Where are you from

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Where are you from

  Unit 24 Where are you from?


  一. 语音

  1. 元音字母i ,u及其字母组合的读音:

  i [ai](开) ride Friday write side

  i [ i ](闭) swim listen ship big

  igh [ai] high light right

  u [ju:](开) student Tuesday use

  u [](闭) jump run cup

  u [u:] blue ruler

  u [u] put full


  Do you 1like Chinese ?food?

  1Yes, I ?do.

  Are you from A?merican?

  二. 词汇

  1. 单词

  USA, Australia, Canada, UK, Japan, America, France, French, hotel,

  Building, postcard, dinner, Toronto, country, textbook,

  great, first, soon,

  follow, call, teach, stay

  * Englishman, Australian, Canadian, foreigner, city, word, why, visit,

  English-speaking, letter

  2. 重点词组

  talk about 谈论

  make friends 交朋友

  a little 一点儿

  on Sundays 在星期日

  a lot of 许多

  go out 出去

  be from 从来,是人

  fromto 从到

  five days a week 一周五天

  teach sb sth 教某人某事

  三. 日常用语

  1. Where is London?

  Its in England.

  2. Where are from?

  Im from the USA.

  3. What about her?

  She is from the UK.

  4. Do you come from America?

  No, we come from Japan.

  5. Do you speak English?

  Only a little. ( Yes, a little)

  6. Are you from China?

  Yes, I am.

  7. How do you like China?

  I like it very much.

  8. What do you like about China?

  The people--- and the food.

  四. 语法

  1. 一般现在时态:

  I/You/We/They come from America/go to school/stay at home.

  Do you/they come from America/speak English?

  Yes, I/we/they do.

  No, I/we/they dont.

  2. 介词

  to her from Lily on Sundays


  1. How do you like? 你觉得怎样?

  这一句型主要用来询问对方对某事物的印象,句中的动词like还可以用find来代替而不影响句子意思。本句也可改为What do you think of这一句型。例如:

  1). How do you like this book?

  I think its a good book.

  2). What do you think of this picture?

  Very nice. =I think its very nice.

  3). How does she like/find your work?

  I dont know.

  2.speak, say,和 talk

  ▲speak 强调说话的能力,方式和对象,不强调说话的内容。用作及物动词时,一般用表示语言的名词或代词作宾语。

  The teacher is speaking to his students.


  The woman cant speak, but she can read.


  He can speak Japanese, but he cant speak Chinese.



  ▲ say必须带宾语,强调说什么。

  Please say it in English.


  What is he saying?


  He says, Let me help you.


  ●以上三个例句中,it, what以及 Let me help you都是say的宾语,表示说话的内容。

  ▲ talk与介词 to或 with 搭配,表示与交谈,与介词about或of搭配表示所谈及的内容。

  What is she talking about?

  He is talking to us about you.

  We are talking about our good friend.

  ● talk一般用作不及物动词,不能直接带宾语,必须通过介词才能接宾语。另外: talk to sb表示和某人交谈,speak to表示对某人讲话.

  3. 国名,国籍等


  China Chinese Chinese Chinese

  中国 中国的, 中文 中国人 中国人(复数)

  America American American Americans

  美国 美国的 美国人 美国人(复数)

  England English Englishman Englishmen

  Englishwoman Englishwomen

  英国 英国的, 英语 英国人 英国人(复数)

  Japan Japanese Japanese Japanese

  日本 日本的, 日语 日本人 日本人(复数)

  Canada Canadian Canadian Canadians

  加拿大 加拿大的 加拿大人 加拿大人(复数)

  France French Frenchman Frenchmen

  Frenchwoman Frenchwomen

  法国 法国的 法国人 法国人(复数)

  Australia Australian Australian Australians

  澳大利亚 澳大利亚的 澳大利亚人 澳大利亚人(复数)

  4.People 和the people

  ▲ people 作人解时,是可数名词,复数仍是people,一般不用单数,不可以说a people或peoples,但可以说three people, many people.

  There are four people in my family.

  How many people are there in the classroom?

  ▲ people作人民解时,前面总是有定冠词the。

  We work hard and study for the people.


  The Chinese people are working hard.



  ▲ follow 用作及物动词,作跟随解。

  The boy follows his mother out.


  She follows me into my room.



  Sorry, I dont quite follow you.


  Can you follow me, Meimei?


