GRE AWA 范文 ——Issue 4

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GRE AWA 范文 ——Issue 4

  编辑点评: GRE的写作部分是不少考生头疼的部分,不仅考察考生的英语能力更是考察学生的逻辑与思维能力。多阅读优质范文无疑对GRE写作有很大的帮助。本系列为大家挑选了ISSUE部分的优质范文。

  The video camera provide such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.

  According to the speaker,the video recording is a more important means of document hag contemporary life than a written record because video recordings are more accurate and convincing. Althought i agree that a video provides a more objective and accurate record of an event s spatial aspects, there is far more to document about life than what we see and hear. Thus the speaker overstates the comparative significance of video as a documentary tool.

  For the purpose of documenting temporal,spatial events and expriences, i agree that a video record is usually more accurate and more convincing than a written record. It is impossible for anyone,no matter how keen an oberserver and skilled a journalist, to recount ha complete and objective detail such events as the winning touchdown at the Super Bowl, a Ballanchine ballet,the Tournament of Roses Parade ,or the scene at the intersection of Florence and Normandy streets during the 1992 Los Angleles riots.yet these are important events in contemporary life the sort of events we might put has a time capsule for the purpose of capturing our life and times at the turn of this millennium.

  The growing documentary role of video is not limited to seminal events like those described above. Video surveillance cameras are objective witnesses with perfect memories.Thus they can play a vital evidentiary role in legal proceedings -such as those involving robbery,drug trafficking,police misconduct,motor vehicle violations, and even malpractice in a hospital operating room.Indeed,whenever moving images are central to an event the video camera is superior to the written word.A written description of a hurricane,tornado,or volcanic eruption cannot convey its immediate power and awesome nature like a video record .A diary entry cannot replay that wedding reception ,dance recital,or surprise birthday party as accurately or objectively as a video record.And a real estate brochure cannot inform about the lighting, spaciousness,or general ambiance of a featured property nearly as effectively as a video.

  Nonetheless,for certain other purpose written records are advantageous to and more appropriate than video records.For example , certain legal matters are best left to written documentation: video is of no practical use ha documenting the terms of a complex contratual agreement,an incorporation,or the establishment of a trust.And video is of little use when it comes to documenting a person s subjective state of mind, impressions,or reflections of an event or exprience.Indeed, to the extent that personal interpretation adds dimension and richness to the record,written documentation statistical or other quantitative information. Returning to the riot example mentioned earlier,imagine relying on a video to document the financial loss to store owners ,the number of police an firefighters involved, and so forth .Complete and accurate video documentation of such information would require video cameras at every street corner and in every aisle of every store.

  In sum, the speaker s claim overstates the importance of video records, at least to some extent. When it comes to capturing, storing ,and recalling temporal,spatial events ,video records are inherently more objective,accurate, and complete.However, what we view throught a camera lens provides only dimension of our life an times; written documentation will always be needed to quantify ,demystify,and provide meaning to the world around us.


  编辑点评: GRE的写作部分是不少考生头疼的部分,不仅考察考生的英语能力更是考察学生的逻辑与思维能力。多阅读优质范文无疑对GRE写作有很大的帮助。本系列为大家挑选了ISSUE部分的优质范文。

  The video camera provide such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records.

  According to the speaker,the video recording is a more important means of document hag contemporary life than a written record because video recordings are more accurate and convincing. Althought i agree that a video provides a more objective and accurate record of an event s spatial aspects, there is far more to document about life than what we see and hear. Thus the speaker overstates the comparative significance of video as a documentary tool.

  For the purpose of documenting temporal,spatial events and expriences, i agree that a video record is usually more accurate and more convincing than a written record. It is impossible for anyone,no matter how keen an oberserver and skilled a journalist, to recount ha complete and objective detail such events as the winning touchdown at the Super Bowl, a Ballanchine ballet,the Tournament of Roses Parade ,or the scene at the intersection of Florence and Normandy streets during the 1992 Los Angleles riots.yet these are important events in contemporary life the sort of events we might put has a time capsule for the purpose of capturing our life and times at the turn of this millennium.

  The growing documentary role of video is not limited to seminal events like those described above. Video surveillance cameras are objective witnesses with perfect memories.Thus they can play a vital evidentiary role in legal proceedings -such as those involving robbery,drug trafficking,police misconduct,motor vehicle violations, and even malpractice in a hospital operating room.Indeed,whenever moving images are central to an event the video camera is superior to the written word.A written description of a hurricane,tornado,or volcanic eruption cannot convey its immediate power and awesome nature like a video record .A diary entry cannot replay that wedding reception ,dance recital,or surprise birthday party as accurately or objectively as a video record.And a real estate brochure cannot inform about the lighting, spaciousness,or general ambiance of a featured property nearly as effectively as a video.

  Nonetheless,for certain other purpose written records are advantageous to and more appropriate than video records.For example , certain legal matters are best left to written documentation: video is of no practical use ha documenting the terms of a complex contratual agreement,an incorporation,or the establishment of a trust.And video is of little use when it comes to documenting a person s subjective state of mind, impressions,or reflections of an event or exprience.Indeed, to the extent that personal interpretation adds dimension and richness to the record,written documentation statistical or other quantitative information. Returning to the riot example mentioned earlier,imagine relying on a video to document the financial loss to store owners ,the number of police an firefighters involved, and so forth .Complete and accurate video documentation of such information would require video cameras at every street corner and in every aisle of every store.

  In sum, the speaker s claim overstates the importance of video records, at least to some extent. When it comes to capturing, storing ,and recalling temporal,spatial events ,video records are inherently more objective,accurate, and complete.However, what we view throught a camera lens provides only dimension of our life an times; written documentation will always be needed to quantify ,demystify,and provide meaning to the world around us.


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