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If you've ever pushed back your bedtime to watch just one more episode of Orange Is the New Black, or lay in bed wide-eyed after streaming three exhilarating hours of Game of Thrones, this new research probably won't surprise you. A new study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine is the first to link binge-watching with poorer sleep quality, more fatigue, and increased insomnia.

如果你为了看《女子监狱》延迟了睡觉时间或是看了三个小时的令人振奋的《权利的游戏》后躺在床上十分清醒,那这项新研究可能就不会让你惊讶了。《临床睡眠医学杂志》(the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine)刊登的一项新研究首次将疯狂刷剧与睡眠质量差、疲劳以及失眠联系在一起。

Not only does on-demand TV tempt us to keep watching episode after episode, say the study's authors, but the shows are also designed to draw us in, boost suspense, and emotionally invest in plotlines and characters. This can lead to excitement and increased arousal, the research shows, which can translate into "increased cognitive alertness" and an inability to get the shuteye you need.


Interestingly, no relationship was found between sleep problems and regular television watching, during which viewers typically switch from one program to another.


Co-author Jan Van den Bulck, PhD, professor of communication studies at the University of Michigan, says his study does not prove that binge-watching directly affects sleep quality, but it provides good evidence that the two are linked. There are several ways in which streaming shows might keep us from scoring slumber, he adds.

合著作者、密歇根大学传播学教授Jan Van den Bulck博士说,他的研究没有证明疯狂看剧会直接影响睡眠,但却为两者之间的关联提供了很好的证据。他补充说,连续看剧可能会让我们睡不着。

The study involved 423 young adults, ages 18 to 25, who completed online surveys about how often they watched television, both conventional TV and streaming services. They were also asked how frequently they "binge-watched" shows, defined as watching multiple consecutive episodes of the same show in one sitting, on any type of screen. They also answered questions about their sleep quality and how tired (or alert) they felt throughout the day.


More than 80% of the participants identified themselves as binge watchers, with 20% of that group binge-watching at least a few times a week in the previous month. A little more than half of binge-watchers said they tended to view three to four episodes in one sitting, and the average binge session was just over 3 hours. (Men binged less frequently than women, but their viewing sessions were nearly twice as long on average.)


If you've ever pushed back your bedtime to watch just one more episode of Orange Is the New Black, or lay in bed wide-eyed after streaming three exhilarating hours of Game of Thrones, this new research probably won't surprise you. A new study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine is the first to link binge-watching with poorer sleep quality, more fatigue, and increased insomnia.

如果你为了看《女子监狱》延迟了睡觉时间或是看了三个小时的令人振奋的《权利的游戏》后躺在床上十分清醒,那这项新研究可能就不会让你惊讶了。《临床睡眠医学杂志》(the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine)刊登的一项新研究首次将疯狂刷剧与睡眠质量差、疲劳以及失眠联系在一起。

Not only does on-demand TV tempt us to keep watching episode after episode, say the study's authors, but the shows are also designed to draw us in, boost suspense, and emotionally invest in plotlines and characters. This can lead to excitement and increased arousal, the research shows, which can translate into "increased cognitive alertness" and an inability to get the shuteye you need.


Interestingly, no relationship was found between sleep problems and regular television watching, during which viewers typically switch from one program to another.


Co-author Jan Van den Bulck, PhD, professor of communication studies at the University of Michigan, says his study does not prove that binge-watching directly affects sleep quality, but it provides good evidence that the two are linked. There are several ways in which streaming shows might keep us from scoring slumber, he adds.

合著作者、密歇根大学传播学教授Jan Van den Bulck博士说,他的研究没有证明疯狂看剧会直接影响睡眠,但却为两者之间的关联提供了很好的证据。他补充说,连续看剧可能会让我们睡不着。

The study involved 423 young adults, ages 18 to 25, who completed online surveys about how often they watched television, both conventional TV and streaming services. They were also asked how frequently they "binge-watched" shows, defined as watching multiple consecutive episodes of the same show in one sitting, on any type of screen. They also answered questions about their sleep quality and how tired (or alert) they felt throughout the day.


More than 80% of the participants identified themselves as binge watchers, with 20% of that group binge-watching at least a few times a week in the previous month. A little more than half of binge-watchers said they tended to view three to four episodes in one sitting, and the average binge session was just over 3 hours. (Men binged less frequently than women, but their viewing sessions were nearly twice as long on average.)


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