  6. You cant call me like that. 你不能那样称呼我。

  ▲ call 在不同的上下文或句子中有不同的意思,应结合句意正确理解call的意思。

  Dont call me Lucy, Im Lily.

  别叫我Lucy,我是 Lily。

  Listen! Someone is calling you.


  You can call me tomorrow.


  Now let me call your names.


  7.Lucy and I go to school five days a week.


  ▲英语中的并列主语或宾语指的是人,通常先说第三第二人称,然后说第一人称。如本句Lucy and I不能说成I and Lucy,这与中文恰恰相反。

  Lucy, you and I are on duty today.

  Tom and I must clean the classroom.

  ▲ five days a week是每周五天的意思,在句中作状语,这里不定冠 词 a具有每一的意思,相当于each,但通常不用 each 替换,更不能用every替换。

  Shes at home with her parents four days a month.


  Im not at work two days a week.


  8. We teach them English and they teach us Chinese.

  ▲ 动词teach 可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。作及物动词时有三种情况,可说teach sb(宾格),可说teach sth,也可说teach sb(宾格)sth。尤其要注意在teach sb sth中,sb 如是代词,必须用宾格,不用所有格。

  Does Mr. Wang teach in this school?


  Miss Liu teaches very well. Shes a good teacher.


  Miss Zhang teaches us Chinese this term.


  9. Our friends ask us to go to their homes for dinner.

  ▲ ask sb to do sth 表示要某人做某事。

  He asks us to go and see him.


  Does he ask you to give him a hand?


  ▲ go to their homes中的 homes被their 修饰,因此是名词,前面要带介词to 。go home 中的home 是副词,前面不能带介词to。

  What time do you go home on Friday afternoon?


  Im going to her home at six this evening.


  10.Make friends交朋友

  make friends with sb意思是与某人叫朋?quot;,这一短语中的 friends 总是复数,不能用单数,不能说make (a) friend with sb。

  My uncle makes many friends in America.


  My mother likes to make friends with doctors.



  一. 单词辨音。

  1. A. about B. house C. could D. count

  2. A. work B. sport C. word D. worker

  3. A. photo B. shoe C. also D. potato

  4. A. worry B. other C. love D. hotel

  5. A. great B. team C. teach D. meal


  6.The American girl teaches _________ English. (I)

  7.How many ________ are there in your family? (people)

  8. _________ come from __________. (American)

  9. We are _________ and we come from __________. We speak __________. (Chinese)

  10.I have some English friends and they are all very __________ to me. (friend)

  三. 改错

  11 . There is 39 students in my class.

  A B C D

  12. Do you like work in China?

  A B C D

  13. Are you come from England?

  A B C D

  14. Do you speak English? Yes, I am.

  A B C D

  15. Tom and Mike have a lot of friend in Beijing.

  A B C D



  Dear Kate.

  How are you? Im writing to you in my school. This school is great! There are nine hundred students in my school. I like the teachers. The other students are very friendly. They teach me Chinese and I teach them English.

  There is small river behind our school. The water is clean. We can swim in it.

  There are no classes on Sundays. We stay at home and watch TV. My father and my mother go to shops on Sundays. They all like China.

  Ican speak Chinese now. I can write my name in Chinese.

  Please write to me soon.

  Love from


  16.This letter is from Lucy to Kate.

  17.There are nine hundred students in her school.

  18.The other students dont like Lucy.

  19.Lucy teaches the other students English.

  20.There isnt a small river near the school.

  21.Ther water in the river is clean.

  22.Lucy isnt at school on Sundays.

  23.Lucy can speak Chinese.

  24.She cant write her name in English.

  25.Lucy wants Kate to write to her soon.


  1---5 CBBDA

  6.本题中人称代词的单数形式作teaches 的宾语,应用I的宾格形式 me。

  7.How many后接可数名词的复数形式, people本身就是复数,所以只把 people填入空格就可以了。

  8.American作名词时指美国人,第一空格应用复数形式Americans; America 是国家的名称,所以第二个空格填America.

  9. Chinese 的单复相同,第一个空格填Chinese;第二个空格应填国家名China;最后一格填Chinese,译为汉语。

  10. be friendly to sb表示对某人友好,顾应填friend 的形容词形式friendly。

  11.students 是复数,所以,be动词应用are,不能用is.

  12.like doing sth,应把work改为working.


  14.Do you speak English?的答语应是Yes, I do,不能用Yes, I am.



