The world around us

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The world around us

  Starter Unit 5 The world around us我们周围的世界

  1 The weather 天气



  spring春季autumn秋季kite风筝beach海边umbrella一雨伞summer夏季scarf围巾winter冬季weather report天气预报temperature温度day天山to日期weather天气


  1.询问天气Whats the weather like?句型;

  2.天气的表达法Its sunny/rainy/warn...


  Look and learn

  Whats the weather like today? Its. .,今天天气怎么样?今天


  Read and match

  a It is warn. The flowers and trees are growing. a 天气暖和。花繁叶茂。

  Birds are making their nests. It is spring.鸟儿在筑菜。现在是春天。

  b It is cool and勿.b 天气凉爽干燥。

  The children go to the country park。孩子们去了国家公园。

  Ben is flying a kite. It is autumn.本正在放风筝。现在是秋天。

  c It is very hot and sunny. c天气很热并且阳光充足。

  The children go to the beach.孩子们去了海边。

  Kitty is lying under an umbrella.基蒂正躺在伞下。

  Ben is swimming. It is summer.本正在游泳。现在是夏天。

  d It is cold and win衡 .d天气很冷并且多风。

  The children wear wann clothes,孩子们穿上保暖的衣服

  scarves and gloves.并戴上了围巾和手套。

  They are riding their bicycles。他们正在骑自行车。

  It is winter.现在是冬天。

  Read and write

  The weather report天气预报

  Here is the weather report for Friday,这是6月14日,

  the fourteenth of June.星期五的天气预报。

  Its hot and sunny.天气很热,阳光充足。

  The temperature is twenty-five degrees.气A是25摄氏度。

  Fill in the form below about the weather report.续下面关于天气预报的表格。

  Day:星期: Date:日期: Weather:天气: Temperature:气温:


  1 .Whats the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?

  ▲what... like二how表示怎样,此句话还表达为:How is the weather?天气怎么样?

  2. Kitty is lying under an umbrella.基蒂正躺在伞下。


  3. It is warm.天气暖和。

  ▲it指天气,通常我们习惯用it描述天气,而不经常用weather。如:Its cold today.(常用)

  The weather is cold today.(很少用)

  4. The children wear warm clothes, scarves and gloves.孩子们穿上保暖的衣服并戴上了围巾和手套。


  5 .Here is the weather report for Friday,这是星期五的天气预报

  ▲here的用法如下:a. here表示地点。如:Put the bottle here.把瓶子放在这儿。

  b. here是副词,用作定语时,须后置。如:The children here enjoy a happy life,这里的孩子们过着幸福的生活。

  c. here有时可用作主语或宾语。如:

  1)Here is where I want to stay.这正是我要呆的地方。

  2)Behind here is a garden.这儿后面是座花园。

  d. here用于句首,主语是名词时,主谓倒装;主语是代词时,主谓不倒装。如:1)Here are some stamps.这儿是几张邮票。2)Here comes the bus.公共汽车来了!3)Here it is.它在这。

  2 Water水


  cloud云wind风blow吹land陆地sea大海rain雨river河流through通过reservior水库special特别的factory工厂wide宽的pipe管子rice大米put out扑灭grow种植vegetable蔬莱make制造


  1.使役动词make的用法;What makes you happy?什么使你高兴?

  2. First, . . . Next, . . . Then, . . . Finally,,二连接句子。


  Look and learn

  1 Water comes from the sea. 1水来自海洋。

  2 The water makes clouds. 2水变成云。

  3 The wind blows the clouds to the land. 3风把云吹向陆地。

  4 It rains. 4天下雨。

  Read and answer

  Water in our city我们城市的水

  Every day, people in our city use a lot of water, 每天,我们城市中的人们用大量的水,

  but there are no big rivers in our city. 但是我们城市没有大河。

  Most of the water we use comes from other cities. 我们用的大多数的水来自于其他城市

  First, it comes through very long,wide pipes. Next, 首先,它通过长长的、宽宽的管道运输。其次,

  it goes into reservoirs in our city. 水流入我们城市的水库。

  Then a special factory makes the water clean.Finally, 然后,一个特别的工厂使水净化。最后,

  it goes through smaller pipes to our homes. 水通过更小的管道进到每家每户。

  1 Are there big rivers in our city? 1在我们城市里有大河吗?

  2 How does water come to our city? 2水是如何来到我们城市的?

  3 Where does the water go next? 3水后来到哪里去了呢?

  4 What makes the water clean? 4什么使水净化?

  Ask and answer

  At home在家里clean the flat打扫房间cook rice做米饭make drinks做饮料At work在工作中

  put out fires灭火grow vegetables种植蔬菜make things in factories在工厂里制造产品

  Sl : How do people use water at home/work? Sl:人们如何在家/工作中用水?

