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  306.latent/potential : manifest潜在的:清楚的

  Jamal found the movie stubs lying on the counter to be__ evidence that his friends had gone to the cinema without him; it was unquestionable that they had seen Spiderman.






   The opossum is___ the venom of snakes in the rattlesnake subfamily and thus views the reptiles not as__ enemies but as a food source.

   vulnerable to, natural

   conscious of, mortal

   impervious to, lethal

   sensitive to, deadly

   defenseless against, potential

   She kept her late parents furniture, not for any__ value it had, but for purely___ reasons.

   potential, monetary

   ornamental, aesthetic

   financial, pecuniary

   intrinsic, sentimental

   personal, accidental

   The archaeologist believed the coin she unearthed was ------- evidence,unquestionable proof that the site dated to the fourth century.

   immaterial potential incriminating nominal indisputable

   The damage caused by the rampant corruption was ------: the companys reputation was nearly ------- before anyone realized it was having an effect.

   manifest eradicated

   nefarious polarized

   insidious destroyed

   methodical amalgamated

   obvious stagnated

  The severe structural damage caused by the corrosion occurred in such___ manner that the ultimate___ of the building came as a complete surprise.

   a manifest, eradication

   a nefarious, polarization

   an insidious, destruction

   a methodical, amalgamation

   an obvious, stagnation

  insidious是前面讲义中没有提到过的单词 insidious:beguiling but harmful 隐伏但是有危害

  307.lavish: impecunious 过分丰富的:贫穷的

  308.laze: travail 懒散:辛勤劳动 travail

  309.legendary: obscure 有名的,传说中的:无名的

  310.lethargy: animate 无生气的:有生气的

  Although Henry was not in general a sentimental man, occasionally he would feel a touch of____ for the old days and would contemplate making a brief excursion to Boston to revisit his childhood friends.

   exasperation chagrin nostalgia lethargy anxiety

  They insist that, far from displaying the negative effects of lethargy and feebleness seen in other animals known to be genetically homogeneous, cheetahs are in many ways quite robust.

  311.levity: seriousness 轻浮:庄重

  Though the politicians inauguration was a generally__ occasion, it was not without moments of__, including a few jokes during her acceptance speech.

   grim, cleverness

   exciting, curiosity

   mirthful, humor

   solemn, levity

   sober, gravity

  312.liberal: meager/parsimonious 慷慨的:贫乏的

  As a child, Mary-------- her stringent upbringing; however, as she grew older she began to appreciate her grandmothers strict--------.

  Tolerated autonomy


  embraced authority

  disavowed abstinence


  313.lingering: fleeting逗留的:短暂的

  314.lugubrious: jovial 悲惨的:快活的

  315.luxuriant: Spartan 奢华的:简朴的

  316.malleable: intractable 可延展性的: 不易管教的

  317.manipulate: guileless/occult 假造:不狡猾的

  Paul believed that life should be -------; every day should be filled with exciting, unpredictable, and completely ------ activities.

   a model .pragmatic

   an adventure spontaneous

   unique anticipated

   manipulated forced

  318.martinet: indulgent person 规律严肃的人:放纵的人

  319.maverick: follower/conform to tradition 不服从的人:遵从传统

  320.measly: grand 低贱的:极重要的



  306.latent/potential : manifest潜在的:清楚的

  Jamal found the movie stubs lying on the counter to be__ evidence that his friends had gone to the cinema without him; it was unquestionable that they had seen Spiderman.






   The opossum is___ the venom of snakes in the rattlesnake subfamily and thus views the reptiles not as__ enemies but as a food source.

   vulnerable to, natural

   conscious of, mortal

   impervious to, lethal

   sensitive to, deadly

   defenseless against, potential

   She kept her late parents furniture, not for any__ value it had, but for purely___ reasons.

   potential, monetary

   ornamental, aesthetic

   financial, pecuniary

   intrinsic, sentimental

   personal, accidental

   The archaeologist believed the coin she unearthed was ------- evidence,unquestionable proof that the site dated to the fourth century.

   immaterial potential incriminating nominal indisputable

   The damage caused by the rampant corruption was ------: the companys reputation was nearly ------- before anyone realized it was having an effect.

   manifest eradicated

   nefarious polarized

   insidious destroyed

   methodical amalgamated

   obvious stagnated

  The severe structural damage caused by the corrosion occurred in such___ manner that the ultimate___ of the building came as a complete surprise.

   a manifest, eradication

   a nefarious, polarization

   an insidious, destruction

   a methodical, amalgamation

   an obvious, stagnation

  insidious是前面讲义中没有提到过的单词 insidious:beguiling but harmful 隐伏但是有危害

  307.lavish: impecunious 过分丰富的:贫穷的

  308.laze: travail 懒散:辛勤劳动 travail

  309.legendary: obscure 有名的,传说中的:无名的

  310.lethargy: animate 无生气的:有生气的

  Although Henry was not in general a sentimental man, occasionally he would feel a touch of____ for the old days and would contemplate making a brief excursion to Boston to revisit his childhood friends.

   exasperation chagrin nostalgia lethargy anxiety

  They insist that, far from displaying the negative effects of lethargy and feebleness seen in other animals known to be genetically homogeneous, cheetahs are in many ways quite robust.

  311.levity: seriousness 轻浮:庄重

  Though the politicians inauguration was a generally__ occasion, it was not without moments of__, including a few jokes during her acceptance speech.

   grim, cleverness

   exciting, curiosity

   mirthful, humor

   solemn, levity

   sober, gravity

  312.liberal: meager/parsimonious 慷慨的:贫乏的

  As a child, Mary-------- her stringent upbringing; however, as she grew older she began to appreciate her grandmothers strict--------.

  Tolerated autonomy


  embraced authority

  disavowed abstinence


  313.lingering: fleeting逗留的:短暂的

  314.lugubrious: jovial 悲惨的:快活的

  315.luxuriant: Spartan 奢华的:简朴的

  316.malleable: intractable 可延展性的: 不易管教的

  317.manipulate: guileless/occult 假造:不狡猾的

  Paul believed that life should be -------; every day should be filled with exciting, unpredictable, and completely ------ activities.

   a model .pragmatic

   an adventure spontaneous

   unique anticipated

   manipulated forced

  318.martinet: indulgent person 规律严肃的人:放纵的人

  319.maverick: follower/conform to tradition 不服从的人:遵从传统

  320.measly: grand 低贱的:极重要的



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