  Unit 24 Where are you from?


  一. 语音

  1. 元音字母i ,u及其字母组合的读音:

  i [ai](开) ride Friday write side

  i [ i ](闭) swim listen ship big

  igh [ai] high light right

  u [ju:](开) student Tuesday use

  u [](闭) jump run cup

  u [u:] blue ruler

  u [u] put full


  Do you 1like Chinese ?food?

  1Yes, I ?do.

  Are you from A?merican?

  二. 词汇

  1. 单词

  USA, Australia, Canada, UK, Japan, America, France, French, hotel,

  Building, postcard, dinner, Toronto, country, textbook,

  great, first, soon,

  follow, call, teach, stay

  * Englishman, Australian, Canadian, foreigner, city, word, why, visit,

  English-speaking, letter

  2. 重点词组

  talk about 谈论

  make friends 交朋友

  a little 一点儿

  on Sundays 在星期日

  a lot of 许多

  go out 出去

  be from 从来,是人

  fromto 从到

  five days a week 一周五天

  teach sb sth 教某人某事

  三. 日常用语

  1. Where is London?

  Its in England.

  2. Where are from?

  Im from the USA.

  3. What about her?

  She is from the UK.

  4. Do you come from America?

  No, we come from Japan.

  5. Do you speak English?

  Only a little. ( Yes, a little)

  6. Are you from China?

  Yes, I am.

  7. How do you like China?

  I like it very much.

  8. What do you like about China?

  The people--- and the food.

  四. 语法

  1. 一般现在时态:

  I/You/We/They come from America/go to school/stay at home.

  Do you/they come from America/speak English?

  Yes, I/we/they do.

  No, I/we/they dont.

  2. 介词

  to her from Lily on Sundays


  1. How do you like? 你觉得怎样?

  这一句型主要用来询问对方对某事物的印象,句中的动词like还可以用find来代替而不影响句子意思。本句也可改为What do you think of这一句型。例如:

  1). How do you like this book?

  I think its a good book.

  2). What do you think of this picture?

  Very nice. =I think its very nice.

  3). How does she like/find your work?

  I dont know.

  2.speak, say,和 talk

  ▲speak 强调说话的能力,方式和对象,不强调说话的内容。用作及物动词时,一般用表示语言的名词或代词作宾语。

  The teacher is speaking to his students.


  The woman cant speak, but she can read.


  He can speak Japanese, but he cant speak Chinese.



  ▲ say必须带宾语,强调说什么。

  Please say it in English.


  What is he saying?


  He says, Let me help you.


  ●以上三个例句中,it, what以及 Let me help you都是say的宾语,表示说话的内容。

  ▲ talk与介词 to或 with 搭配,表示与交谈,与介词about或of搭配表示所谈及的内容。

  What is she talking about?

  He is talking to us about you.

  We are talking about our good friend.

  ● talk一般用作不及物动词,不能直接带宾语,必须通过介词才能接宾语。另外: talk to sb表示和某人交谈,speak to表示对某人讲话.

  3. 国名,国籍等


  China Chinese Chinese Chinese

  中国 中国的, 中文 中国人 中国人(复数)

  America American American Americans

  美国 美国的 美国人 美国人(复数)

  England English Englishman Englishmen

  Englishwoman Englishwomen

  英国 英国的, 英语 英国人 英国人(复数)

  Japan Japanese Japanese Japanese

  日本 日本的, 日语 日本人 日本人(复数)

  Canada Canadian Canadian Canadians

  加拿大 加拿大的 加拿大人 加拿大人(复数)

  France French Frenchman Frenchmen

  Frenchwoman Frenchwomen

  法国 法国的 法国人 法国人(复数)

  Australia Australian Australian Australians

  澳大利亚 澳大利亚的 澳大利亚人 澳大利亚人(复数)

  4.People 和the people

  ▲ people 作人解时,是可数名词,复数仍是people,一般不用单数,不可以说a people或peoples,但可以说three people, many people.

  There are four people in my family.

  How many people are there in the classroom?

  ▲ people作人民解时,前面总是有定冠词the。

  We work hard and study for the people.


  The Chinese people are working hard.



  ▲ follow 用作及物动词,作跟随解。

  The boy follows his mother out.


  She follows me into my room.



  Sorry, I dont quite follow you.


  Can you follow me, Meimei?