  S2: People use water to... S2:人们用水来?一


  1 . Then a special factory makes the water clean.然后一个特别的工厂使水净化。

  ▲make sth十形容词表示使某物怎样,如:① Who makes them so happy?谁使他们这么开心?

  ②Ihe meal made her ill.这顿饭使她得病了。

  2. People use water to人们用水来

  ▲use sth to do sth用某物做某事,如:We use pens to write.我们用钢笔写字。

  3 Fire 火


  fire火raw生的cooked熟的meat肉chicken wing鸡翅taste品尝charcoal木炭gas煤气barbecue烧烤electricity电wood木头


  1.形容词的比较级:better than比更好;


  It smells good.闻起来很好。The beef tastes nice.牛肉味道很好。


  Look and learn

  fire火raw (meat)生(肉)cooked (meat)熟(肉)

  Look and say

  Here you are, Kitty. Have a chicken wing.给你,基蒂。吃个鸡翅。

  Thanks, Ben. It smells nice.谢谢,本。闻起来很好。

  How does it taste?味道怎么样?

  It isnt nice. Look, its raw.不是很好,看,它没熟。

  Lets cook your chicken wing some more.让我们把你的鸡翅再做一会。

  Thanks, Ben.谢谢,本。

  Read and write

  I like charcoal better than gas.比起天然气我更喜欢木炭。

  The food tastes nicer.食物吃起来更好吃。

  Ben likes barbecues.本喜欢烧烤。

  He likes to cook with.他喜欢用做饭。

  I like wood better than gas.比起天然气我更喜欢木头。


  1. Have a chicken wing. 吃一个鸡翅。

  ▲Have 表示吃的意思,如:What do you have for breakfast?你早饭吃什么?

  2. How does it taste?它吃起来味道怎么样?


  1)The rice smells bad. 米饭闻起来坏了。

  2)The fish tastes delicious. 鱼尝起来很好。

  3. I like wood better than gas. 比起天然气我更喜欢木头。

  ▲likebetter than比起更喜欢

  4. What do your friends like to cook with?你的朋友喜欢用什么做饭?

  ▲with表示用, 通常后跟表示工具的词语。如:1)She opened the car with a key。她用钥匙打开汽车。

  2)You must not write your name with a pencil. 你不得用铅笔写上你的名字。

  4 Air 空气


  traffic交通smoke烟factory工厂dust灰尘constrction site建筑工地power station发电站eye眼睛




  2. Where... come from?的用法及含义。


  Look and read

  Ben and Kitty are shopping in Garden City.本和基蒂在花园城购物。

  Ben: Whats the matter, Kitty?本:怎么了,基蒂?

  Kitty:My eyes hurt.Its the smoke from the traffic.基蒂:我眼睛痛。是因为汽车的尾气。

  Ben: Theres also a construction site.Look at the dust.本:还有建筑工地。看这些灰尘。

  Kitty: The workers are burning rubbish there. Look at the smoke from the fire.


  Ben: The air in Garden City is very dirty.本:花园城的空气很脏。

  Kitty: Theres a lot of air pollution.基蒂:空气污染很严重。

  Look and learn

  traffic/smoke交通/烟factories/smoke and dust工厂/烟和灰尘construciton sites/dust建筑工地/灰尘

  power stations/smoke and dust发电站/烟和灰尘

  Ask and answer In pairs,两人一组,

  Talk about air pollution in your city,like this:像这样讨论你们城市的空气污染: SI : The air in our city is very dirty. Sl:我们城市的空气很脏。

  S2: Thats air pollution. S2:那是空气污染。

  Sl : Where does air pollution come from? Sl:空气污染来源于哪里?

  S2: It comes from... S2:它来源于


  1 . Whats the matter, Kitty?怎么了,基蒂?

  ▲Whats the matter? = Whats wrong?询问对方发生了什么事。

  2. Where does air pollution cane from?空气污染来源于哪里?a. from为介词从,自的意思。如:

  1)I get a book from my teacher.我从老师那儿得到一本书。

  2)May I borrow the pen from you?我能借你的钢笔用一下吗?

  b.与fmm有关的词组be from从来,来自,例如:

  1)I am firm America.我从美国来。

  2)Are you from London?你来自伦敦吗?

  come from从来,来自,与be from同义,但是句型转换时须借助助动词do, does。如:

  1) Where do you,from?你从哪儿来?

