男士接下来的回答中。女士问男士Whats your line of business,男士回答说We are a training consultancy,由此可知答案为。




  The latest developments of an armed rebellion in Karnak.

  The fall of Karnaks capital city into the hands of the rebel forces.

  The epidemic that has just broken out in the country of Karnak.

  The peace talks between the rebels and the government in Karnak.


  W: We now interrupt our regular scheduled news program to bring you live up-to-date coverage on the civil unrest in the newly formed country of Karnak, where our man Stan Fielding is stationed. Stan ...

  M: ..., rebel forces launched the biggest offensive against the ruling government in the 18-month conflict here in this country.

  M:..., rebel forces are also using heavy artillery to pound the positions of government forces around the city center. Rebel forces are closing in, ...

  M: ... this war-torn country ..., but that is always a concern if this war lingers on.

  22.What is the news coverage mainly about?


  选。主旨题。主旨题的答案往往在开头或结尾,而本题的答案即出自开头的第一句。选项中的latest对应该句中的live up-to-date,armed rebellion对应unrest。另外,对话的主题往往会得到多次重复,因此根据后面多次出现的rebel forces, conflict, war等与叛乱相关的词语,也可判断本题答案为。




  Inadequate medical care.

  Continuing social unrest.

  Lack of food, water and shelter.

  Rapid spreading of the epidemic


  W: ... what other pressing concerns are there for the citizens of the city?

  M: Well, since the beginning of the conflict, starvation, and lack of clean water and adequate shelter have been the biggest daily obstacles facing the citizens of this war-torn country.

  25. What is the pressing concern of the citizens of Karnack?


  选。细节题。四个选项中只有项内容在对话中出现,其他三项均未涉及到,故只要抓住对话中starvation, and lack of clean water and adequate shelter或其部分内容,即可判断答案为。starvation意为饥饿。




  Late in the morning.

  Early in the afternoon.

  Sometime before dawn.

  Shortly after sunrise.


  M: ... Rebel forces are closing in, and its feared tha they will be able to take the capital building before daybreak where, it is believed, many government officials are holding out.

  24. At what time of day do you think this news report is being made?


  选。细节题。根据原文中...its feared that they will ...before daybreak.可知,当时报道的时间应该是在before daybreak。dawn相当于daybreak。


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