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  A New Start

  After Christmas comes the anti-Christmas.If the festive season is all about filing up on the things you like that are bad for you,then the new year is the detox season-when people across the western world adopt special diets to lose weight and get rid of the vague feeling that they have spent the last few weeks poisoning themselves.

  But are detox diets really necessary?After all,the body itself gets rid of unwanted substances.Thats what the liver and kidney are for.

  The detox fad-or fads,as there are many methods-is an example of the capacity of people to believe in and pay for magic despite the lack of any sound evidence1,says Martin Wiseman,professor of human nutrition at the University of Southampton in the UK.

  Most of the pills,juices,teas and oils that are sold for their detoxifying effects on the body have no scientific foundation for their claims,according to the research.People would be better off having a glass.of water and going to bed early.

  Detox diets may be magic rather science,but they are the kind of magic which many people want to perform.That may have something to do with the western diet in general.

  Scientists and dieticians argue that the benefits people feel are not due to their body getting rid of excessive toxins but are due to changing from what is likely to have been apoor diet.

  Having fewer headaches,for example,is probably the result of being fully hydrated due to drinking so much water and better skin may be due to eating more fruit and vegetables.

  Detox diets may also be dangerous,as they may deprive vulnerable groups-pregnant women,for instance,or growing teenagers-of the kind of nutrients they need.

  Yet their popularity continues to rise.This may be something to do with the way that food works within many western cultures2.Generally,a countrys food develops along with its economy and society.Food becomes part of a persons cultural identity.

  In some countries,this link has been broken.In the UK,for example,rapid industrialization in the 18th and 19th centuries saw millions of people move from the countryside to the towns interrupting the development of a national cuisine.The United States,a country of immigrants from many different places,has found it hard to develop a national cuisine.In both places,comparatively few people cook for themselves and food supply is dominated by big processing and agribusiness companies.

  Detox diets are more popular in these countries than in places like France and Italy,where strong links between food and national culture remain,and where far more people regularly cook for themselves instead of buying processed foods.

  Perhaps detox diets are successful because many westerners have lost trust in what they eat.On the other hand,they may help re-introduce people to the kind of food that is necessary for a healthy diet.And after learning that,they wont poison themselves in the first place.

  This would mean radical changes in the way that people eat across the west.And that would be an unwelcome development for the food industry.From the business point of view,it is much better to sell people the problem and then sell them the solution.


  detox/5dI:tCks/v. n.解毒、去毒 fad/fAd/n.风尚

  dietician/7daIE5tIFEn/n.饮食学家  hydrate/5haIdreIt/v.水化,使吸水

  cuisine/kwi:5zi:n/n.烹饪术 agribusiness/5A^rIbIznIz/n.农业综合经营


  1. Detox begins after Christmas when people think that they have been overeating during the Christmas season and have taken in many substances that are bad for their health.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  2. Many pregnant women and growing teenagers are suffering from mai-nutrition because of the detox-diets they take.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  3. Both the UK and the USA lack a national cuisine as a result of similar historical


  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  4. The French and the Italians cook for themselves more often than the British and the Americans,which helps them to keep the link between food and their culture.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  5. On the whole the eastern people like the Chinese and the Japanese have a stronger link between their food and their culture than the western people.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  6. A positive effect of detox diets is that it helps people to see what foods are good for their health.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  7. Food industry would make even greater profits if people should all start to eat healthy foods and stop poisoning themselves.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned


  1. A 这句话正是文章第一段的意思。圣诞节大吃大喝,新年一开始人们就开始设法减肥,并消除在过去几周里吃下了不利健康的有毒物质的疑虑。

  2. B 文章里讲到解毒饮食甚至有危险,有可能使像孕妇和正在长身体的青少年营养不足。不过这个情况并没有真正发生。

  3. B 这句话的前半句是对的,英美两国都缺乏典型的饮食;但后半句话不对,造成这种情况的原因两国不同,英国是工业化的结果,美国则是移民国家的结果。

  4. A 在文章的倒数第三段里讲的很清楚。

  5. C 文章中没有提及东方文化的情况。

  6. A 答题依据在倒数第二段。解毒饮食容易受到西方人的追捧,因为他们对自己吃的东西已经失去信心。但反过来说,解毒饮食可能有助于重新向人们介绍那些对一种健康的饮食来说是必要的食物。

  7. B 答题依据在最后一段里。食品工业并不希望人们都吃健康食品,因为先把有问题的不健康的食品卖给大家吃,然后再把解决问题的饮食方式推销给大家,食品工业可以两边都盈利。


  A New Start

  After Christmas comes the anti-Christmas.If the festive season is all about filing up on the things you like that are bad for you,then the new year is the detox season-when people across the western world adopt special diets to lose weight and get rid of the vague feeling that they have spent the last few weeks poisoning themselves.