  2) I dont come from Japan. I come from Korea.我不是从日本来的,我是从韩国来的。

  from... to...从到??一,如:

  1)I go to school from Monday to Friday.我从星期一到星期五都上学。


  Starter Unit 5 The world around us我们周围的世界

  1 The weather 天气



  spring春季autumn秋季kite风筝beach海边umbrella一雨伞summer夏季scarf围巾winter冬季weather report天气预报temperature温度day天山to日期weather天气


  1.询问天气Whats the weather like?句型;

  2.天气的表达法Its sunny/rainy/warn...


  Look and learn

  Whats the weather like today? Its. .,今天天气怎么样?今天


  Read and match

  a It is warn. The flowers and trees are growing. a 天气暖和。花繁叶茂。

  Birds are making their nests. It is spring.鸟儿在筑菜。现在是春天。

  b It is cool and勿.b 天气凉爽干燥。

  The children go to the country park。孩子们去了国家公园。

  Ben is flying a kite. It is autumn.本正在放风筝。现在是秋天。

  c It is very hot and sunny. c天气很热并且阳光充足。

  The children go to the beach.孩子们去了海边。

  Kitty is lying under an umbrella.基蒂正躺在伞下。

  Ben is swimming. It is summer.本正在游泳。现在是夏天。

  d It is cold and win衡 .d天气很冷并且多风。

  The children wear wann clothes,孩子们穿上保暖的衣服

  scarves and gloves.并戴上了围巾和手套。

  They are riding their bicycles。他们正在骑自行车。

  It is winter.现在是冬天。

  Read and write

  The weather report天气预报

  Here is the weather report for Friday,这是6月14日,

  the fourteenth of June.星期五的天气预报。

  Its hot and sunny.天气很热,阳光充足。

  The temperature is twenty-five degrees.气A是25摄氏度。

  Fill in the form below about the weather report.续下面关于天气预报的表格。

  Day:星期: Date:日期: Weather:天气: Temperature:气温:


  1 .Whats the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?

  ▲what... like二how表示怎样,此句话还表达为:How is the weather?天气怎么样?

  2. Kitty is lying under an umbrella.基蒂正躺在伞下。


  3. It is warm.天气暖和。

  ▲it指天气,通常我们习惯用it描述天气,而不经常用weather。如:Its cold today.(常用)

  The weather is cold today.(很少用)

  4. The children wear warm clothes, scarves and gloves.孩子们穿上保暖的衣服并戴上了围巾和手套。


  5 .Here is the weather report for Friday,这是星期五的天气预报

  ▲here的用法如下:a. here表示地点。如:Put the bottle here.把瓶子放在这儿。

  b. here是副词,用作定语时,须后置。如:The children here enjoy a happy life,这里的孩子们过着幸福的生活。

  c. here有时可用作主语或宾语。如:

  1)Here is where I want to stay.这正是我要呆的地方。

  2)Behind here is a garden.这儿后面是座花园。

  d. here用于句首,主语是名词时,主谓倒装;主语是代词时,主谓不倒装。如:1)Here are some stamps.这儿是几张邮票。2)Here comes the bus.公共汽车来了!3)Here it is.它在这。

  2 Water水


  cloud云wind风blow吹land陆地sea大海rain雨river河流through通过reservior水库special特别的factory工厂wide宽的pipe管子rice大米put out扑灭grow种植vegetable蔬莱make制造


  1.使役动词make的用法;What makes you happy?什么使你高兴?

  2. First, . . . Next, . . . Then, . . . Finally,,二连接句子。


  Look and learn

  1 Water comes from the sea. 1水来自海洋。

  2 The water makes clouds. 2水变成云。

  3 The wind blows the clouds to the land. 3风把云吹向陆地。

  4 It rains. 4天下雨。

  Read and answer

  Water in our city我们城市的水

  Every day, people in our city use a lot of water, 每天,我们城市中的人们用大量的水,

  but there are no big rivers in our city. 但是我们城市没有大河。

  Most of the water we use comes from other cities. 我们用的大多数的水来自于其他城市

  First, it comes through very long,wide pipes. Next, 首先,它通过长长的、宽宽的管道运输。其次,

  it goes into reservoirs in our city. 水流入我们城市的水库。

  Then a special factory makes the water clean.Finally, 然后,一个特别的工厂使水净化。最后,

  it goes through smaller pipes to our homes. 水通过更小的管道进到每家每户。

  1 Are there big rivers in our city? 1在我们城市里有大河吗?

  2 How does water come to our city? 2水是如何来到我们城市的?

  3 Where does the water go next? 3水后来到哪里去了呢?

  4 What makes the water clean? 4什么使水净化?

  Ask and answer

  At home在家里clean the flat打扫房间cook rice做米饭make drinks做饮料At work在工作中

  put out fires灭火grow vegetables种植蔬菜make things in factories在工厂里制造产品

  Sl : How do people use water at home/work? Sl:人们如何在家/工作中用水?

