A total of 30,538 Chinese officials were investigated for work-related crimes in the first half of 2024, according to a seminar for chief procurators on Wednesday.
职务犯罪(work-related crime/duty crime)是指国家机关、国有公司、企业事业单位、人民团体工作人员利用已有职权,贪污(corruption)、贿赂(bribery)、徇私舞弊(playing favoritism and committing irregularities)、滥用职权(abusing authority)、玩忽职守(dereliction of duty),侵犯公民权利(infringing civil rights),破坏国家对公务活动的规章规范,依照刑法应当予以刑事处罚的犯罪。
今年1到6月,除北京、山西、浙江三个试点地区外,其他29个省份立案侦查贪污贿赂、渎职侵权等职务犯罪30538人,同比上升19.6%。其中原县处级干部(officials on county level)1505人、原厅局级干(officials on bureau level)224人。
在扶贫领域查处职务犯罪(duty crimes in poverty alleviation work)1650人,同比上升81.7%;突出查处重大责任事故背后的职务犯罪(work-related crimes that led to accidents with serious consequences)495人。在职务犯罪国际追逃追赃专项工作(campaign to hunt down fleeing fugitives implicated in duty-related crimes)方面,已有39个国家和地区遣返、劝返外逃职务犯罪嫌疑人(suspects who were repatriated or persuaded to return to China)174人,其中“百名红通人员”28人。
贿赂 bribery
勒索 extortion
任人唯亲 cronyism
裙带关系 nepotism
庇护 patronage
以权谋私 influence peddling
贪污 graft
挪用公款 embezzlement
红色通缉令 Interpol red notice
双规 subject to questioning at an appointed time and place
A total of 30,538 Chinese officials were investigated for work-related crimes in the first half of 2024, according to a seminar for chief procurators on Wednesday.
职务犯罪(work-related crime/duty crime)是指国家机关、国有公司、企业事业单位、人民团体工作人员利用已有职权,贪污(corruption)、贿赂(bribery)、徇私舞弊(playing favoritism and committing irregularities)、滥用职权(abusing authority)、玩忽职守(dereliction of duty),侵犯公民权利(infringing civil rights),破坏国家对公务活动的规章规范,依照刑法应当予以刑事处罚的犯罪。
今年1到6月,除北京、山西、浙江三个试点地区外,其他29个省份立案侦查贪污贿赂、渎职侵权等职务犯罪30538人,同比上升19.6%。其中原县处级干部(officials on county level)1505人、原厅局级干(officials on bureau level)224人。
在扶贫领域查处职务犯罪(duty crimes in poverty alleviation work)1650人,同比上升81.7%;突出查处重大责任事故背后的职务犯罪(work-related crimes that led to accidents with serious consequences)495人。在职务犯罪国际追逃追赃专项工作(campaign to hunt down fleeing fugitives implicated in duty-related crimes)方面,已有39个国家和地区遣返、劝返外逃职务犯罪嫌疑人(suspects who were repatriated or persuaded to return to China)174人,其中“百名红通人员”28人。
贿赂 bribery
勒索 extortion
任人唯亲 cronyism
裙带关系 nepotism
庇护 patronage
以权谋私 influence peddling
贪污 graft
挪用公款 embezzlement
红色通缉令 Interpol red notice
双规 subject to questioning at an appointed time and place