  But are detox diets really necessary?After all,the body itself gets rid of unwanted substances.Thats what the liver and kidney are for.

  The detox fad-or fads,as there are many methods-is an example of the capacity of people to believe in and pay for magic despite the lack of any sound evidence1,says Martin Wiseman,professor of human nutrition at the University of Southampton in the UK.

  Most of the pills,juices,teas and oils that are sold for their detoxifying effects on the body have no scientific foundation for their claims,according to the research.People would be better off having a glass.of water and going to bed early.

  Detox diets may be magic rather science,but they are the kind of magic which many people want to perform.That may have something to do with the western diet in general.

  Scientists and dieticians argue that the benefits people feel are not due to their body getting rid of excessive toxins but are due to changing from what is likely to have been apoor diet.

  Having fewer headaches,for example,is probably the result of being fully hydrated due to drinking so much water and better skin may be due to eating more fruit and vegetables.

  Detox diets may also be dangerous,as they may deprive vulnerable groups-pregnant women,for instance,or growing teenagers-of the kind of nutrients they need.

  Yet their popularity continues to rise.This may be something to do with the way that food works within many western cultures2.Generally,a countrys food develops along with its economy and society.Food becomes part of a persons cultural identity.

  In some countries,this link has been broken.In the UK,for example,rapid industrialization in the 18th and 19th centuries saw millions of people move from the countryside to the towns interrupting the development of a national cuisine.The United States,a country of immigrants from many different places,has found it hard to develop a national cuisine.In both places,comparatively few people cook for themselves and food supply is dominated by big processing and agribusiness companies.

  Detox diets are more popular in these countries than in places like France and Italy,where strong links between food and national culture remain,and where far more people regularly cook for themselves instead of buying processed foods.

  Perhaps detox diets are successful because many westerners have lost trust in what they eat.On the other hand,they may help re-introduce people to the kind of food that is necessary for a healthy diet.And after learning that,they wont poison themselves in the first place.

  This would mean radical changes in the way that people eat across the west.And that would be an unwelcome development for the food industry.From the business point of view,it is much better to sell people the problem and then sell them the solution.


  detox/5dI:tCks/v. n.解毒、去毒 fad/fAd/n.风尚

  dietician/7daIE5tIFEn/n.饮食学家  hydrate/5haIdreIt/v.水化,使吸水

  cuisine/kwi:5zi:n/n.烹饪术 agribusiness/5A^rIbIznIz/n.农业综合经营


  1. Detox begins after Christmas when people think that they have been overeating during the Christmas season and have taken in many substances that are bad for their health.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  2. Many pregnant women and growing teenagers are suffering from mai-nutrition because of the detox-diets they take.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  3. Both the UK and the USA lack a national cuisine as a result of similar historical


  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  4. The French and the Italians cook for themselves more often than the British and the Americans,which helps them to keep the link between food and their culture.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  5. On the whole the eastern people like the Chinese and the Japanese have a stronger link between their food and their culture than the western people.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  6. A positive effect of detox diets is that it helps people to see what foods are good for their health.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  7. Food industry would make even greater profits if people should all start to eat healthy foods and stop poisoning themselves.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned


  1. A 这句话正是文章第一段的意思。圣诞节大吃大喝,新年一开始人们就开始设法减肥,并消除在过去几周里吃下了不利健康的有毒物质的疑虑。

  2. B 文章里讲到解毒饮食甚至有危险,有可能使像孕妇和正在长身体的青少年营养不足。不过这个情况并没有真正发生。

  3. B 这句话的前半句是对的,英美两国都缺乏典型的饮食;但后半句话不对,造成这种情况的原因两国不同,英国是工业化的结果,美国则是移民国家的结果。

  4. A 在文章的倒数第三段里讲的很清楚。

  5. C 文章中没有提及东方文化的情况。

  6. A 答题依据在倒数第二段。解毒饮食容易受到西方人的追捧,因为他们对自己吃的东西已经失去信心。但反过来说,解毒饮食可能有助于重新向人们介绍那些对一种健康的饮食来说是必要的食物。

  7. B 答题依据在最后一段里。食品工业并不希望人们都吃健康食品,因为先把有问题的不健康的食品卖给大家吃,然后再把解决问题的饮食方式推销给大家,食品工业可以两边都盈利。


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