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  编辑点评: GRE作文非常讲究作文思维的逻辑性和结构的严密性,用词和句子都非常重要。本文是为大家总结介绍了GRE作文中可以运用到的十一种修辞方法,灵活运用一些修辞方法一定能为自己的作文增色不少。




  1) Metaphor:It is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated。For example, the world is a stage。

  以上两种的喻类修辞比较简单,在运用的时候想到什么适合的本体和喻体就可以进行 喻 。

  2) Simile:It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic in common。 To make the comparison, words like as, as as, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other。For example, As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country。

  3) Analogy :It is also a form of comparison, but unlike simile or metaphor which usually uses comparison on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities or points of resemblance。

  类比学习最好的老师就是Argument, 阿狗 里面的false analogy类比很多都是我们钻牛角尖找出来的,但是,实际上我们很多的情况下再无话可说的时候都可以运用类比。比如说,我们在讨论政府职能的时候,假如我们不了解政府职能,我们可以从我们了解的组织谈起,比如我们可以讨论班级、学校、公司,或者一些大型小型组织,从一个具体的问题到另一个问题而避免谈一些不熟悉的问题。具体的陈述可以如下开展类似:

  When comes to the issue of empowerment

  1. This point can be better illustrated by comparing a class with a business。 然后business bla bla

  2.Teachers who possess power and exert it to conduct class play a similar role as business managers do。然后,只讨论课堂不讨论商业了。


  Student who is granted/ given/ empowered/ endowed are more motivated power are not rightly supervised and restricted and the class get out of control will lead to/ result in/ turn into/ prove to be flop/ fiasco/ blunder/failure/ catastrophe 。

  3.Elaborate a class进行详细的class描写。

  4.点睛之笔 So is a business。类比其实就是某种层面上的跑题,大部分的跑题是无意识的,但是我们要让这种有目的的跑题为我们的文章服务,这就是学习类比修辞的意义所在。

  4) Personification:I:t gives human form of feelings to animals, or life and personal attributes to inanimate objects, or to ideas and abstractions。For example, the wind whistled through the trees。

  5) Hyperbole:: It is the deliberate use of overstatement or exaggeration to achieve emphasis。

  For instance, he almost died laughing。

  6) Understatement:: It is the opposite of hyperbole, or overstatement。 It achieves its effect of emphasizing a fact by deliberately understating it, impressing the listener or the reader more by what is merely implied or left unsaid than by bare statement。For instance, It is no laughing matter。

  7) Euphemism:: It is the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant。For instance, we refer to die as pass away 。

  8) Metonymy : It is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the mane of one thing for that of another。For instance, the pen is mightier than the sword 。

  9) Synecdoche : It is involves the substitution of the part for the whole, or the whole for the part。For instance, they say there s bread and work for all。 She was dressed in silks。

  10) Antonomasia :It has also to do with substitution。 It is not often mentioned now, though it is still in frequent use。

  For example, Solomon for a wise man。 Daniel for a wise and fair judge。 Judas for a traitor。


  11) Pun : It is a play on words, or rather a play on the form and meaning of words。

  For instance,a cannon-ball took off his legs, so he laid down his arms。 (Here arms has two meanings:a person s body; weapons carried by a soldier.




  编辑点评: GRE作文非常讲究作文思维的逻辑性和结构的严密性,用词和句子都非常重要。本文是为大家总结介绍了GRE作文中可以运用到的十一种修辞方法,灵活运用一些修辞方法一定能为自己的作文增色不少。




  1) Metaphor:It is like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated。For example, the world is a stage。

  以上两种的喻类修辞比较简单,在运用的时候想到什么适合的本体和喻体就可以进行 喻 。

  2) Simile:It is a figure of speech which makes a comparison between two unlike elements having at least one quality or characteristic in common。 To make the comparison, words like as, as as, as if and like are used to transfer the quality we associate with one to the other。For example, As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country。

  3) Analogy :It is also a form of comparison, but unlike simile or metaphor which usually uses comparison on one point of resemblance, analogy draws a parallel between two unlike things that have several common qualities or points of resemblance。

  类比学习最好的老师就是Argument, 阿狗 里面的false analogy类比很多都是我们钻牛角尖找出来的,但是,实际上我们很多的情况下再无话可说的时候都可以运用类比。比如说,我们在讨论政府职能的时候,假如我们不了解政府职能,我们可以从我们了解的组织谈起,比如我们可以讨论班级、学校、公司,或者一些大型小型组织,从一个具体的问题到另一个问题而避免谈一些不熟悉的问题。具体的陈述可以如下开展类似:

  When comes to the issue of empowerment

  1. This point can be better illustrated by comparing a class with a business。 然后business bla bla

  2.Teachers who possess power and exert it to conduct class play a similar role as business managers do。然后,只讨论课堂不讨论商业了。


  Student who is granted/ given/ empowered/ endowed are more motivated power are not rightly supervised and restricted and the class get out of control will lead to/ result in/ turn into/ prove to be flop/ fiasco/ blunder/failure/ catastrophe 。

  3.Elaborate a class进行详细的class描写。

  4.点睛之笔 So is a business。类比其实就是某种层面上的跑题,大部分的跑题是无意识的,但是我们要让这种有目的的跑题为我们的文章服务,这就是学习类比修辞的意义所在。

  4) Personification:I:t gives human form of feelings to animals, or life and personal attributes to inanimate objects, or to ideas and abstractions。For example, the wind whistled through the trees。

  5) Hyperbole:: It is the deliberate use of overstatement or exaggeration to achieve emphasis。

  For instance, he almost died laughing。

  6) Understatement:: It is the opposite of hyperbole, or overstatement。 It achieves its effect of emphasizing a fact by deliberately understating it, impressing the listener or the reader more by what is merely implied or left unsaid than by bare statement。For instance, It is no laughing matter。

  7) Euphemism:: It is the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant。For instance, we refer to die as pass away 。

  8) Metonymy : It is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the mane of one thing for that of another。For instance, the pen is mightier than the sword 。

  9) Synecdoche : It is involves the substitution of the part for the whole, or the whole for the part。For instance, they say there s bread and work for all。 She was dressed in silks。

  10) Antonomasia :It has also to do with substitution。 It is not often mentioned now, though it is still in frequent use。

  For example, Solomon for a wise man。 Daniel for a wise and fair judge。 Judas for a traitor。


  11) Pun : It is a play on words, or rather a play on the form and meaning of words。

  For instance,a cannon-ball took off his legs, so he laid down his arms。 (Here arms has two meanings:a person s body; weapons carried by a soldier.




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