SAT官方指南阅读习题五 含答案

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SAT官方指南阅读习题五 含答案

  SAT官方指南阅读习题五Practice Test 5


  Section 3

  1. 在很长的一段时间里,大多数医生认为用大量的维他命是无害的;不过现在有些人警告过量会_________。

  For a long time, most doctors maintained that taking massive doses of vitamins was relatively harmless; now, however, some are warning that excessive dosages can be _________.

   healthy adj. 健康的

   expensive adj. 昂贵的

   wasteful adj. 浪费的

   toxic adj. 有毒的

   inane adj. 愚蠢的

  2. 在牙买加金彩的小说露西里,西部印第安人女英雄_________她雇主的世界,精密的审查它的设想和价值。

  In Jamaica Kincaids novel Lucy, the west Indian heroine _________ her employers world, critically examining its assumptions and values.

   idealizes v. 理想化

   avoids v. 避开

   beautifies v. 美化

   scrutinizes v. 仔细检查

   excludes v. 排除

  3. 这个国家经历了经常性的国名变更_________了这个国家近代历史的政治动乱。

  The frequent name changes that the country has undergone _________ the political turbulence that has attended its recent history.

   argue against v. 真钞,辩论

   contrast with v. 对比,差异

   testify to v. 证明

   jeopardize v. 危及

   sustain v. 支撑

  4. 布拉齐壳像远古时代双壳蚌那样,是地球上最_________的生物形式的其中一个: 化石记录里已经_________了超过30,000的物种。

  Brachiopods, clamlike bivalves of prehistoric times, were one of the most _________ forms of life on the Earth: more than 30,000 species have been _________ from fossil records.

   plentiful adj. 丰富的...subtracted v. 减去

   ornate adj. 华丽的...retrieved v. 重新取回

   multifarious adj. 多方面的...catalogued v. 登记分类

   scarce adj. 缺乏的,罕见的...extracted v. 萃取的

   anachronistic adj. 时代错误的...extrapolated v. 推算,推断

  5. 一些电脑互动游戏是如此的精巧的策划的和需要如此_________策略以至于只有最_________的玩家才能精通这些游戏。

  Some interactive computer games are so elaborately contrived and require such _________ strategies that only the most __________ player can master them.

   byzantine adj. 错综复杂的...adroit adj. 熟练的,机敏的

   nefarious adj. 极坏的,恶毒的...conscientious adj. 认真的,勤奋的

   devious adj. 迂回的,狡猾的...lackadaisical adj. 无精打采的

   onerous adj. 困难的,繁重...slipshod adj. 穿着不整齐的,潦草的

   predictable adj. 可预言的...compulsive adj. 强制的,强迫的


  Section 7

  1. 孤岛上的交易是完全通过_________实施的,以物换物。

  Commerce on the remote island was conducted exclusively by _________, exchanging goods for goods.

   credit n. 赊购,信誉

   loan n. 借款

   faith n. 信任

   patronage n. 赞助

   barter n. 实物交易,物物交换

  2. 环境污染问题不再是一个_________要点;政府,企业和公众同意那是个很严重的问题。

  The existence of environmental contamination is no longer a point of ________; government, industry, and the public agree that it is a serious problem.

   concern n. 涉及,关心

   cooperation n. 合作

   urgency n. 催促,紧急

   relevance n. 关联

   dispute n. 辩论,争吵

  3. 在攀岩运动里,依赖_________,一种不用理性思考就能察觉的能力和依赖体能对生存同样重要。

  In rock climbing, survival depends as much on __________, the ability to perceive without conscious reasoning, as on physical strength.

   autonomy n. 自治

   incoherence n. 不连贯

   intuition n. 直觉

   sophistry n. 诡辩

   receptivity n. 接受能力

  4. 当课程________实验室练习和教室教学联合一起,用电脑实验室去_______教室指令是最有效的。

  Using computer labs to __________ classroom instruction is most effective when the curriculum _________ lab exercises and classroom teaching in a coordinated manner.

   supplement v. 补充,增补...integrates v. 一体化,结合

   substantiate v. 证实...undermines v. 破坏

   remedy v. 补救...compromises v. 妥协

   disparage v. 蔑视...reinforces v. 加强

   foster v. 抚养,培养...curtails v. 所建

  5. 马歇尔大川的作品风格被很多_________用马歇尔在作品裸身下楼梯的杰作,相当于一个_________,来说明他们对现代艺术憎恨。

  Many _________ of the style of painting exemplified by Marcel Duchamps work focused on Duchamps Nude Descending a Staircase as the _________ of what they detested about modern art.

   critics n. 评论家...epitome n. 缩影,摘要

   proponents n. 支持者...realization n. 实现,领悟

   advocates n. 拥护者...embodiment n. 体现,化身

   debunkers n. 暴露者...rejection n. 拒绝

   belittlers n. 轻视别人的人...reversal n. 逆转

  6. 殖民地时的美国剧作家梅斯欧偍思华恩以她的政治_________出名:她激烈的判断力和洞察力是众所皆知的。

  Colonial American playwright Mercy Otis Warren was known for her political __________: her keen judgment and insight were widely acknowledged.

