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Harry Potter creator JK Rowling has been named the world's most highly paid author with earnings of £72m this year.


Rowling beat the likes of Dan Brown, Stephen King and John Grisham to top Forbes' list of the 10 highest earners in the global industry for the first time in almost 10 years.


The announcement comes soon after her legions of worldwide fans celebrated the 20th anniversary of her first installment of the boy wizard series.


She has written a further six Harry Potter titles, which have been turned into eight blockbuster feature films, and she last year made her screenwriting debut with a prequel movie, Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them.


On Wednesday it was announced that the smash-hit stage play Harry Potter And The Cursed Child will move to Broadway next year.


The mother-of-three, 52, first began writing about the wizarding world while struggling to make ends meet living as a single mother on benefits in Edinburgh.


The books' popularity soon made her a multi-millionaire and she has since released several other novels, founded children's charity Lumos, and amassed more than 11 million Twitter followers keen to keep track of her regularly shared thoughts on political and social issues.


Aside from Rowling, the US business magazine's list also includes British authors Paula Hawkins and EL James - whose respective novels The Girl On The Train and 50 Shades Of Grey have both been turned into major movies in recent years - while the others are all American.


List organizers added that Game Of Thrones creator George RR Martin, The Fault In Our Stars writer John Green and Divergent trilogy author Veronica Roth, just failed to make the top 10.




1. JK Rowling (Harry Potter) - $95,000,000

JK•罗琳《哈利•波特》—— 6.38亿元

2. James Patterson (Women’s Murder Club) - $87,000,000

詹姆斯•帕特森《女子谋杀俱乐部》—— 5.84亿元

3. Jeff Kinney (Diary Of A Wimpy Kid) - $21,000,000

杰夫•金尼《小屁孩日记》—— 1.41亿元

4. Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code) - $20,000,000

丹•布朗《达芬奇密码》—— 1.34亿元

5. Stephen King (The Dark Tower) - $15,000,000


6. John Grisham (The Innocent Man) - $14,000,000

约翰•格里森姆《善良的男人》—— 9400万元

7. Nora Roberts (Year One) - $14,000,000

诺拉•罗伯茨《第一年》—— 9400万元

8. Paula Hawkins (The Girl On The Train) - $13,000,000

宝拉•霍金斯《火车上的女孩》—— 8700万元

9. EL James (Fifty Shades Of Grey) - $11,500,000

EL•詹姆斯《五十度灰》—— 7700万元

10. Danielle Steel (The Duchess) - $11,000,000

丹尼尔•斯蒂尔《公爵夫人》—— 7400万元


Harry Potter creator JK Rowling has been named the world's most highly paid author with earnings of £72m this year.


Rowling beat the likes of Dan Brown, Stephen King and John Grisham to top Forbes' list of the 10 highest earners in the global industry for the first time in almost 10 years.


The announcement comes soon after her legions of worldwide fans celebrated the 20th anniversary of her first installment of the boy wizard series.


She has written a further six Harry Potter titles, which have been turned into eight blockbuster feature films, and she last year made her screenwriting debut with a prequel movie, Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them.


On Wednesday it was announced that the smash-hit stage play Harry Potter And The Cursed Child will move to Broadway next year.


The mother-of-three, 52, first began writing about the wizarding world while struggling to make ends meet living as a single mother on benefits in Edinburgh.


The books' popularity soon made her a multi-millionaire and she has since released several other novels, founded children's charity Lumos, and amassed more than 11 million Twitter followers keen to keep track of her regularly shared thoughts on political and social issues.


Aside from Rowling, the US business magazine's list also includes British authors Paula Hawkins and EL James - whose respective novels The Girl On The Train and 50 Shades Of Grey have both been turned into major movies in recent years - while the others are all American.


List organizers added that Game Of Thrones creator George RR Martin, The Fault In Our Stars writer John Green and Divergent trilogy author Veronica Roth, just failed to make the top 10.




1. JK Rowling (Harry Potter) - $95,000,000

JK•罗琳《哈利•波特》—— 6.38亿元

2. James Patterson (Women’s Murder Club) - $87,000,000

詹姆斯•帕特森《女子谋杀俱乐部》—— 5.84亿元

3. Jeff Kinney (Diary Of A Wimpy Kid) - $21,000,000

杰夫•金尼《小屁孩日记》—— 1.41亿元

4. Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code) - $20,000,000

丹•布朗《达芬奇密码》—— 1.34亿元

5. Stephen King (The Dark Tower) - $15,000,000


6. John Grisham (The Innocent Man) - $14,000,000

约翰•格里森姆《善良的男人》—— 9400万元

7. Nora Roberts (Year One) - $14,000,000

诺拉•罗伯茨《第一年》—— 9400万元

8. Paula Hawkins (The Girl On The Train) - $13,000,000

宝拉•霍金斯《火车上的女孩》—— 8700万元

9. EL James (Fifty Shades Of Grey) - $11,500,000

EL•詹姆斯《五十度灰》—— 7700万元

10. Danielle Steel (The Duchess) - $11,000,000

丹尼尔•斯蒂尔《公爵夫人》—— 7400万元

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