  S2: People use water to... S2:人们用水来?一


  1 . Then a special factory makes the water clean.然后一个特别的工厂使水净化。

  ▲make sth十形容词表示使某物怎样,如:① Who makes them so happy?谁使他们这么开心?

  ②Ihe meal made her ill.这顿饭使她得病了。

  2. People use water to人们用水来

  ▲use sth to do sth用某物做某事,如:We use pens to write.我们用钢笔写字。

  3 Fire 火


  fire火raw生的cooked熟的meat肉chicken wing鸡翅taste品尝charcoal木炭gas煤气barbecue烧烤electricity电wood木头


  1.形容词的比较级:better than比更好;


  It smells good.闻起来很好。The beef tastes nice.牛肉味道很好。


  Look and learn

  fire火raw (meat)生(肉)cooked (meat)熟(肉)

  Look and say

  Here you are, Kitty. Have a chicken wing.给你,基蒂。吃个鸡翅。

  Thanks, Ben. It smells nice.谢谢,本。闻起来很好。

  How does it taste?味道怎么样?

  It isnt nice. Look, its raw.不是很好,看,它没熟。

  Lets cook your chicken wing some more.让我们把你的鸡翅再做一会。

  Thanks, Ben.谢谢,本。

  Read and write

  I like charcoal better than gas.比起天然气我更喜欢木炭。

  The food tastes nicer.食物吃起来更好吃。

  Ben likes barbecues.本喜欢烧烤。

  He likes to cook with.他喜欢用做饭。

  I like wood better than gas.比起天然气我更喜欢木头。


  1. Have a chicken wing. 吃一个鸡翅。

  ▲Have 表示吃的意思,如:What do you have for breakfast?你早饭吃什么?

  2. How does it taste?它吃起来味道怎么样?


  1)The rice smells bad. 米饭闻起来坏了。

  2)The fish tastes delicious. 鱼尝起来很好。

  3. I like wood better than gas. 比起天然气我更喜欢木头。

  ▲likebetter than比起更喜欢

  4. What do your friends like to cook with?你的朋友喜欢用什么做饭?

  ▲with表示用, 通常后跟表示工具的词语。如:1)She opened the car with a key。她用钥匙打开汽车。

  2)You must not write your name with a pencil. 你不得用铅笔写上你的名字。

  4 Air 空气


  traffic交通smoke烟factory工厂dust灰尘constrction site建筑工地power station发电站eye眼睛




  2. Where... come from?的用法及含义。


  Look and read

  Ben and Kitty are shopping in Garden City.本和基蒂在花园城购物。

  Ben: Whats the matter, Kitty?本:怎么了,基蒂?

  Kitty:My eyes hurt.Its the smoke from the traffic.基蒂:我眼睛痛。是因为汽车的尾气。

  Ben: Theres also a construction site.Look at the dust.本:还有建筑工地。看这些灰尘。

  Kitty: The workers are burning rubbish there. Look at the smoke from the fire.


  Ben: The air in Garden City is very dirty.本:花园城的空气很脏。

  Kitty: Theres a lot of air pollution.基蒂:空气污染很严重。

  Look and learn

  traffic/smoke交通/烟factories/smoke and dust工厂/烟和灰尘construciton sites/dust建筑工地/灰尘

  power stations/smoke and dust发电站/烟和灰尘

  Ask and answer In pairs,两人一组,

  Talk about air pollution in your city,like this:像这样讨论你们城市的空气污染: SI : The air in our city is very dirty. Sl:我们城市的空气很脏。

  S2: Thats air pollution. S2:那是空气污染。

  Sl : Where does air pollution come from? Sl:空气污染来源于哪里?

  S2: It comes from... S2:它来源于


  1 . Whats the matter, Kitty?怎么了,基蒂?

  ▲Whats the matter? = Whats wrong?询问对方发生了什么事。

  2. Where does air pollution cane from?空气污染来源于哪里?a. from为介词从,自的意思。如:

  1)I get a book from my teacher.我从老师那儿得到一本书。

  2)May I borrow the pen from you?我能借你的钢笔用一下吗?

  b.与fmm有关的词组be from从来,来自,例如:

  1)I am firm America.我从美国来。

  2)Are you from London?你来自伦敦吗?

  come from从来,来自,与be from同义,但是句型转换时须借助助动词do, does。如:

  1) Where do you,from?你从哪儿来?

  2) I dont come from Japan. I come from Korea.我不是从日本来的,我是从韩国来的。

  from... to...从到??一,如:

  1)I go to school from Monday to Friday.我从星期一到星期五都上学。


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