   partisanship n. 党派性

   intemperance n. 放纵

   acumen n. 敏锐,聪明

   irreverence n. 不尊敬的

   interest n. 兴趣,爱好


  SAT官方指南阅读习题五Practice Test 5


  Section 3

  1. 在很长的一段时间里,大多数医生认为用大量的维他命是无害的;不过现在有些人警告过量会_________。

  For a long time, most doctors maintained that taking massive doses of vitamins was relatively harmless; now, however, some are warning that excessive dosages can be _________.

   healthy adj. 健康的

   expensive adj. 昂贵的

   wasteful adj. 浪费的

   toxic adj. 有毒的

   inane adj. 愚蠢的

  2. 在牙买加金彩的小说露西里,西部印第安人女英雄_________她雇主的世界,精密的审查它的设想和价值。

  In Jamaica Kincaids novel Lucy, the west Indian heroine _________ her employers world, critically examining its assumptions and values.

   idealizes v. 理想化

   avoids v. 避开

   beautifies v. 美化

   scrutinizes v. 仔细检查

   excludes v. 排除

  3. 这个国家经历了经常性的国名变更_________了这个国家近代历史的政治动乱。

  The frequent name changes that the country has undergone _________ the political turbulence that has attended its recent history.

   argue against v. 真钞,辩论

   contrast with v. 对比,差异

   testify to v. 证明

   jeopardize v. 危及

   sustain v. 支撑

  4. 布拉齐壳像远古时代双壳蚌那样,是地球上最_________的生物形式的其中一个: 化石记录里已经_________了超过30,000的物种。

  Brachiopods, clamlike bivalves of prehistoric times, were one of the most _________ forms of life on the Earth: more than 30,000 species have been _________ from fossil records.

   plentiful adj. 丰富的...subtracted v. 减去

   ornate adj. 华丽的...retrieved v. 重新取回

   multifarious adj. 多方面的...catalogued v. 登记分类

   scarce adj. 缺乏的,罕见的...extracted v. 萃取的

   anachronistic adj. 时代错误的...extrapolated v. 推算,推断

  5. 一些电脑互动游戏是如此的精巧的策划的和需要如此_________策略以至于只有最_________的玩家才能精通这些游戏。

  Some interactive computer games are so elaborately contrived and require such _________ strategies that only the most __________ player can master them.

   byzantine adj. 错综复杂的...adroit adj. 熟练的,机敏的

   nefarious adj. 极坏的,恶毒的...conscientious adj. 认真的,勤奋的

   devious adj. 迂回的,狡猾的...lackadaisical adj. 无精打采的

   onerous adj. 困难的,繁重...slipshod adj. 穿着不整齐的,潦草的

   predictable adj. 可预言的...compulsive adj. 强制的,强迫的


  Section 7

  1. 孤岛上的交易是完全通过_________实施的,以物换物。

  Commerce on the remote island was conducted exclusively by _________, exchanging goods for goods.

   credit n. 赊购,信誉

   loan n. 借款

   faith n. 信任

   patronage n. 赞助

   barter n. 实物交易,物物交换

  2. 环境污染问题不再是一个_________要点;政府,企业和公众同意那是个很严重的问题。

  The existence of environmental contamination is no longer a point of ________; government, industry, and the public agree that it is a serious problem.

   concern n. 涉及,关心

   cooperation n. 合作

   urgency n. 催促,紧急

   relevance n. 关联

   dispute n. 辩论,争吵

  3. 在攀岩运动里,依赖_________,一种不用理性思考就能察觉的能力和依赖体能对生存同样重要。

  In rock climbing, survival depends as much on __________, the ability to perceive without conscious reasoning, as on physical strength.

   autonomy n. 自治

   incoherence n. 不连贯

   intuition n. 直觉

   sophistry n. 诡辩

   receptivity n. 接受能力

  4. 当课程________实验室练习和教室教学联合一起,用电脑实验室去_______教室指令是最有效的。

  Using computer labs to __________ classroom instruction is most effective when the curriculum _________ lab exercises and classroom teaching in a coordinated manner.

   supplement v. 补充,增补...integrates v. 一体化,结合

   substantiate v. 证实...undermines v. 破坏

   remedy v. 补救...compromises v. 妥协

   disparage v. 蔑视...reinforces v. 加强

   foster v. 抚养,培养...curtails v. 所建

  5. 马歇尔大川的作品风格被很多_________用马歇尔在作品裸身下楼梯的杰作,相当于一个_________,来说明他们对现代艺术憎恨。

  Many _________ of the style of painting exemplified by Marcel Duchamps work focused on Duchamps Nude Descending a Staircase as the _________ of what they detested about modern art.

   critics n. 评论家...epitome n. 缩影,摘要

   proponents n. 支持者...realization n. 实现,领悟

   advocates n. 拥护者...embodiment n. 体现,化身

   debunkers n. 暴露者...rejection n. 拒绝

   belittlers n. 轻视别人的人...reversal n. 逆转

  6. 殖民地时的美国剧作家梅斯欧偍思华恩以她的政治_________出名:她激烈的判断力和洞察力是众所皆知的。

  Colonial American playwright Mercy Otis Warren was known for her political __________: her keen judgment and insight were widely acknowledged.

   partisanship n. 党派性

   intemperance n. 放纵

   acumen n. 敏锐,聪明

   irreverence n. 不尊敬的

   interest n. 兴趣,爱好


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