  6. You cant call me like that. 你不能那样称呼我。

  ▲ call 在不同的上下文或句子中有不同的意思,应结合句意正确理解call的意思。

  Dont call me Lucy, Im Lily.

  别叫我Lucy,我是 Lily。

  Listen! Someone is calling you.


  You can call me tomorrow.


  Now let me call your names.


  7.Lucy and I go to school five days a week.


  ▲英语中的并列主语或宾语指的是人,通常先说第三第二人称,然后说第一人称。如本句Lucy and I不能说成I and Lucy,这与中文恰恰相反。

  Lucy, you and I are on duty today.

  Tom and I must clean the classroom.

  ▲ five days a week是每周五天的意思,在句中作状语,这里不定冠 词 a具有每一的意思,相当于each,但通常不用 each 替换,更不能用every替换。

  Shes at home with her parents four days a month.


  Im not at work two days a week.


  8. We teach them English and they teach us Chinese.

  ▲ 动词teach 可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词。作及物动词时有三种情况,可说teach sb(宾格),可说teach sth,也可说teach sb(宾格)sth。尤其要注意在teach sb sth中,sb 如是代词,必须用宾格,不用所有格。

  Does Mr. Wang teach in this school?


  Miss Liu teaches very well. Shes a good teacher.


  Miss Zhang teaches us Chinese this term.


  9. Our friends ask us to go to their homes for dinner.

  ▲ ask sb to do sth 表示要某人做某事。

  He asks us to go and see him.


  Does he ask you to give him a hand?


  ▲ go to their homes中的 homes被their 修饰,因此是名词,前面要带介词to 。go home 中的home 是副词,前面不能带介词to。

  What time do you go home on Friday afternoon?


  Im going to her home at six this evening.


  10.Make friends交朋友

  make friends with sb意思是与某人叫朋?quot;,这一短语中的 friends 总是复数,不能用单数,不能说make (a) friend with sb。

  My uncle makes many friends in America.


  My mother likes to make friends with doctors.



  一. 单词辨音。

  1. A. about B. house C. could D. count

  2. A. work B. sport C. word D. worker

  3. A. photo B. shoe C. also D. potato

  4. A. worry B. other C. love D. hotel

  5. A. great B. team C. teach D. meal


  6.The American girl teaches _________ English. (I)

  7.How many ________ are there in your family? (people)

  8. _________ come from __________. (American)

  9. We are _________ and we come from __________. We speak __________. (Chinese)

  10.I have some English friends and they are all very __________ to me. (friend)

  三. 改错

  11 . There is 39 students in my class.

  A B C D

  12. Do you like work in China?

  A B C D

  13. Are you come from England?

  A B C D

  14. Do you speak English? Yes, I am.

  A B C D

  15. Tom and Mike have a lot of friend in Beijing.

  A B C D



  Dear Kate.

  How are you? Im writing to you in my school. This school is great! There are nine hundred students in my school. I like the teachers. The other students are very friendly. They teach me Chinese and I teach them English.

  There is small river behind our school. The water is clean. We can swim in it.

  There are no classes on Sundays. We stay at home and watch TV. My father and my mother go to shops on Sundays. They all like China.

  Ican speak Chinese now. I can write my name in Chinese.

  Please write to me soon.

  Love from


  16.This letter is from Lucy to Kate.

  17.There are nine hundred students in her school.

  18.The other students dont like Lucy.

  19.Lucy teaches the other students English.

  20.There isnt a small river near the school.

  21.Ther water in the river is clean.

  22.Lucy isnt at school on Sundays.

  23.Lucy can speak Chinese.

  24.She cant write her name in English.

  25.Lucy wants Kate to write to her soon.


  1---5 CBBDA

  6.本题中人称代词的单数形式作teaches 的宾语,应用I的宾格形式 me。

  7.How many后接可数名词的复数形式, people本身就是复数,所以只把 people填入空格就可以了。

  8.American作名词时指美国人,第一空格应用复数形式Americans; America 是国家的名称,所以第二个空格填America.

  9. Chinese 的单复相同,第一个空格填Chinese;第二个空格应填国家名China;最后一格填Chinese,译为汉语。

  10. be friendly to sb表示对某人友好,顾应填friend 的形容词形式friendly。

  11.students 是复数,所以,be动词应用are,不能用is.

  12.like doing sth,应把work改为working.


  14.Do you speak English?的答语应是Yes, I do,不能用Yes, I am.
